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5 Jul 1777:

As in previous issues:
Ann's Hill estate
Dr. Boerhaave's Leyden Pills
Addison / Smith false reports
Turlington's Balsam of Life
Apprentice wanted for attorney
"Olive Branch" ship advert (modified to 15th "of this month")

To be sold by the Commissioners appointed by H.M. High Court of Admiralty at Whitehaven, 21 Jul: the cargo of the ship Mercer (master, Nathaniel Dowse) "lately Condemned, in the said Court, as Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty"- 506 hogsheads of tobacco "Duty Free, for Inland Consumption only"; also some fustick and staves, duty free. Catalogues available soon; payment must be made in "Bank Notes or heavy Guineas."

Creditors of William Udall of Kirksanton in Millom (debts contracted before 13 Feb 1776 only) should appear at the house of Isaac Lewthwaite, innholder in Kirksanton, on 21 Jul between 10am and 2pm, where Udall will either pay them or provide security for payment over a period of up to 8 months.

5 Jul 1777- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "In the beginning of this week, a report prevailed here that the cannon of the Half-moon battery, near this harbour, had been effectually spiked up; on being examined it appeared, that five out of eight had some small nails driven with a hammer into their touch-holes. The above battery is now repairing, in order to assist, if needful, in giving such piratical gentry, as lately infested the channel, a proper reception."

"We have authority for acquainting the Trade of Whitehaven, that expresses were dispatched from the Admiralty, last Saturday morning, with orders for several of his Majesty's ships to sail immediately in quest of the Reprisal, Lexington, and Dolphin, rebel privateers."

"A letter from the Master of a vessel belonging to this port, dated Dunkirk June 20th. mentions that Captain Cunningham and his crew were at liberty, and employed in fitting out three privateers, for the use of the Americans; one of them a large vessel, bought from the French, mounting 36 guns; a small vessel, carrying 6 carriage guns and 10 swivels; the other a large cutter, mounting 18 guns and 18 swivels,- and that a King's cutter put in there once a week to watch their motions."

"We hear that Mr. Kay, of Harrington, has a sheep, one year old, commonly called a hog, which weight 112 lb. and what is very remarkable has not lost a tooth."

Last Thu, ripe cherries sold in Whitehaven market for 10d per pound. Green peas sold that day for 2s per hoop; today for 1/6.

The cargo of the Mercer began to be unloaded on Tuesday in preparation for the advertised sale.

On 20 Jun there was a violent thunder & rain storm around Brampton, during which lightning killed a mare & foal grazing on Crosby Moor.

The Rev. Mr Paliee MA, chaplain to the Bishop of Carlisle, has been promoted to the living of St. Lawrence, Appleby.

The Thames (Capt. Hudson)- formerly the Whitehaven ship Hudson- has arrived at Cork after a 30-day voyage from New York.

"Yesterday a large Otter was taken in the River Darwent, near Cockermouth, which weighed two stone, and measured from head to tail above four feet."

"The PUBLIC may remember that, with the first Tender of our Services, we made a formal Protest against all Party-Connections, and against every invidious Motive; and we venture to appeal to the small Specimen, which we have Exhibited, whether our Conduct has differed from our Professions.- But there are Provocations, on which the Community itself demands Correction; and where passive Silence will be construed into the Stupidity of Ignorance, or the Consciousness of Guilt. Of this Nature are the Injuries, which now call me once for all, personally to appear before my Friends and the Public.
I had scarcely made known my Intentions of publishing a News-Paper, when I was informed, that a strong Party was preparing to oppose me; and, in a little Time, I heard that, in different Parts both of Town and County, the Publisher of the Cumberland Pacquet had traduced my Character, and laboured to throw every Discredit on me and my Designs." ...
"I not only threw the Faults of my Competitor into the Shade, but I myself brought forward his Merits and celebrated them with my best Ability- I wish he had done as much for himself and kept his Failings and evil Intentions in the Darkness which they deserve. I flattered myself, however, that as the Matter and Manner of my Address had escaped the Cavil and Petulance of my Adversary, so I had some Grounds to hope that I might be allowed for the Future to labour for Public Favour in Peace and Quietness.
But a few Weeks convinced me of the Error of my Hopes, and shewed me my Enemy at his Works, not in open Array, but skulking in the spiteful Ambush of a Savage, to annoy or distress me- one Week he shoots a poisoned Arrow at some flying Paragraph- another he cuts down and scalps an Advertisement- and again he detaches a Plunderer to fall upon my Property, and lends him his own Tomahawk for the defence of his Booty- if I insert in my Paper a Speech, said to have been made by Mr. Washington, and given as such by the best Dublin Prints, the publisher of the Cumberland Pacquet pronounces that such Article was sold in Dublin-streets for a Farthing, and therefore was matter too low for his Paper.
This humble-Spite passing unnoticed, his next Attack was made upon a Medicine which I bought for a valuable Consideration, from one of the Faculty, and had sold with Success for several Years. A servant of mine, who had seen some of the Ingredients compounded (for the chief Ingredient no one in this Town knows but myself) afforded, upon her leaving me, an Opportunity, easy enough for the Eagerness of Envy and Malice. A paltry imperfect Composition is puffed off as my approved Panacea, and I am stigmatised as an Impostor for selling my own Property. Mr. W--, in this Affair, if I consider him only as Briscoe's Advertiser, has the Merit of sending a Blow at my Property and Reputation. I am not so hardy as to assert that He planned as well as executed the Stroke, but strong Circumstances incline me to believe it.
Under all this I sate silent- without a Murmur saw my angry Opponent change his Day of Publication and shove me off mine- like a sturdy Bravo he claimed the Way, and he got it."
... "the Cumberland Pacquet was no sooner in Possession of the Day of its own Choice, than it Pushes forward to encroach on mine- it makes its own Market in the Beginning of the Week, and at the latter End it comes forth again to forestall what may be left for me. Last Thursday was not the first Time, that the Printer of the Pacquet, after having had his Day of Publication, stepped in to injure me, in the Profits of mine." ... "I scorned to take up the dirty Weapons of Personal Slander, and that opprobrious Style of Controversy, which is no less odious and disgustful to our Readers, than it is disgraceful and lessening to ourselves- whether such are Mr. W--'s Sentiments and who "exaggerates"- who publishes "Nonsense"- and who, if any can, deserves the Italic and CAPITAL Epithets which are so liberally dashed upon me, in the neat Manner of your News-Paper Scavengers,- will be seen from a short Examination of the Publication in question."
... "We assert that our Accounts of the American Force (and they are taken from official Protests of four captains who were Prisoners) fall short of the Representations of the Pacquet Extraordinary: Mr. W-- himself prefaces his Paragraph by acknowledging, that he has been accused of such Misrepresentation- but, in less than three Lines, he boasts that his Account remains uncontradicted."
... "as his Anger spreads it takes in Friends and Foes, and like the Dragon of Wantly 'it never spareth none'- in the next Period, he falls foul of, and belabours, a poor Sailor, who, we all know, agrees in the Main with the Printer:- the only Difference in their Relations is this, that, the one specifies 304 Men as the Amount of the Crews of the Privateers; the other says, that they had Men sufficient for the manning of 12 Prizes more: Both it appears have passed the Line of 0truth; and the Crime of each is the same in Kind, tho' there may be some Difference as to the Degree. Why then this Rage, in Italics, against a Brother Bouncer in the same Cause?" ...
"The Lines, dated as from Charles-street, are too nasty and nonsensical to abide a near Approach, or a particular Criticism.- The Publisher may talk of his 'Awe' of the Public; but the Impetuosity of his Anger,- and the spitefulness of his Resentments, in the very Presence of the Public, ill accord with any Idea of Awe, decency, or even common good Manners." ...
"One word more and then farewell- has Mr. W-- designedly neglected, or in his Passion forgot, to say a word in Defence of the ill timed Jest which concluded his Pacquet Extraordinary.- If on Purpowe, we have yet some Hopes of his Reformation; and we also will leave it to die the Death it deserves.
I observe besides that he forbears to say any Thing in Favour of that Humanity, which before he undertook to celebrate- but it is not to be wondered at if all Humanity were out of his Thoughts, when he took up his Pen to annoy, distress, and abuse a Man, whose only Demerit in his Sight, is that he industriously labours in his Profession, to provide Bread for himself, and for a large Family of Children." ... John Dunn, dated Whitehaven, 3 Jul 1777.
"P.S. How averse I am to all Contest, the Public may judge from this Proposal, if Mr. W-- will pursue his own Tracts without glancing his Remarks at me, or interfering between his Day of Publication and mine, I will leave all that falls after my Day open to him; and in no Respect give him any Cause to Complain of the peaceableness of my Disposition."

POEM: "Epitaph on Dr. Dodd"- probably not local author.

ARRIVED: 16 coasters; 18 colliers
SAILED: 16 coasters; 27 colliers

ARRIVED: 7 coasters; 1 collier
SAILED: Neptune, Cragg, Memel; 4 coasters; 4 colliers

ARRIVED: 4 colliers
SAILED: 6 coasters; 13 colliers

ARRIVED: 4 coasters; 2 colliers
SAILED: 4 coasters; 9 colliers

Sun, 12.06am, 12.14pm
Mon, 12.34am, 01.00pm
Tue, 01.23am, 01.49pm
Wed, 02.11am, 02.34pm
Thu, 02.55am, 03.17pm
Fri, 03.38am, 04.00pm, "clock fast 5m."
Sat, 04.10am, 04.41pm

[N.B. The old-established Newcastle Courant at this time based its Cumbrian coverage on the Chronicle's reports. Also, among the reports from the London papers in the July 12 issue are two (dated 8 Jul) apparently referring to the same incident:
"One of the ships taken by the Lexington, and the other two American privateers, and ordered to France, was retaken on her passage by a letter of marque, and is sent into Falmouth."
"The Hawke, Grible, a letter of marque, is arrived at Falmouth, and has brought in with him the John and Thomas, of Whitehaven, from Norway, laden with deals, which had been taken by an American privateer." ]

12 Jul 1777:

As in previous issues:
Ann's Hill
Mercer cargo sale
Slander against Addison & Smith

Just Published: Browne's General Law-List. Sold in Whitehaven by J. Dunn.

Just Published "And may be had of the Distributers of this Paper."
WHITEHAVEN: Printed for and Sold by J. DUNN" Price 2d. Also general books & law books as usual.

Notice that the Earl of Egremont or his agents, and other Freeholders, with 2 or more of the Commissioners appointed under the Inclosure Act for Egremont manor, will begin to ride & perambulate the boundaries intended to be inclosed, at Snellings Mire on 8 Aug, 10am. Robert Wilkinson, John Stable & John Hodgkin, 9 Jul 1777.

"In Pursuance of a Request made by the Grand Jury at the last Assizes for this County, NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons who are bound over to appear at the next Assizes to be holden at the City of CARLISLE in and for the said County, on Friday the First Day of August next, either to prosecute or give Evidence against any Felons then and there to be tried, that they do attend at CARLISLE on the Commission Day and be prepared to go before the Grand Jury, with their Indictments, immediately after the Charge is given. Otherwise they are not to expect any Allowance for the Expences of such Prosecutions or for their Attendance at the Assizes." H. Littledale, Under-Sheriff. Whitehaven, 11 Jul 1777.

To be sold in public sale, 24 Jul "by SKYRIN, COUPLAND, &c BAILIFF, a quantity of flat Swedish Iron, from Two to Three Inches, with some Square and exceeding fine Stancher", just imported. Viewing any time before sale day. "N.B. Also a Quantity of flat Russia will be disposed of, either by Public Sale or Private Contract."

Cumberland Register Office (Skelton & Co. at J. Dunn's, Whitehaven):
Wanted, several sums of money: £1000, £500, £300 & £200 "upon unquestionable Security of Houses"; £250 on land security; £200, £100 & several smaller sums "upon undeniable Bond security".
For sale: 2 dwelling-houses in Distington & a parcel of ground.
Wanted: several boys as apprentices for different trades.

Molineaux's Smelling Medicine, for scurvy, itch etc. is sold in Whitehaven by J. Dunn (other medicines in stock also listed).

12 Jul 1777- NEWS:
[N.B. A version of the following report appeared in the Newcastle Courant the same day, credited as "From the CUMBERLAND CHRONICLE EXTRAORDINARY, Whitehaven, July 11.", suggesting that Mr Dunn had decided he too could play the Pacquet's game of Extraordinary editions.. The Pacquet report, based on information from 15 released sailors, differs in numerous respects from the Chronicle- notable diffferences given in square brackets below.]
The Mary & Betty (Thornburn) arrived last Thu afternoon at Mary Port "having been taken by an American privateer on Monday last, [CP: Wednesday] and given to the crews of several vessels to proceed to Ballyshannon. Capt. Thornburn, after parting with the privateer, put two of the crews ashore near Port Patrick, and yesterday afternoon landed Captains Bell, Bouskell, &c. at Workington". Details:
The Mifflin privateer (W. Day) [CP: Walter Day- an incorrect guess] with 20 6-pounders and 94 men, fitted out at Boston in Massachusetts Bay, with a commission "from the Congress of that Province". On 24 June [CP: May], at 45 deg. 10 min. N, 25 deg. W; Day took the Rebecca & Polly, laden with wine and fruit, last known to have set out from Cork on 22 Jun [CP: not stated] as part of a 15-vessel convoy for New York, under Capt. Purves. The captain is still being held on board the Mifflin. 6 men from the Mifflin were put on board as prize crew. Subsequent actions by the Mifflin:
6 Jul- 2 miles N.W. of Insterhull, captured the Rebecca of Workington (master, Joseph Bell) carrying rock salt from Liverpool to Limerick. Sent to France (prize crew 8).
7 Jul- off Insterhull, captured the brig Priscilla (master, Richard Cassedy) carrying linen yarn from Sligo to Liverpool. sent to France (prize crew 5). Also, 5 leagues W.S.W. from Lochendall, captured the brig Mary & Betty, of Mary Port (master, William Thornburn, as above) carrying rock salt from Liverpool to Ballyshannon.
8 Jul- Sunk the sloop James (master, Abraham Russel) in ballast, Glasgow to Oporto.[CP: captured 7 Jul, 1 day after leaving Glasgow]
9 Jul- Captured the sloop Molly, of Millthorp (master, J. Bouskell) carrying wool, soap & skins from Greenock to Lancaster [CP: 1 day out of Greenock, captured about 7am, 3 leagues NW of the Mull of Galloway]. Sent to France (prize crew 4; the mate of the Rebecca & Polly was allowed to go as Prize Master's Mate).

The Mary & Betty parted from the Mifflin last Wed [CP: same day as captured, on voyage from Liverpool to Ballyshannon], about noon, off the Mull of Galloway; Capt. Thornburn steered for Port Patrick, Capt. Day for the South Channel. The Mifflin, a frigate of near 400 tons, was formerly the Isaac, of Liverpool, working the West Indies trade under Capt. Ashburn [CP: Ashburner] (of Whitehaven) until captured by the sloop Warren (commander John Philips) and taken into Salem with a cargo of sugar, rum etc. Captain Day "appears to be upwards of sixty [CP: seventy] years of age, is rather lame [CP: with gout], and was commander of a privateer last war" [i.e. presumably the Seven Years' War].
"Several of the prisoners speak but indifferently of the honour of Capt. Day- Capt. Bell, of the Rebecca, had one gold and two silver watches in his chest which, together with his papers, were taken from him by the Captain."
[CP: "the People who were so unfortunate as to fall in with the Privateer speak much in Favour of the Captain and his Officers" ... "Capt. Bell of the Rebecca had two silver watches and a gold one, at the time he was taken, with which he had acquainted the Captain of the rebecca and Polly, who pretending great friendship for him, advised him not to inform Day that he had such in his possession. Day, who had hitherto treated Capt. Bell with the greatest civility, a few hours after demanded the watches, at the same time reproaching him for not placing as much confidence in an open enemy as in a v---n who pretended secretly to rejoice at the success of that enemy. After this, Capt. Bell, was stripped of every thing of consequence: -- but he is yet desirous that a distinction may be made between an avow'd enemy and a treacherous friend.
The Rebecca belonged solely to Capt. Bell, a new vessel, and no part of her (to his knowledge) insured at the time of the capture. He mentioned this to Day, who told him, as a private man, he compassionated with his misfortunes; 'but (said he) we must bear with patience the evils of war: I returned from a West india voyage expecting to go in peace to my family, but when I arrived, there was only the place where my house stood --- Charlestown was in ashes.' "]
Nearly all his crew are English, Scottish, Irish or American- 94 men in total, (no replacements for the prize crews had been enlisted by the time the Mary & Betty departed [CP: only about 14 trained seamen left aboard]).
When the Mifflin approached the Rebecca "she shewed English colours, but when within gun shot hoisted a flag, with a white field, having a pine tree in the middle with the words Appeal to Heaven underneath it." Some of the prisoners were informed that 13 other privateers had sailed from Boston with the Mifflin, under an agreement to take equal shares in all prizes taken over 26 days; a brig and a schooner [CP: two schooners], which had parted from the Mifflin during a gale, were expected to follow her through the channel.
Captain Bell of the Nancy, who arrived in Whitehaven yesterday, reports sighting the Mifflin in the channel between Ireland and the Calf of Man, accompanied by what appeared to be another captured vessel.
[CP: mentions that Capt. Russel's account of the affair was published in the Belfast newspaper on 11 July]

"We have Authority for assuring the Public, that the Lords of the Admiralty have sent two Ships, and a Sloop, in quest of the American Privateers, which have lately infested this Channel." A master of a vessel which arrived in Whitehaven this morning reported seeing a pair of what appeared to be the King's ships in the channel, and hearing 7 or 8 guns going off.

Recapture of the John & Thomas, as in the Courant.

[The Liverpool ship Grace (Capt. Wardley) which had been captured by the Lexington en route from Jamaica, was recaptured by the Neptune tender off the Irish coast on 28 June, and taken to Portsmouth "by the assistance of the crew, and prize Master, who, as soon as they were out of sight of the American privateer, made for England."]

Last Sun night "a villain broke into the house of Lieutenant Thomas Whelpdale, in Penrith, but having alarmed some of the family, he was obliged to retreat without his booty."

Fri last week, as John Latin of Maughonby in Addington parish was crossing the stream called Lownthwaite (boundary of Cumberland & Westmorland) with Mr Hall of Longrigg, the force of the water swept him off his feet, and despite his companion's efforts, he drowned.

Last Mon, as Mr Reay, chaplain to Mrs Warwick of Warwick Bride near Carlisle, was giving the sacrament near Corby, he ceased his speaking, managed to say he was suffering a violent pain, and dropped dead.

12 Jul 1777- DIED:
Last Tue: Joshua Gee Esq., aged 85 "much respected as a Gentleman and an agreeable Companion".
Last Wed: Mrs Banks, wife of Mr Jonathan Banks in George's Street, Whitehaven.
Last Wed: Mr John Barwise, "an eminent joiner" in Church Street.

Last Sun at Crosscannonby: Mr Richard Musgrave of Mary Port ("an emunent Clock and Watch Maker") to Miss Nicholson "of the same Place" ("an agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of 1000£")
Lately at Carlisle: Mr Edmund Atkinson ("an eminent Tanner") to Miss Mary Armstrong ("with a handsome Fortune").

POEM: "Reflections on Human Life" by J.H. (addressed to the Chronicle)

12 Jul 1777- SHIPPING:
but news section includes a note of ships passing The Sound en route from Memel: the Patience (captain Sibson), bound for Maryport, on 15 Jun; the George & Charlotte (Fearon) for Maryport and the Diligence (Suckell) for Workington on 17 Jun.

Sun, 05.01am, 05.22pm
Mon, 05.43am, 06.05pm
Tue, 06.27am, 06.49pm
Wed, 07.12am, 07.36pm
Thu, 08.01am, 08.26pm, "clock fast 6m"
Fri, 08.52am, 09.19pm
Sat, 09.46am, 10.13pm

19 Jul 1777:

As in previous issues:
Iron for sale
Tobacco auction
Addison & Smith libel
Egremont Inclosure
Dr. Boerhaave's Leyden Pills
Panacea for the Itch
Browne's General Law-List

Cumberland Register Office, mostly as previous week, with 2 additions:
£260 wanted for loan at 5% interest, on security of a customary estate.
Freehold estate (tithe free) for sale by private contract, 4 miles from Whitehaven, near Distington.

Lost or strayed from Gill Brow, Moresby, a dark bay mare, c14 hands high, rising 7 years "remarkable strong and well made, and more fit for Draught that Saddle", with "a white Snip, that becomes broader towards the near Side", reddish round the nostrils; hog maned; short, black, switched tail; "near hind Foot white above the Pastoral". Information leading to return "handsomely rewarded", and reasonable expenses paid; contact John Hartley Esq. or Mr Wilson of Moresby.

For sale by private contract, an "accustomed and well-filled" apothecary's shop in Whitehaven Market Place, with "a good Assortment of fresh Medicines, together with Drawers, Pots, Bottles, Still, surgical instruments, Books, &c. and every necessary Article in the Business, all of which are entirely new." However: "If it be not convenient for the Purchaser to remove the Materials, the Business may be carried on in the said Shop, by Payment of a proportional Part of the Rent, till Martinmas next." Half the purchase money payable immediately, the rest by instalments at 3 & 6 months. Debtors to Mr George Day should contact Mrs Ann Day at the shop, immediately.

19 Jul 1777- NEWS:
"A Vessel which arrived here on Sunday brought an account, that the Lively, Capt. Watts, of this port, and the Success, Capt. Harris, of Parton, bound for Dublin, fell in with the Mifflin privateer off Lambay: But the privateer's people, after they had made some preparations to scuttle them, perceived a large vessel, to which they gave chace; and the Lively and Success got safe to Dublin." [Reported in the Pacquet on 12 July, which noted that the two victims had both left port on Wednesday 9 July]

[The merchants of Glasgow are reportedly fitting out 3 armed ships to patrol the channel, and troops on horse and foot are being ordered along the Scottish coast "there being reason to believe, that the rebel privateers would not make so free, if they were not abetted by Traitors at Home. Merchants in ports using St. George's Channel are expected to take similar action.]

Letter from the Admiralty to Sir James Lowther, Bart., which arrived in Whitehaven last Sun:
"Admiralty Office, July 2. Sir I have laid before my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty the memorial of the inhabitants of Whitehaven,setting forth their alarm at the American Privateers having taken and destroyed several ships near their coast, and desiring protection for their trade; and I am commanded by their Lordship's to acquaint you, for the information of the gentlemen of Whitehaven, that they have sent a line of battle ship, and a sloop, in quest of these Privateers, and that a Frigate will forthwith be sent off that Port to cruize for the protection of the trade of his Majesty's subjects in those parts,

Sir James Lowther, Bart. "has also acquainted the gentlemen of Whitehaven, that he will call out the Militia immediately, and will fix the time for one fortnight before and the other after harvest. Two companies are to be stationed at Whitehaven, one at Cockermouth, one at Mary Port, and another at Workington.

[Report of sneaky trick at Liverpool by the prize crew of a brigantine captured by Wickes]

Thu morning, "a vessel was observed standing off and on, a considerable way to the westward, which greatly alarmed the inhabitants of this town" ... "as several people, from St. Bees and the other towns on the coast, to the southward, had heard the firing of cannon the preceding afternoon and evening- these circumstances united served not a little to raise the alarm, that this vessel was an American privateer. In the afternoon two boats put off, and, having boarded her, found her to be the Industry, Capt. Hayston, of Workington, who reported his having been chaced by an American privateer; but we are happy to inform the Public that it was the Hussar Wherry, Capt. Gurley, which chased him. Capt. Hayston fell in with the Olive Branch, from this port with coals, and informed Capt. Angus of his danger should he proceed, who then bore away and arrived here on Thursday evening."

"By a letter received this morning from Mary Port, we learn that the Hope, Capt. John Inman, belonging to that Port was taken by the Mifflin privateer on Thursday the 10th inst.-- about ten hours after the Hope was taken, and just as the privateers people were going to sink her, luckily for Capt. Inman, a ship from Norway with deals appeared in sight, which the Mifflin gave chace to, soon came up with, and took her; after which they stood after the Hope, and coming up with her again, put the prisoners of the Norway-man on board, with which she proceeded to Skerries. Capt. Joseph Nelson, of the Draper, who arrived at Mary Port yesterday, and left Dublin on Wednesday evening, says the vessel taken was formerly called the Peter belonging to this port; also that the Mifflin took, next day, a Newcastle Cat laden with timber, but did not learn her name: both vessels were sent to France. The vessel laden with deals, having a few puncheons of rum on board, put into Portaferry, where she took in two Custom-house Officers who were put on board the Hope with the other prisoners. Capt. Nelson also says that, being in the Custom-house at Dublin, on Tuesday last, the Master of a sloop who had just arrrived, from Neith in Wales, declared that as the Mifflin was standing down the Bristol Channel she took a sloop, and having put the Master, his wife, and the other people in their boat, left them to shift for themselves --- whilst they were rowing towards the shore they heard a bell ring which they made for, and in a short time came up with the Wolfe sloop of war, who took them up, pursued the Mifflin and coming up with her, in about three hours, and engagement ensued, and that the Mifflin struck after the second broadside from the Wolfe. The Wolfe also retook the sloop and gave her to the Master. The above are the particulars as related by Capt. Nelson.
Capt Briggs, of the Ann, who left Dublin yesterday forenoon, and arrived here this morning, informs us, that he did not hear of the Mifflin's being taken; nor did he hear of, or see, any privateers in the Channel."
[the Pacquet of 15 July adds: "By a vessel from the Isle of Mann, we are also advised that the General Mifflin had taken a smack belonging to Mr. Matt Kelly of Douglas, on board of which she put several prisoners, and sent her to Douglas." There is also a report in the Pacquet of 22 July that "the Mifflin was seen on Friday se'ennight, crowding all the sail she could to the Southward."]

"A few days ago, one Mr. Head, of Hesket new Market, a well known old humorist, was met on his road by a country smart, who accosted him thus.- 'Well, my old Friend, whither so fast, and so early this morning?' To whom the sage replied- "You must know Sir, that my eldest son Thomas came up to our house yesterday night, and informed me, that one of his grand-daughters was going to be married on Sunday- which happens to be the very day, I have fixed for the christening of my youngest child Sam, who will be five weeks old tomorrow; so I am going by the advice of my Father and Mother, to put a stop to the marriage for two or three days, for they are confoundedly vexed, and think it will make nought but confusion.'- 'So, So, Mr. Mathusalem,' answered the spark, 'you want to pass off your counters on me, do you? but, egad, I've more wit, I believe, than you imagine."- 'You want age and experience, my young lad, to be over wise, so if you'll cast your eyes over next week's Chronicle, you may see your pretty picture, and be convinced of the truth, as well as I;- so good bye to you, good bye to you, my boy.'"

"Last week was killed at the Abbey, in the parish of Holm Cultram, a small grass fed Sheep, which weighed 37lb. a quarter, had 34lb. of fat, the skin weighed 23lb. and had 14lb. of wool upon it; which sold altogether for nigh 4£. the sheep belonged to Henry Twentyman in Brumfield."

Last Sat, a fire in the house of John Middleton at Briskon Hill, Millom, destroyed 3 dwellings, a barn and a cow-house.

"A correspondent informs us that though Keswick hath, in the summer season, for some years past, been much frequented, such numbers of genteel company were never seen in it before.- The Nobility and Gentry frm all parts have honoured it with their presence. They greatly admire its romantic beauties, and universally allow it to be the most agreeable place in the kingdom. Several ingenious gentlemen are engaged in taking draughts of the different views.- As several of the Nobility have expressed a desire of residing there in the Summer season, there is great reason to believe that Keswick, in a few years time will have a greater resort of company than any of the watering places in the North."

Appleby (report dated 12 Jul)- Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle arrived the previous Thu and on Fri held the annual visitation; the Rev Mr Gorst MA, vicar of Kirkbythore, preached before him an excellent sermon from 1st Thessalonians, v21; the Bishop then "delivered a pathetic exhortation to the clergy, and confirmed a large number of young people" before setting out in the evening for Penrith.

Last Thu at St James' Church, Whitehaven, by the Rev. Mr Spedding: Mr Richard Fletcher of Irish Street to Miss Littledale, daughter of Mr William Littledale of Duke Street.

POEM: "Ode to Happiness" (anon., but "For the Cumberland Chronicle")


Sun, 10.40am, 11.08pm
Mon, 11.35am, 12.03pm
Tue, 12.11am, 12.30pm
Wed, 12.56am, 01.22pm
Thu, 01.49am, 02.14pm
Fri, 02.40am, 03.05pm
Sat, 03.31am, 03.56pm

26 Jul 1777:

The How-wath bridge is completed, and subscribers will be called upon for payment in a few days. "It may be further necessary to remind the PUBLIC- that Subscriptions to a Bridle Bridge, were only solicited for at first, being the utmost the Solicitors, at that Time, had in View; but finding this not sufficiently Satisfactory to the Country in general, and Numbers expressing a Willingness to increase their Subscriptions, provided a Cart Bridge could be effected.- Dr. HALL and Capt. KNUBLY, as soon as the Round of Subscriptions became rather more than adequate to the first, readily determined to gratify the Public in accomplishing the Latter;- tho' at the Hazard of no small Expence to themrselves. A Cart-Bridge, Fifty Yards in length, by Two in breadth, is now finished- strong and in a masterly Style worthy of its builder Mr. DODGSON, of Carlisle: and must not only give Pleasure to every intelligent Subscriber, but prove of singular Advantage to the Country."

Some goods belonging to Mr Philip Sharpe, and several books belonging to Mr Septimus Hodgson have been found in the possession of Joseph Ponsonby at Weddicker. It has been reported by "some malicious Person" that Thomas Barnes of Weddicker Hall aided Ponsonby in the theft from Sharpe, and took the books from Hodgson's school at Whitehaven. "To silence such malicious Reports Mr. HODGSON declares, That the said THOMAS BARNES behaved himself with the greatest Care and Fidelity when with him. And the above-named JOSEPH PONSONBY hath declared, in the Presence of those whose names are under-written, That he never did accuse THOMAS BARNES of the above-mentioned Crimes, and also declared that he (THOMAS BARNES) was never concerned with him (the said JOSEPH PONSONBY) in any Fraud whatever."
[Witnesses] John Simpson, John Graham, Philip Sharpe

For sale by auction at the Royal Oak, Wigton (Joseph Wood's), 12 Aug 1777 [corrected in note at head of editorial column to 19 Aug]: "a very compact Estate" in Wigton , less than a mile from the town and about 10 miles from Carlisle, called Grainger Houses, conssting of "a very commodious Dwelling House, Barn, Byer, Stable, and other Out-Buildings, all in good Repair; also several Inclosures of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all adjoining each other, and lying contiguous to the House, well watered and fenced, opens to, and has a right upon, a very valuable and extensive Common; the Purchaser of which said Estate, would receive great Benefit and Advantage from an Inclosure of the said Common which is now very likely to take Place." Lime available within 2 miles, coal 1 mile; "many other good Conveniences".
Customary tenure under the Earl of Egremont (yearly rent 15/11, plus fine on death of Lord or tenant). Prescription of 3s payable in lieu of all tythes on one half of the estate; the other half is liable for corn tythe only. The price may be paid in instalments, subject to reasonable interest (negotiable on day of sale). To view, contact the said Joseph Wood, or the farmer, George Thompson, who will show the premises. Further details from Mr Wilson, attorney at law, of Whitehall.

For sale by auction at the Royal Oak, Keswick, 16 Aug 1777 (together or separately):
  messuage & tenement etc. called Moss Dykes, near Burns, about 2 miles from Keswick. "Tythe free; well built, fenced and watered, lying contiguous to a very good Common". Subject to fineable rent payable to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital (2/10 yearly) and fine on death of the King or change of tenant (11/4).
  parcel of ground called Wastes and Mill Acker, near Moss Dykes. Tythe free, yearly fineable rent 1/6 (also to the Commissioners) fine 6/0.
  two freehold Cattle Gates, in a common grazing called White Moss, near Moss Dykes.
Payment conditions to be fixed on day of sale; purchaser may take over the premises from 25 March next. To view, contact the farmer, John Irvin. Further enquiries to the owner, Mr Joseph Thompson, shoemaker of Cockermouth, or to Mr Joseph Wren of Riddins, or to Mr Thomas Leathes of Dalehead.

For sale by auction at the house of George Harrington, Whitehaven (date to be announced): "all the Household Goods of the said House; consisting of NEW and ELEGANT Articles of Furniture."

Notice that at a general meeting of H.M. Lieutenancy for Cumberland, it was decided to hold exercises of the Cumberland Militia at Carlisle, for 2 weeks starting 7 August. Fine for non-attendance by any Militia-man (unless prevented by incapacitating infirmity), £20 (gaol term up to 6 months if not paid immediately). J. Wennington, clerk of the General Meetings, Whitehaven, 25 Jul 1777.

"The English Magazine or Monthly Register" sold in Whitehaven by J. Dunn [also advertised, the "Universal Family Bible" partwork]

Bell's edition of "The Poets of Great Britain" (in weekly parts to make 100 volumes) sold in Whitehaven by the printers of this paper [i.e. J. Dunn; advert also lists numerous books on sale]

Molineaux's Smelling Medicine, for scurvy, itch etc., is sold in Whitehaven by J. Dunn [and numerous others, listed]

26 Jul 1777- NEWS:
[Letter from a Whitehaven captain at Portsmouth, 18 Jul, reports that "a few days ago an American privateer chaced a Custom-house Cutter in view of the British fleet at Spithead"]

Last Mon, the Mercer's cargo was sold by auction, producing £31,788/1/9.5: thanks partly to the discovery by the Commissioners of a plot among "persons from London, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, &c. who had planned a scheme for buying this cargo for an old song" which they foiled with the help of several Whitehaven gentlemen. "It was pleasant to hear that some went away without tobacco, and others were furnished at second hand. We trust, when another ship comes in here, they will learn more wisdom and bid with more candour."

Last Sun, a boat with 3 seamen on board arrived at Parton, having left St. Maloes on 10 Jul. They had been taken by the Reprisal, but Capt. Wickes had allowed shore leave for small parties of prisoners each day, escorted by crewmen, when he reached St. Maloes. One captive, a Whitehaven seaman "who had made every application he could think of, without effect, to obtain his liberty", noticed during shore leave on the 9th that there was a large boat at anchor under the Reprisal's bow. He swam to this in the night and brought its small boat to shore, "with which all three went on board the large one, slipt one cable, cut another, and put to sea without either provisions or water. In the morning, being in sight of the town, they were pursued by two boats, and, had then thoughts of running on shore, to avoid being taken, it being then quite calm, but the wind breezing up they stood out to sea, under favour of a fog, and arrived at Portland three days later."
[The seamen also reported further doings of the Wickes squadron, including a narrow escape from a British warship].

Reports in the London papers and some others about two American privateers being captured and brought to Whitehaven, and about a vessel being chased into Douglas, Isle of Man, by the Mifflin, are both untrue.

[A bonus report from the Cumberland Pacquet, 29 July: "Admiralty, July 17, 1777 The Lords of the Admiralty have ordered Capt. Burdon, of his Majesty's sloop the Drake, to cruize between Harwich and Goree, in the track of the packet-boats, for the protection of the said vessels, and of the trade of his majesty's subjects. She sailed on the 6th instant from the Downs on this service."]

The Half-Moon Battery near Whitehaven harbour has now been repaired, and the eight 32-pounder guns mounted on carriages.

The County Assizes will commence at Carlisle on Friday, before the Hon. Sir Henry Gould and the Hon Sir George Nares.

Last week "some malicious Persons cut off the tails of two cows", and cut the legs and ears of a horse- all grazing on Bransty estate near Whitehaven.

"We are credibly informed, that Mr. William Thompson, of Stainburn-Hall, near Workington, being lately engaged in hiving some bees, was so cruelly stung on his forehead and temples, that he immediately fell to the ground, and lay, to all appearance, dead for the space of an hour, in which time a doctor was called- who had no sooner let him blood, than the stagnation ceased; and he, by mercy of God, began to recover, and is since, we hear, perfectly restored."

"A few days ago a large snake crept into a house at Seaton, near Workington, and lodgeditself in a hole in the wall- in order to dislodge it, recourse was had to smoking this unwelcome visitor with brimstone, but without effect- to protect the family, and quiet the fears of the neighbours, a person was sent for who had formerly been in the militia, this mighty man of arms watched the coming forth of the enemy, with great resolution, till the next day, when the snake made its appearance, and crept out at the door, was cut in pieces by the trusty centinel and its mangled body deposited in a hole dug for the purpose: But some of the neighbours, believing that the different parts would unite, and the whole again raise terrors in the neighbourhood, had the body dug up and the parts carefully deposited in different holes."

Last Tue, "a poor woman, begging at Eaglesfield, near Cockermouth, was seized with labour pains. She applied to the parish officers, for assistance, who artfully got her, together with two helpless children, into a cart under the pretence of carrying her to the constable's house; but having drove her within the liberties of Cockermouth, set her down and left her in great agony. A midwife and some parish officers were sent for, and whilst they were carrying the poor creature to the house of correction she was delivered, in a yard adjoining the street, of a fine child, which together with the mother have since been properly taken care of."
[A few lines of editorial follow, condemning the selfishness of the Eaglesfield officials]

Mr Head of Hesket New-Market explains last week's conundrum: "I was married at an age which is common; and in due time, found myself blessed with a little offspring. At the age of fifty I commenced grandfather; at seventy-six, great-grandfather; at eighty, buried my wife; and at ninety, married again, to the entire satisfaction of all parties: my father and mother think me a nonsuch, my wife commends me out of measure, and says, 'I have performed a task at the age of ninety, which many young men, to their shame be it spoken, are unable to accomplish at twenty.'" [NB "father and mother" should be taken in the legal sense]

26 Jul 1777- MARRIED:
Lately in London: Mr John Jackson (son of Capt. Jackson of Whitehaven) "to a Lady with a fortune of ten thousand Pounds".

26 Jul 1777- DIED:
Last Thu: Mr George Asbridge, innkeeper of Whitehaven, "much respected".

POEM: "A Summer Evening" by N__, addressed to the Chronicle.

ESSAY: On the late Dr. Dodd, by "PASTOR" (dated 14 Jul), addressed to the Chronicle.

26 Jul 1777- SHIPPING:

18 Jul- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Mayflower, Jackson, Lancaster; Mally, Douglas, Wigton; Eagle, Maxwell, Isleman; Peggy, Ramsey, Bray; Granvile, Williams, Newrey; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Isabella, Fisher; Garland, Piper; Allison, Bowman; Boyne, Coulthard, Dublin; Success, Nelson, Kirkcudbright
19 Jul- Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Ann, Briggs, Dublin; Jane, Broadfoot, Whithorn; Ann & Mary, Cullon, Wexford
20 Jul- Prosperity, Monkhouse, Portsmouth; St. Bees, Cleytor, London; Dove, Darge, Dublin; Tryal, Plasket, Annon; William & John, Soughey, Strangford
21 Jul- Ann & Jenny, Harris; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries; Westmorland, Allison; Endeavour, Moor, Dublin; Jenny, Smart; Betty, Hannah, Livepool
23 Jul- Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright
24 Jul- Providence, Brown, Dumfries; Nicholas, Linsey, Water Orr
25 Jul- Hannah, McCreedy, Water Orr; Lynx, Banton, Seas; Joseph & Hannah, Teasdell, Annon

18 Jul- Pitt, Sail, Isleman; Nelly, Briggs, Water Orr; Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Nicholas, Linsey, Dumfries; Rigby, Watkins, Holyhead
21 Jul- Venus, Kirk, Kirkcudbright; Betsey, Armstrong; Hartley, Fannon; Olive Branch. Angus; Rose, Harrison; Lark, Anderson; Powell, Hudleston; Peggy, Ramsey; Betty, Wood; William Pennyman; Mally, Caffrey; Mary, Conkey; Williamson, Philipson; Thomas, Carrell; Betsey, Yeowart; Brothers, Tindell; Chriswell, Johnson, Dublin; Martha, Hutchinson, Petersburgh; Richard, Wraith, Wexford; Eagle, Maxwell, Isleman; Golden Rule, Thompson, Norway; Minerva, Richardson, Memel
22 Jul- Mary, Ashburn, New York; Inchinquin, Button, Portsmouth
23 Jul- Jane, Broadfoot, Whithorn; Henry, Bell, Workington; John & Betty, Hamit; Orange, Losh; Blessing, MclaMarraw; Prosperous, Thompson, Dublin; Success, Nelson, Kirkcudbright; Experiment, Moor; Favourite, Norton, Cork
24 Jul- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright
25 Jul- Boyne, Coulthard, Dublin


17 Jul- Industry, Hayston, Skerries; Kitty, Jones, Ulverstone
18 Jul- Dove, Hargrove, Dundalk; Endeavour, Atkinson; Integrity, Robinson; Brothers, Kay; Heart of Oak, Curwen; Hawk, Smith, Dublin
19 Jul- Delight, Bulteel, Dublin; Mary, Butler, Wexford; Sally, Casson; Glory's Increase, (?-), Dublin
20 Jul- Molly, Allison, Dublin; Speedwell, Lawrence, Cork; Charlotte, Dixon, Kirkcudbright; Peggy, Hayston, Strangford
21 Jul- Molly, Ecelstone, Harrington
22 Jul- Jane & Betty, Hell, Carlisle
23 Jul- Henry, Bell, Whitehaven

16 [sic] Jul- Swallow, Irvin, Milthrop
21 Jul- Kitty, Jones, Harrington; Ann & Francis, Crosthwaite, Galaway; Lark, Tully; Betty, Stamper; Commerce, Burrel; Liffey, Grayson; Ann, Marshal; Providence, Brockbank; Etty, Thompson; Diamond, Steel; Blessing, Course; Matty, Halcrow; Lowther, Walker; Unity, Westray; Warrington, Ashley; Diligence, Thompson; Felicity, Atkinson; Venus, Messenger, Dublin
23 Jul- Vine, Martindale; Concord, Wilson; Nancy, Davis; Peggy, Hayston; William, Hudson; Blessing, Hayton; Jane, Peil, Dublin; Jane & Betty, Bell, Whitehaven
24 Jul- Rose, Fearon; Deborah, Brockbank; Truelove, Curwen; Pomona, Kay, Dublin; Endeavour, Atkinson, Harrington; Charlotte, Dixon, Kirkcudbright

HARRINGTON and MARY PORT shipping lists not to hand.

Sun, 12.06am, 12.14pm [sic]
Mon, 05.13am, 04.46pm
Tue, 06.05am, 06.33pm
Wed, 07.01am, 07.30pm
Thu, 07.59am, 08.27pm
Fri, 08.56am, 09.24pm
Sat, 09.53am, 10.20pm

2 Aug 1777:

As in previous issues:
Grainger Houses for sale
Apothecary's shop in Whitehaven for sale
Moss Dykes for sale
How Wath Bridge open
English Magazine
Original Panacea & other medicines (Dunn)
Turlington's original Balsam of Life (Dunn)

Money to Lend: £100, £200, £300 or £400 "on Real Security"; also a further £400. Apply to Mr Heywood, attorney in Whitehaven.

"I LANCELOT HODGSON do certify that it was I who first mentioned the scandalous Report, That THOMAS BARNES, of Weddecker-Hall, was concerned with JOSEPH PONSONBY in several Frauds; for which I am very sorry, and I do declare the said Report to be false; and in consideration of my not being prosecuted for injuring the character of THOMAS BARNES, I make this public Acknowledgment" 27 Jul 1777; witnesses, John Graham & Joseph Barnes.

John Pirrie & Thomas Kirkpatrick have entered into partnership and intend carrying on the business of mercers and drapers "in a more extensive manner than formerly" near the Market-Place in Whitehaven, "on the most reasonable Terms for ready Money." They thank the public for past favours "and hope to merit their future Countenance, by a steady Assiduity and constant Study to please". Those indebted to their former businesses should pay their debts within 2 months.

The Earl of Errol (master, Joseph Hutchinson) will sail for London; light goods or passengers taken "at an easy Rate". Apply to the Master, or to Samuel Martin Esq. Dated Whitehaven, 2 Aug.

To let in public, 19 Aug 1777, 4-6pm, at the house of John Mirehouse in Dean (if not let privately beforehand, in which case notice will be given in this paper): estate in Dean called New Close (c100 acres) with 4 stints in the adjacent Moor Park. "It is well built, fenced, and watered, very nigh Lime and Coals, and capable of great Improvement. A Quantity of Lime will be allowed every Year, as Parties can agree; a Lease may also be had for Seven or Nine Years." Enquiriehs to Mr Scott of Branthwaite, or the owner, Mr Peter Gale of Whitehaven. "N.B. Security must be given if required." Dated 18 Jul 1777.

Notice that on 21 Jul, a raft containing 45 pieces of Memel timber, belonging to Messrs. Maxwells, Malcolm & Co. of Longtown, "was carried away by the tide from Sarkfoot, and must have separated in the Channel, as about a Third Part of the Logs have since been found, in different Places." Anybody who secures some or all of the remaining logs and informs the company "will be thankfully acknowledged for their Trouble and reimbursed all Charges." The logs are marked with the letter M, and a number. Dated 28 Jul.

For sale by auction at Mr Haile's Coffee Room, Whitehaven, 9 Aug: "The GOOD BRIGANTINE RACHEL, (Formerly the JOHN & WILLIAM)", master- Henry Dixon, Whitehaven built, 130 tons, draught only 10ft 3in laden, "sails and takes the Ground well". 20 guineas payable in hand, the rest by instalments at 3 & 6 months, "giving satisfactory Security". An inventory of her materials is available from the Master or Haile's. Anybody interested in a purchase by private contract should apply to Henry Dixon in New-Lowther-Street, or Mr Harrison at the Brewery. dated Whitehaven, 1 Aug 1777.

2 Aug 1777- NEWS:
"The neighbouring Farmers, in several parts of this country, from an old and necessary custom, assist each other at sheepshearing time and each appoints his day- Though this custom is attended with consderable expance, yet the interchange of help which each receives and the benefits which arise from men being thus sociably united, make ample amends. On Tuesday last, Mr. John Wright, at Howe-Hall, in the Parish of Innerdale, entertained fifty of as jolly yeomen as ever were seen together on the sheep shearing occasion; a plentiful dinner was provided and the flowing bowl went round, with the greatest harmony and good-fellowship, till next day's sun appear'd." [Quotation of a poem by Thomson describing sheep-shearing follows].

The Hope (Capt. Perry) arrived in Whitehaven today, having left Antigua on 16 Jun, "in company with 150 sail of vessels, under convoy of the Portlacd of 50 guns and the Hind of 20 guns. The fleet saw several privateers, one of which, a sloop sighted around latitude 44, was chased by some boats, but "after pouring a quantity of grape shot into the boats, and a breeze springing up, she escaped". Capt. Perry parted with 130 sail of the above fleet off the mouth of the Irish Channel"- among them the Whitehaven ship Mentor (Capt. Collins), bound for London; he also saw the Whitehaven ship Lowther & Senhouse (Capt. Hinde) "a few days ago, all well".
Reports from the West Indies include the capture of an American vessel, taken into Dominica by the Whitehaven ship Isis (Capt. Hudson, under letter of marque) in company with a Liverpool ship.
The Tryton (Martindale) has reached Barbadoes on its journey from Whitehaven.
The Albion (Capt. Hogg) has reached Dominica, en route from Rhode Island.
The Whitehaven ship Prince George (Ponsonby) which was captured some time ago "is retaken by an outward bound vessel, and carried into Dominica."
"It was reported at Antigua, that the Friends Goodwill, of this port, was retaken and carried into Dominica."
In all, Perry reports, upwards of 20 prizes were brought into Antigua during the 6 weeks he was there (the Hope has been away from home a total of 4 months and 3 days).

"Last week, at Tarriby, near Carlisle, a boy about five years old, having a shirt sleeve button in his mouth, unluckily swallowed it, and notwithstanding every assistance was given, he died in the greatest agonies about seven hours afterwards."

"Last week, a little boy, son of Matthew Stable, in Moor Millom, being in a neighbour's house, fell into a kettle full of very hot whey and was scalded so much that he died in about twelve hours after."

Lately at Wigton: Mr Hugh Smith of Wigton & Miss Mary Fisher of Boltongate.
Last week at Harrington, by the Rev. Mr Otley: Mr Johnathan Sharp (who brought in the Mercer) and Miss Martha Hodgson.

This week, in White's lane (Whitehaven): Mrs White, widow of the late Mr Joseph White, ship-carpenter.

POEM: "A SOLILOQUY On the late Dr. WILLIAM DODD" by C.G. of Penrith.

2 Aug 1777- "To the PRINTER"
Several of the paragraphs which have lately appeared in the London prints, as letters and accounts from Whitehaven, however plausible they might appear, were certainly notoriously false, and, if sent from this place, must have been the machinations of some disaffected men who rejoice at the misfortunes of their fellow-countrymen" ... "On reading a London paper the other day I found the following intelligence, conveyed as in a letter from Whitehaven: 'We hear the Arethusa frigate is come to guard us, but it's well if she can take care of herself, as sic American privateers are cruizing off the Isle of Man.' A gross falsehood and perhaps dictated by some one who wish us to have no protection at all. I write ths at the request of several loyal Gentlemen; which you'll please to insert in your Chronicle, where they shortly expect to see some severe satires on the promoters of such falsities."
"An Inhabitant", 1 Aug.

2 Aug 1777- SHIPPING:

26 Jul- Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Equity, Watson, Memmel; Ceres, Birket, Riga; Peggy, Stuart; Kitty, Agnew, Whithorn; Nelly, Briggs, Water Orr; Jenny, Linsey, Kirkcudbright
27 Jul- Margaret, McKey, Water Orr; Charming Jenny, Carson, Kirkcudbright; Industry, Henry, Isleman
28 Jul- Open Boat, Archibald, Dumfries; Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Peace, Ritson; William & Thomas, Piper; Commerce, Robinson; Sedgwick, Welch, Dublin; Nancy, Johnstone, Wigton
29 Jul- Dispatch, Lawson, Isleman; Dallemtower, Fell; Bells, Steel; William & Nancy, Cannon; Joanna, Fisher; Ledger, Hodgson; Minerva, Woodburn; Rubey, Blackney; Lark, Anderson; Seaflower, Slater, Dublin; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries
30 Jul- Lively, Watts, Dublin; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries; Friendship, Service, Whithorn; Open Boat, Beeby, Allonby
31 Jul- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Chatham, Pearson, Ballantray; Mally, Douglas; Jane, McGowen; Jenny, McGowen, Wigton; Dido, Telford, Glasgow; Eagle Packet, Maxwell; Fly, Groves, Isleman; Industry, Atkinson, Youghall; Industry, Broadfoot, Whithorn
1 Aug- Benn, McMellon; Mary & Betty, Jackson; Kitty, Fisher; King George, Stobridge; Powell, Huddleston, Dublin; Nancy, Robin, Youghall; George, Jones, Liverpool

26 Jul- Jenny, Stuart, Whithorn; Betty, Hannah, Stranrawr; Mary & Betty, Boadle, Waterford; Allison, Bowman; Charlotte, Stuart; Dash, Corkhill; Jane, Hayton; Ann, Briggs; Truelove, Littledale; Ratcliffe, Hodgson; William, Thompson; Wilson, Benson; Prosperity, Piper; Prince of Wales, Briggs; Catharine, Williams; Loyalty, Thompson; Resolution, Banks; Curwen, Younghusband, Dublin; Tryall, Briggs, Dumfries; George, Clark, Workington; Jenny & Betty, Bell, Annon; Mayflower, Jackson, Harrington
27 Jul- Betty, Palmer; Westmorland, Allison; Dove, Dargue; Garland, Piper; Mally & Peggy, Walker; Friendship, Pearson; Danson, Pearson; Assistance, Farish; Seaflower, Gibbons, Dublin
28 Jul- Love, Machell; Endeavour, Moor; Isabella, Newton; James & Thomas, Benn; Granvill, Williams, Belfast; William & John, Haughy, Strangford; Provdence, Brown, Dumfries; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman
29 Jul- Brittannia, Allison; Betsey, Younghusband, Dublin; Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Dispatch, Lawson, Isleman; Nicholas, Linsey, Water Orr; Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Ann & Mary, Cullon, Wexford; Neptune, Smallwood; St. Bees, Cleytor, Memel; Tryal, Plasket, Norway; Industry, Henry, Isleman; Peggy, Stuart, Whithorn
30 Jul- William, Singleton; William & Thomas, Piper; Commerce, Robinson; Kitty, Agnew, Stranrawr


28 Jul- Success, Harris, Dublin
29 Jul- Pleasant, Dickinson, Dublin


27 Jul- Mary, Lonsdale, Carrickfergus
29 Jul- Nancy, Little, Bray
30 Jul- Ellenor, Hardgrave, Kinsale; John, Sharp, Allonby
31 Jul- Seaflower, Robertson, Cork
1 Aug- James, Kay, Dundalk

28 Jul- Industry, Key, Wicklaw
29 Jul- Jane, McKellop, Dumfries
30 Jul- Hazard, McGaa, Wicklow; Mary, Lonsdale, Isleman; Kitty, Jones, Ulverstone; Mayflower, Jackson, Milthrop


26 Jul- Nancy, Clark, Whitehaven
27 Jul- Endeavour, Pilkington, Ulverstone
29 Jul- Active, Allison, Newry; Mary, Bailey, Belfast; Speedwell, Jackson, Ulverstone
30 Blyth Ann, Atkinson, Belfast; Providence, Brockbank, Dublin; Three Brothers, Lawrence, Belfast

25 Jul- Henry, Bell, Dublin
27 Jul- Speedwell, Lawrence; Happy Return, Sparks; Mary, Butler, Dublin; Mally & Nancy, Ecelston, Poulton; Union, Whiley, Newry; Industry, Hayston, Dublin


26 Jul- Nelson, Baylis, Belfast
29 Jul- Sally, Bell, Dublin
1 Aug- Rachel & Mary, Smith; Mary, Pearson; Kirkham, Bone; Hope, Inman; Britain, Crierie, Dublin

26 Jul- Mermaid, Briscoe, Dublin
1 Aug- Ranger, Graham, Dumfries

Sun, 10.47am, 11.12pm
Mon, 11.38am, 12.02pm
Tue, 12.07am, 12.27pm
Wed, 12.49am, 01.11pm
Thu, 01.32am, 01.54pm
Fri, 08.15am [sic], 02.36pm, clock fast 5m
Sat, 09.57am [sic], 03.18pm

9 Aug 1777:

As in previous issues:
Moss Dykes estate
Pirrie & Kirkpatrick drapers
Grainger Houses
How-Wath bridge
Earl of Errol
Money to lend
The English Magazine

"LOST about a Month ago, in Whitehaven, or on the road betwist Whitehaven and Newcastle, A BLACK LEATHER POCKET BOOK, containing Letters of Ordination, some Marriage Licences, and other Papers of great Consequence to the Owner, but of no Use or Advantage to any Person else." Reward for information to the Chronicle printer.

"SUGAR FOR SALE": 178 hogsheads, 20 tierces & 70 barrels of "Excellent Antigua Sugar", "ready for shewing in LOTS, by the 13th instant", + "A Parcel of fine strong Antigua Rum, either for Exportation or Home Consumption". Apply to Samuel Martin Esq. Dated Whitehaven, 8 Aug.

"JUST IMPORTED" in the snow Lowther & Senhouse, a "choice cargo of Antigua Scale Sugars"; also mahogany in planks & logs. To be sold by Dixon & Littledale.

Mr Cowan, dancing-master proposes opening his school at Mr Watson's assembly-room, Whitehaven, on Aug 25.

[Also advertised, tickets in the State Lottery (prizes up to £20,000), available from Dainty & Co. in London]

9 Aug 1777- NEWS:
Last Sun, the hearse bearing the corpse of the late Duchess of Queensbury passed through Carlisle on the way to the family vault at Drumlanrick in Scotland.

Further to last week's report- the Whitehaven ship Prince George "was retaken by the Southampton man of war, a few days after she left the privateer. The Southampton went out convoy to the last fleet of West Indiamen."

Extract of a letter to a gentleman in Whitehaven from on board the Albion (Capt. Hogg, of Whitehaven), dated Dominica, 9 Jun:
"We had a very tedious passage from Rhode Island to this place, occasioned by our keeping to the westward of the Bermuda's, in order to keep clear of the rebels; we had the wind mostly from the East, and found it difficult to get to windward. The Elizabeth (formerly the property of Samuel Martin, Esq.) arrived here since we came, and has sailed for Jamaica. It is almost impossible to get clear of the rebels, or rather French pirates, for they carry ships into Martinico every day; there isa French sloop just come too, beside us, from that island, with prisoners belonging to two vessels from Dublin and a ship called the Elizabeth, Capt. Byrne, from LIverpool, a letter of marque, mounting 14 carriage guns, and I believe the first one fitted out. They were taken by a French sloop, the crew of which having boarded them, used the people in a shocking manner, not giving them quarters for some time; the ship had three men killed and a great number wounded. The privateers swarm as thick as bees about this place, we frequently see them cruizing off the island. The fort fired several guns at a schooner passing the harbour's mouth this morning; a sloop sailed out after her with marines and sailors on board from the different ships. We are obliged to keep a very strict watch for fear the privateers send in their boats, and cut us out, in the night time."

Last Sun, the Content (Capt. Woodall) arrived in Whitehaven from St. Ube's (which she left 8 Jun) via Limerick, loaded with salt. She had sailed from Limerick on 16 May, and was boarded the next day (lat. 49,40; long. 14) by the rebel privateer Montgomery (Capt. Bonnell, with 2 carriage guns & 8 swivels) who took some rigging, rummaged through Capt. Woodall's chest but found no money, then released the ship.

Another privateer, the Boston ship Tartar (master, John Grimes, with 10 nine-pound guns, 8 six-pounders, 2 four-pounders and about 110 men) is attacking ships to the north of Britain. About 10pm on 28 Jul, near the Naze of Norway, he captured the Whitehaven ship Thomas & Elizabeth (master, Anthony Watson), sailing from St. Petersburgh with a cargo of deals & iron. After taking what he wanted, he set fire to that and another of the captured ships, putting the crews on a third ship (except for a few he kept prisoner).

Letter to James Ffolliot Esq., of Chester, from the Admiralty Office, 30 Jul 1777:
Having laid before my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty your letter of the 28th inst. inclosing a petition from the merchants and linen traders at Chester, requesting a convoy may be appointed for the linen ships, now detained at Dublin; I have it in command from their Lordships to acquaint you, for the information of the merchants and traders, that they gae orders on the 25th instant, to Captain Wills, of the Harpy sloop, at Liverpool to proceed, with all the possible dispatch, to Whitehaven, and take under convoy all ships and vessels bound to Ireland; and, having so done, to call at Liverpool, and off Chester, for the trade from those parts, and to proceed with them to Dublin, seeing the convoy in safety thither, or as far as their Way and his might lie together; and having remained eight days at Dublin, or longer, if the merchants should request it, he is then to take under his convoy all ships and vessels bound to England, and see such as may be bound to Chester, Liverpool and Whitehaven, in safety to those parts; and after a stay of eight days at Whitehaven, or more if the merchants shall request it, he is to return to Dublin, and back again, and so continue to convoy the trade to and from Ireland, in that manner, till further order."
Philip Stephens

Last Thu, The County Militia was embodied at Carlisle, and three companies were sent out- the blues to Maryport, two others to Whitehaven.

Friday last week, Carlisle Assizes opened; on Sun "an excellent sermon" was preached by the Rev. Mr Huddleston, minister of the Old Chapel in Whitehaven, from Genesis Chapter 20, Verse 11. The assizes ended on Wednesday. Convictions:
  John Graham, guilty of stealing several parcels of lint belonging to John Foster; sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, and to be burnt in the hand.
  Ann Gress, guilty of stealing several pieces of silk and linen handkerchiefs; sentenced to death, but "reprieved before the Judges left Carlisle."
  "John Soresbury, charged with stealing rabbits, was ordered to enter into his Majesty's service."
  "Several others, charged with petty thefts, were acquitted."

"Last Thursday night, a web, 55½ yards long, the property of Mr. Abraham Coulthard, of Mary Port, having been out bleaching, being wet was put into a stable, and stolen out from thence by some person or persons unknown, who had found means to break in at the stable window."

The Bishop of Carlisle intends holding an Ordination at Rose Castle on 31 Aug.

Whitehaven: "There is now in Mr. Fisher's garden, in Lowther-Street, a Pear Tree on which are three different kinds of fruit- one branch has pears usually ripe in August, and is also now in blossom for a second crop.- What is more remarkable, the same branch blossomed three different times, last year, and bore fruit."

"There is now in a garden, belonging to the Rev. Mr. Anthony Sharp, of Deerham, a Pear Tree which blossomed at the ordinary time, this season, and had a god shew of fruit upon it; notwithstanding which it is now again in full blossom, and, to all appearance, is likely to have a good second growth."

"Last Sunday morning, a boy about ten years of age, son of James Randleson, at Warwick near Carlisle, going thro' a branch of the River Eden, in search of raspberries, was unfortunately drowned."

Penrith Races:
  30 Jul. £50 race won (1 1) by the Earl of Eglinton's bay colt (1 1); second (2 2), Sir John Douglas's bay filly. Also, Sir James Lowthers "Ajax" beat Mr Howard's "Gimcrack" for 50 guineas & a hogshead of claret.
  31 Jul. Annual plate for hunters bred in Cumberland, won by (1) Capt. Lidderdale's "Miss Wilkes"; folowed by (dist.) Mr. Pearson's bay mare, (dist.) Wilson Braddyl Esq.'s bay gelding, (dr.) Mr. Hodgson's chesnut mare.
  1 Aug. £50 race won (1 1) by Charles Howard Esq.'s "Bon Mot"; 2nd (2 2) Sir James Lowther's "Ajax".
  "Everything was conducted with the greatest regularity and decorum:- The Ladies at the Assemblies made the most brilliant appearance ever remembered there."

"It may be remembered that we, some time ago, occasionally mentioned the death of the well known tinker Young." His estate (some houses about three miles from Whitehaven) is now indispute between his two widows- each of whom claims to be his lawful wife. The one in possession "hired a person to lie in one of the houses, in order to bar out her rival." The other widow, "with a degree of cunning peculiar to some women" hired her own man last week, painted his body red and equipped him with two candles, so that he might play a spectre and frighten the rival out. In the evening, with the help of a companion, he got into the house and hid until the watchman went to bed. Then "he uncovered his body and clapping his feet together, with the lighted candles in his hands, he fell a jumping towards the bed"- on which the watchman sprang up and "with a degree of expedition beyond the reach of common ability, left his cloaths and the premises in the possession (as he thought) of the infernal visitor" and kept going until he reached Whitehaven. The following night, however, he returned to the house, and has remained there undisturbed.

A few days ago in London, Miss Jane Benson, "an amiable and accomplished young Lady in the bloom of youth"; daughter of Thomas Benson Esq. of Carlisle.
Lately at Hawcote near Dalton in Furness, "very suddenly, in an advanced age, much esteemed and lamented", Mr John Richardson, "an eminent sail-maker from Liverpool". He has left over £40,000 "to distant relations".


9 Aug 1777- SHIPPING:

1 Aug- Hartley, Fanning; Rose, Harrison; Mally, Caffrey; Betsey, Armstrong; Cumberland, Fleming; Williamson, Phillipson; Elizabeth, Fletcher; Olive Branch, Angus, Dublin; Hannah, Mossop, Dundalk; Venus, Kirk, Kirkcudbright; Hawke, Hannah, Whithorn; Prince Frederick, Syer; Jennet, Chalmers; Lawrence, Sherlock, Cork
2 Aug- Lyon, Richards, Newry; Hannah, Pritchard, Water Orr; Three Brothers, Tindell; Chriswell, Johnson; Ann & Francis, Booth, Dublin; Hope, Perry, Antigua; Rupert, Braithwaite, Dantzick; John & Bella, Priestman, Memel; Friends Adventure, Stitt, Dunlary
3 Aug- Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast; Content, Woodall, Limerick; Saltom, Dalstone, Waterford; Mary, Reed, Cork; Lowther & Senhouse, Hinde, Antigua; Kitty, Agnew, Stranraer; Blessing, Macnamarra, Dublin
4 Aug- Linnet, Bell, Chepstow; Prince of Wales, Briggs; Orange, Losh. Dublin; Peggy, Ramsey, Wicklow; Hawke, Coupland, Cork; William, Pennyman, Bray
5 Aug- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Peggy, Stuart, Whithorn
6 Aug- Leven, Saterthwaite, Peelafouther; Mary & Ann, Maddox, Dungarvon; John & Mary, Mayson; James & Thomas, Benn, Newry; Seaflower, Gibbins, Rush; Loyalty, Thompson; Prosperous, Thompson; Fox, Salkeld; Betsey, Yowart, Dublin; Industry, Henry, Isleman; Providence, Evins, Beaumaris
7 Aug- Allison, Bowman, Dublin; Richard, Wraith, Wexford; Open Boat, Cain; Open Boat, Grisey, Isleman; Betty, Harris, Kirkcudbright; Nicholas, Linsey, Dumfries
8 Aug- Mayflower, Barnes, Lancaster; Pitt, Sail, Peelafouther; William, Holmes; Nelly, Brice, Isleman; Lovely Nelly, Walker, Dublin; Jane & Nelly, Nelson, Liverpool

3 Aug- Jenny, McGowan; Friendship, Service; Hawke, Hannah, Parton; Jenny, Linley; Nelly, Briggs; Margaret, McKey, Water Orr; Ann & Jenny, Harris; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries; Benjamin, Simm; George, Jones; Hannah, McCreedy, Kirkcudbright; Sedgwick, Welch; William & Mary, Moor, Dublin
6 Aug- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright
7 Aug- Lynx, Banton, Seas; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries; Lyon, Richards, Milford; Charming Jenny, Carson, Kirkcudbright; Nancy, Johnstone, Wigton; Prince Frederick, Syer, Annen; Joseph & Hannah, Teesdell, Memel; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Saltom, Dawson, Waterford; Mally, Douglas; Jane, McGowan, Wigton; Dido, Telfert, Highlands; Chatham, Pearson, Ballantray; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Providence, Evins, Carlisle
8 Aug- Hannah, Pritchard, Carnarvon


2 Aug- Mally, Jackson, Drogheda; Success, Barnes, Newry; Gale, Temple, Carrickfergus
3 Aug- Pitt, Bell, Drogheda; James, Selby, Belfast
4 Aug- Deborah, Brockbank, Derry
5 Aug- Rose, Fearon, Dublin

3 Aug- James, Key, Workington; Friends, Fearon, Dublin
4 Aug- Eleanor, Hardgrave, Cork
6 Aug- Seaflower, Robinson, Cork


31 Jul- Love, Barnes; Henry & Joseph, Tickell, Dublin; Dorset, Allison, Fort William; Martin, Bowes, Cork
1 Aug- Glory, Lawson, Dundalk; Mary, Barnes, Belfast; Diamond, Steel, Dublin
2 Aug- Liffey, Grayson, Dublin; Happy, Jackson; Diligence, Tickell, Drogheda; Betty, Stamper, Newry; Liberty, Wilkes, Cork
3 Aug- Lark, Armstrong; Matty, Halcrow, Belfast; James, Key, Harrington; Clifton, Priestman, Drogheda
4 Aug- Etty, Thompson, Newry; Endeavour, Atkinson; Ann, Marshal, Belfast; Liberty, Yoward, Dantzick
5 Aug- Friends, Fearon, Seas; Bolton, Scott, Belfast
6 Aug- Warrington, Ashley, Dundalk; Blessing, Course, Drogheda

3 Aug- George, Clark; Pallas, Kelsick; Hawk, Smith; Heart of Oak, Curwen; Integrity, Robinson, Dublin
7 Aug- Martin, Bowes; Active, Allison; Musgrave, Sibson, Dublin


1 Aug- Mary, Waite, Drogheda; Phoenix, Metcalf; Friends Adventure, Martindale, Dublin; Morning Star, Messenger, Strangford
2 Aug- Thomas & Hannah, Wilson, Drogheda; Agnes & Betty, Bell, Isleman; Patience, Sibson, Waterford
3 Aug- Marigold, Steel, Drogheda; Tryal, Nelson, Donaghadee
4 Aug- Cookson, Robinson, Belfast
6 Aug- Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Ravenglass; Liberty, Huddart, Sligo
7 Aug- Plain Dealer, Thompson, Dublin; Royal Oak, Gibson, Belfast
8 Aug- Experiment, Collin, Cork; Friendship, Thompson, Dublin; Tindall, Potts, Wier Water; Welcome, Osborn, Duddon

3 Aug- Tryal, Holiday, Dumfries
8 Aug- Sally, Bell; Mary, Pearson; Nelson, Baylis, Dublin; Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Workington

Sun, 03.38am, 04.00pm
Mon, 04.21am, 04.43pm
Tue, 05.06am, 05.30pm
Wed, 05.54am, 06.18pm, clock fast 4m
Thu, 06.43am, 07.09pm
Fri, 07.36am, 08.03pm
Sat, 08.30am, 08.57pm

16 Aug 1777:

As in previous issues:
Pirrie & Kirkpatrick mercers
Grainger Houses for sale
Sugar & rum for sale
Sugar & mahogany just imported
Cowan's dancing
Pilula Leydenensis (J. Dunn)
Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops (J. Dunn)
[Dainty & Co., Lottery agency]

Male hair fashionFemale hair fashion George Ashburner, hair dresser & peruke maker, "continues to dress LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S Hair in the newest Taste; and has furnished himself with a large Assortment of the very best prepared Hair, for making all sorts of tetes, Braids, and Curls. He likewise makes all sorts of Cushions, in the most fashionable Taste, so light as scarce to be felt upon the Head, and so constructed that any Lady may dress herself without the Assistance of a Hair Dresser; and makes all Kinds of Natural Curl and Tail Wigs, in such a particular Manner as not to be discovered from the natural Growth; and all other Kinds of Gentlemen's Wigs in the newest Fashion- Any Lady or Gentleman may be immediately supplied with any of the above Articles by sending a Line, and the Pattern of their Hair inclosed, on the shortest Notice.
He also makes and sells the new invented Paste Wash Balls, which are superior to all others for preserving the Skin from Ruffness after washing, will take off all Freckles, and are allowed by those who have used them to be the best ever made, for keeping the Skin soft and white. Also makes Nets of great Utility in keeping up Ladies and Gentlemen's Hair over Night. Pomatums, Black Pins of all Sizes, Swan-skin Puffs, Powder, Powder-Bags, &c. may be had at the above Shop [location not specified!]

To let by auction at the Globe (Mr Thompson's) in Distington, 12 Sep, "for such term of Years as may be then agreed on": "a very compact Farm" by the Whitehaven-Cockermouth turnpike road at Southfield in Winscales (now occupied by John Gibson as farmer), "consisting of a good Dwelling House and suitable Out Buildings" + c24 acres of "remarkable good Arable and Meadow Land" with unlimited right on the "excellent Common" adjoining. Tithe free, "and the Tenant has an Opportunity of earning double the Rent annually, by the Cartage of Coals." To view, contact Gibson; further details from Mr T. Harrison in Whitehaven, who may also negotiate a private contract. Dated Whitehaven, 16 Aug.

Notice is given that the Egremont Inclosure Commissioners wil hold their first meeting at the King's Arms in Egremont on Sep 22, 9am-6pm. Anybody claiming common rights, or disputing the boundary of the common, should present their claims in writing at the meeting. Anybody failing to make a claim at this or the second meeting will be excluded from future deliberations. Claims accepted at the first, second and third meetings will be allowed. Signed Robert Wilkinson, John Stable & John Hodgkin, 8 Aug 1777.

The estate called New Close in Dean (previously advertised to be let by auction) has been let by private contract.

[Nicholson & Co's Old State Lottery Office, London]

[Lottery-related publications by Pearce of London]

[King & Co.'s State Lottery Office, London]

16 Aug 1777- NEWS:
Whitehaven, last Tue (12 Aug) "the annual fair for merchandize and toys was held here; on that day and Thursday great numbers of young people from the country resorted to town, who together with those of their class in this place, formed several joyous circles in the evenings- when the powers of wine and music were judiciously united, in order to celebrate Lammas tide and drive old Care away."

Whitehaven, ?16 Aug- "This being the anniversary of the birth day of Sir James Lowther, Bart. the same was observed here agreeable to custom" [Sir James had actually been born at the beginning of the month...] "At two o'clock a great number of respectable Gentlemen, and Officers of the two companies of militia now on duty here, met at Hailes's Coffee Room, where an elegant entertainment was provided: many constitutional and loyal healths were drank; and there is every reason to believe that the evening will be concluded with becoming Harmony and Decorum- Mr. Walter Chambre in the Chair.
On the above occasion, the two companies of Miitia, under the commoand of Captain Cooper, were drawn up in the Market-place where they fired three vollies and the following toasts were given- The King- Sir James Lowther- Prosperity to the Town of Whitehaven."

"A person having lost his pocket-book, on the evening of the Fair day, was advised to apply to a bell-man of reputation, who luckily was then calling it about the streets- what is very remarkable, it contained Scotch Notes to the amount of twenty pounds and upwards, and had been handed about by several as of no great value."

"The two companies of militia which marched in here last Saturday are performing their exercises when the weather permits; this being the last year of their service, it is allowed by Judges that they go through the military motions, as perfect as any regular bred troops."

"Capt. John Walker, of the Charming Jenny, from Memel, with timber, bound to Workington, was taken off Fair Isle, on the first of August, by the Tartar, Capt. Grimes, mounting 24 guns, viz. fourteen 9 pounders, six 6 pounders, and four 3 pounders, and 120, or 130 men. Capt. Walker's crew together with the crews of several other vessels, were put on board the Jannet, Capt. Alexander, bound to Irvine, who landed them at Banff, on the eastern coast of Scotland, on the 8th inst.
The Charming Jenny was the eighth vessel which the Tartar had taken."

Wed last week: the brig Sally arrived at Liverpool, having been captured by the Sarah Golburn (Capt. Holland of Whitehaven, under Letter of Marque) on 19 Jul at 44 North, 38 West, en route from Charles Town, South Carolina, to Nantz. The brig turned out to be carrying numerous colonial dignitaries, some of whom had been imprisoned for up to 20 months by the rebels, but had been allowed to buy the Sally and sail her to France.

6 Aug: A dispensation passed the Seal, enabling the Rev. William Paley MA to hold both the vicarages of Dalston in Cumberland and St. Laurence, Appleby, in Westmorland (both in the diocese of Carlisle).

"A new sort of counterfeit sixpences are now in circulation. They resemble the coin of George the second, but have no impression on the cross side, are much larger than the true money, but much bent to make them appear of the proper size. They are not worth more than a halfpenny."

Last week at Nether Hall, Miss Catharine Senhouse, second daughter of Humphrey Senhouse Esq.
Last Mon, Mrs Fletcher, wife of Mr Edward Fletcher, merchant of Whitehaven, "very much regretted".

NO POEM [just lyrics to a popular song from London]

16 Aug 1777- SHIPPING:

8 Aug- George, Jones, Kirkcudbright
9 Aug- Ann, Briggs; William, Thompson; Charlotte, Stuart; Dan?, Corkhill; Resolution, Banks; Catharine, Williams; Westmorland, Ellison, Dublin; Nancy, Spedding, Workington
10 Aug- Dove, Dargue; Betsey, Younghusband; Prosperity, Piper; Friendship, Pearson; Garland, Piper; Britannia, Allison, Dublin; Thomas, Carrel, Dundalk; Inchinquin, Button, Portsmouth; Chatham, Pearson, Ballantray; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Nancy, Parker, Wexford
11 Aug- Ratcliffe, Hodgson; Love, Machell, Dublin; Danson, Pearson, Wexford
12 Aug- Ranger, Graham, Mary-Port; Nelly, Briggs, Water Orr; Mary & Kitty, Eglon, Wigton
13 Aug- Isabella, Newton; William & Thomas, Piper; Unity, Couth, Dublin; Granvil, Williams, Belfast; Hannah, McCreedy, Kirkcudbright; Jenny, Linsey, Water Orr; Jenny, Broadfoot; Peggy, Stuart, Whithorn; Margaret & Mary, Davis, Drogheda; Betty, Wood, Dunleary; William, Jones; William, Curmate, Isleman
14 Aug- Two Sisters, Brunick; Curwen, Younghusband; Endeavour, Moor; Truelove, Littledale; Betty, Palmer; Wilson, Benson; Mally & Peggy, Walker; Assistance, Farish, Dublin; Lark, Jones, Drogheda; Peggy, Kelly, Donaghadee
15 Aug- Jenny, Sinclair, Newrey

8 Aug- Industry, Broadfoot, Stranraer
9 Aug- Mercury, Dawson; George, Jones, Liverpool; Industry, Henry, Isleman
12 Aug- William, Holmes; Nelly, Brice; Open Boat, Grisey; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman;v Mayflower, Barnes, Carlisle; Equiity, Whalley, Norway; Venus, Kirk, Kirkcudbright
13 Aug- Jenny, Linsey, Parton; Kitty, Agnew, Stranraer
14 Aug- Betty, Harris, Kirkcudbright; Nicholas, Linsey, Water Orr
15 Aug- Ceres, Moor, Cottonburgh; Open Boat, Cain, Isleman


9 Aug- Friends Goodwill, Fawcet, Sandsfield; Ranger, Graham, Dumfries; Tryal, Holiday, Kirkcudbright
10 Aug- Draper, Carter, Dublin; Griffin, Wilkinson, Air

12 Aug- Ranger, Graham, Whitehaven; Peggy, Simond, Dumfries

[No lists from other ports]

Sun, 09.23am, 09.51pm
Mon, 10.19am, 10.47pm
Tue, 11.13am, 11.40pm
Wed, 12.00am, 12.07pm [sic], clock fast 3m
Thu, 12,32am, 01.00pm
Fri, 01.25am, 01.49pm
Sat, 02.17am, 02.42pm

23 Aug 1777:

As in previous issues:
Farm at Winscales to let
Mr Cowan, dancing master
The New Letter Writer (from J. Dunn) with list of other books
Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops (from J. Dunn)
Panacea for the Itch (from J. Dunn) with list of other medicines
[Nicholson & Co's Lottery Office, London- different text]
George Ashburner, hairdresser, with addition in large type: "At the Foot of ROPER-STREET, WHITEHAVEN"

Notice that the Earl of Egremont or his agents, with proprietors of local lands, will ride or perambulate the boundaries of the manor of Bolton, in pursuance of the Inclosure Act for that manor, from 15 Sep, starting between 6 and 7am at the foot of the rivulet called Sandale Beck, near Ireby Bridge, proceeding first up the said rivulet, and will continue from day to day until the whole is finished. Dated 21 Aug 1777. Signed George Blamire, Isaac Robson & Raisley Calvert, commissioners.

For sale by auction at the house of John Nelson, innholder in Maryport, 5 Sep: the ship Patience (late under the command of Joseph Huddart), c190 tons burthen "with all her materials as she came from Sea". Built at Maryport less than 9 years ago, moderate draught, "takes the Ground with Safety", "properly constructed for the Coal or Baltic Trade, and now in Turn for loading Broughton Coals." Inventories may be seen on board and at the place of sale.
20 guineas payable immediately, the remainder in equal portions at 3 & 6 months after sale. "Whoever has any Demands on the said Vessel are requested, as soon as possible, to render Account to Mr. JOSEPH SIBSON, in Maryport, of the Particulars thereof."

Skelton & Co., Market Place, Whitehaven: agents for Dainty & Co's Lottery Office. [For details, see 6 Sep]

William Alexander, Market Place, Whitehaven: agent for King & Co's Lottery Office. [For details, see 6 Sep]

23 Aug 1777- NEWS:
The Whitehaven ship Monarch (master- Hall) has arrived at New York from Cork.

Last Tue morning, H.M. sloop of war the Harpy (20 guns, commanded by R. Wills Esq.) came to anchor off Whitehaven, to convoy vessels ready to sail to Dublin. As the fleet had sailed on Sunday, the Harpy weighed anchor after 24 hours and "stood away for Chester".

Last Tue, the companies of militia stationed in Whitehaven (two), Cockermouth, Workington and Mary Port, marched to Carlisle, where they were dismissed "after having been embodied fourteen days."

Last Sun afternoon "as one Joseph Harris, a stout young man, was bathing in the Lake near Keswick, he was unfortunately drowned. A person present made several attempts to save him, but without effect."

"The prisoners who are in an indigent situation, at this tme confined in his Mahesty's gaol in Carlisle, beg leave to return their sincere thanks, in this public manner, to Charles Howard, Esq; for the great candour and munificence he hath manifested in his liberal distribution of provisions; and are very sorry that they have it not in their power to shew their gratitude or requite the favour in another way."

Tue last week "being the Birth Day of the Prince of Wales, was observed at Appleby with the usual demonstrations of joy,- in the evening, some very grand fireworks were played off, in the Castle yard, by an Italian artist."
On the same day at Whitehaven, "several loyal gentlemen" met to celebrate the occasion, singing an additional verse to God Save the King:
"This day PRINCE GEORGE was born,
With joy salute the morn,
GOD save the Prince!
May he forever shone,
With all the Royal Line,
To bless whom all incline,
GOD save them all!"

Thu last week: "as one Mary Bell was loading hay for Mr. Henderson, of Applegarth, in Holme Coultram, she jumped off a cart load and unfortunately light upon a pitch fork, which run into her body, and notwithstanding Mr. Henderson sent immediately for a surgeon, and gave her every assistance in his power, she expired the next morning in great agony."

A few days ago, accorsing to a correspondent, "the wife of an honest country man, at Kirkby Stephen, was brought to bed of three fine boys, all likel to live.- The same man is father of twenty-nine children, viz. ten sons and nineteen daughters."

Last Wed, an attempt was made to raise the sloop which sank about 3 months ago at Selker, south of Ravenglass (belonging to Ulverstone, master John Taylor, cargo slate, corf rods & hoops). A schooner from Ulverstone (master- Edward Coward), with 13 men and 4 boats were employed "and after much labour got two cables under her; but on Thursday morning the wind blowing very strong, at SSE, obliged them to leave their boats, three of which they fastened to the cables and bear away with the schooner for this port" [i.e. Whitehaven]- but they were prevented from entering Whitehaven harbour by another sloop in distress "just then parting from her anchor", which later went ashore near Parton. The schooner, with great difficulty, managed to get safely into Parton harbour.

Last Sun, at Holme Coultram, by the Rev Dr. Kay: Mr Joseph Pearson of Thrushfield & Miss Barnes of Newton, "an agreeable young Lady".

Last Tue, Mrs Eleanor Pearson, age 71, widow of the late Mr Joseph Pearson, "many years a captain in the American trade" from Whitehaven.

NO POEM, but instead:
ANECDOTE (by "S"):
"Some years ago a Gentleman of character, named O__, near Cockermouth in this County, being on his road to London, on very urgent business, stopped at Huntingdon"... hearing the tolling of a passing-bell, he asked who had died, and was told that it was the daughter of Sir C__ H__, aged about 16. "Mr. O___ immediately threw down his knife and fork, and with great impatience asked if he would be permitted to view the corpse (but could not account for this desire as he had ever avoided the solemnity of a death-bed)". As the corpse had just been brought in the family carriage to the nearby undertaker's, this could be done. "On being introduced, Mr. O___ stooped down and saluted the corpse- instantly seeing a hope that, if proper means were used, the young lady might be restored to life; he requested that the physicians who had attended her might be sent for". The elder of the two said nothing could be done; the younger agreed, but "to satisfy the Gentleman, he said he would try every means in his power and immediately set about the business. Mr. O___, wishing that success might attend his labours, took his leave, as he was obliged to be in London at a fixed time."
"Mr. O___, on his return from London, about three weeks after, stopped again at Huntingdon, and alighting at the same Inn, was very impatient to know the event of the physician's endeavours, he was informed by the host that the young Lady was in perfect health and that he had orders to conduct him (if ever he should happen to come that way again) to Sir C___ H___'s." He was warmly welcomed there by the family, and thanked by Sir C___, but the young lady was not at home. "Mr. O___ returned to Cumberland but found himself very unhappy, and having a desire to see Miss H___ he shortly after waited upon her at the seat of her father". She was most grateful, and "wished to have it in her power to do him suitable service, for the great attention he had paid to her welfare- Mr. O___ offered her his hand and his fortune, but from the disproportion of their years (he being forty-three) was afraid she might comply more out of gratitute than affection; however that fear was soon removed by the Lady's generous declaration, that she esteemed him beyond all mankind. A match was soon concluded, they came down to Mr. O___'s family seat near Cockermouth, where they"
  "flourish'd long in tender bliss, and rear'd
  A numerous offspring, lovely like themselves,
  And good, the grace of all the country round."
"In crossing the River Darwent, in a hard frost, Mrs. O___'s life was a second time miraculously preserved by her husband."

23 Aug 1777- SHIPPING:

15 Aug- Ann & Mary, Cullon, Wexford; Henry, Gilliat, Newrey
16 Aug- Vigilant, Williamson; William & Mary, Moor, Dublin; Jane, McGowan, Wigton; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Mary & Betty, Boadle, Waterford
17 Aug- Mally, Douglas, Wigton; Sally, Days, Kirkcudbright; Jenny, Burney, Whithorn; Mary & Betty, Thornburn, Ballyshannon
18 Aug- Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; Jane, Hayton, Workington; Industry, Kelly, Cork; Peggy & Betty, Carlisle, Ulverstone
19 Aug- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Joyce & Ann, Saul, Carlisle; Chatham, Blair, Larne; Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Harrington
20 Aug- Nicholas, Cloak, Wexford; Ann & Jenny, Harris, Workington
21 Aug- Constant Trader, Griffis, Biddyford; Happy Return, Agnew, Liverpool; Commerce, Robinson, Dublin; Kitty, McGowen, Isleman
22 Aug- Kirkum, Bone, Maryport; Peggy, Blake, Harrington

15 Aug- Nancy, Spedding, Workington
17 Aug- Richard, Wraith; Unity, Conrish, Wexford; Joanna, Fisher; William, Pennyman; Lark, Anderson; Bella, Steele; Lively, Watts; James & Ann, Peel; Minerva, Jackson; Allison, Bowman; Dallamtower, Fell; Rose, Harrison; Benn, McMellon; Powell, Huddlestone; Mary & Betty, Jackson; Ledger, Hodgson; King George, Stobridge; Hartley, Fanning; William & Nancy, Cannon; Industry, Atkinson; Peace, Steel; Three Brothers, Tindell; Olive Branch, Angus; Friendhip, Pearson; Chriswell, Johnson; Prince Wales, Briggs; Ann & Francis, Booth; Elizabeth, Fletcher; Seaflower, Slater, Dublin; Chatham, Pearson, Ballantray; Olive Branch, Powe, London; William, Curmate, Isleman; Jenny, Broadfoot, Whithorn; Ranger, Graham, Wigton; Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast
18 Aug- Blessing, Curwen; Loyalty, Thompson; Love, Machell; Orange, Losh; Friends Adventure, Stitt; Prosperous, Thompson; Ratcliffe, Hodgson, Dublin; Nelly, Briggs, Water Orr; Tanner, Hamilton; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; Jane & Sally, Nelson, Stranraer; Prosperity, Monkhouse, Portsmouth; Nancy, Parker, Ulverstone
20 Aug- James & Thomas, Benn; Cumberland, Fleming, Dublin; Two Sisters, Brunick, Waterford; Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Lancaster; Margaret & Mary, Davis, Belfast
21 Aug- Benjamin, Sim; Hannah, McCreedy, Kirkcudbright; Jane, McGowen; Mary & Kitty, Eglon; Mally, Douglas, Wigton; Peggy, Stuart, Whithorn


17 Aug- Success, Harris; Pleasant, Dickinson, Dublin
18 Aug- Providence, Brown, Dumfries


16 Aug- Hazard, McGaa, Isleman; Mary, Golding, Dumfries; Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Workington; Thomas, Heslop, Dumfries; Flimby, Mokinson, Workington; Vine, Martindale, Cork

17 Aug- Success, Barnes, Drogheda
18 Aug- Charming Jenny, Carson, Dumfries; Renown, Bacon, Dublin; Mary, Lonsdale, Carrickfergus; Mary, Temple; Nancy, Scott, Drogheda; Mally, Jackson, Dundalk
20 Aug- Peggy, Blake, Dundalk; Leven, Sataerthwaite; Cavendish, Saterthwaite, Ulverstone
21 Aug- Vine, Martindale, Cork; Mary, Golding, Dumfries


14 Aug- Industry, Hayston, Skerries
15 Aug- Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven
16 Aug- Ann & Jenny, Harris, Dumfries; Charlotte, Dixon, Kirkcudbright
19 Aug- Ellen, Hart, Ulverstone
20 Aug- Lively, Younghusband, Allonby

17 Aug- Resolution, Skelton; Mary, Barnes; Lark, Armstrong; Industry, Hayston; Vigilant, Wilson; Love, Barnes; Providence, Brockbank; Brothers, Kay; Three Brothers, Lawrence; Mally, Allison; Dorset, Allison; Endeavour, Pilkington; Etty, Thompson; George, Clark; Diligence, Tickell; Dove, Hardgrave, Dublin; Glory, Lawson; Matty, Halcrow; Happy, Jackson; Bolton, Scott; Speedwell, Jackson; Mary, Bailey; Liffey, Grayson; Clifton, Priestman; Henry, Clark; Sally, Casson; Glory's Increase, Marshall; Liberty, Wilkes; Delight, Bulteel; Henry & Joseph, Tickell; Diamond, Steele; Lark, Tully; Betty, Stamper, Dublin
20 Aug- Ann & Jenny, Harris, Whitehaven; Diligence, Thompson; William, Hudson; Felicity, Atkinson; Liberty, Yoward; Concord, Wilson; Endeavour, Atkinson, Dublin


15 Aug- Ann & Francis, Borriskell, Dublin
16 Aug- George & Charlotte, Fearon, Dumfries
17 Aug- Sally, Bell, Belfast
19 Aug- Mary & Betty, Thornburn, Whitehaven
20 Aug- Mary, Butler, Wexford

15 Aug- Betty, Fearon, Ulverstone
17 Aug- Molly, Folder, Dumfries; Morning Star, Messenger; Mary, Waite; Rachel & Mary, Smith; Friends, Harris; Hope, Inman; Marigold, Steele, Dublin; Friends Adventure, Barnes, Glasgow; Tryal, Holiday, Wigton
18 Aug- Friends Goodwill, Fawcet; Thomas & Hannah, Wilson; Britain, Crierie; Betsey, Potts; Phoenix, Metcalf; Welcome, Osborne, Dublin
20 Aug- Kirkham, Bone; Tryal, Nelson, Dublin
21 Aug- Tindall, Potts, Dublin; George & Charlotte, Fearon, Norway

Sun, 03.08am, 03.35pm
Mon, 04.02am, 04.29pm
Tue, 04.57am, 05.25pm
Wed, 05.54am, 06.21pm, clock fast 1m
Thu, 06.49am, 07.17pm
Fri, 07.46am, 08.13pm
Sat, 08.41am, 09.06pm

30 Aug 1777:

As in previous issues:
Ship Patience for sale
Farm at Winscales to let
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life (J. Dunn)
[King & Co. Lottery Office]
Skelton & Co. Lottery Office

To be let by auction, on the premises, on 7 Oct, 3-5pm: farm estate at Bassenthwaite called Green Close, c127 acres "all in good Condition; Fourteen (after a regular Fallow) are now sowing with Wheat." Also has a right on "a very good Common" and "other Advantages which will be mentioned at the time of letting" when the length and conditions of the lease will also be settled. Property of John Spedding Esq., vacant possession from Candlemas. To view, enquire at Green Close or Armathwaite. Dated 30 Aug.

For sale by auction at the Golden Globe (Mrs Walker's) in King Street, Whitehaven: the brigantine Ann (master, Richard Johnson), now in the port of Whitehaven; burthen 150 tons or more, "well found, a swift sailer, and takes the Ground with safety; is very suitable for the Coal or foreign Trade, and draws only eleven Feet and four Inches of Water when full Loaden." Inventory available on board, or at the Golden Globe. 20 guineas payable in hand, the remainder at 3 & 6 months after sale, subject to satisfactory security. Dated 29 Aug.

[Richardson & Goodluck's state lottery office, London]

[New book, "Interesting Letters of the Late Pope Clement XIV", volume 2]

30 Aug 1777- NEWS:
On Sat 23 Aug, about 11pm, as Thomas Dent, carrier, was going from Appleby to Penrith, "he was attacked by two footpads near the Countess Pillar, on the road leading to Templesowerby, who robbed him of his purse containing about four pounds". It was found that they had also robbed a scarecrow in a nearby field, stealing its clothes to disguise themselves for the real robbery. It is said that Dent "has some knowledge of one of them".

Last Tue afternoon "Mr. Jonathan Moorhouse, of Newton, near Penrith, a reputable honest man, in the absence of his family took an opportunity of putting an end to his own existence." Inquest verdict, lunacy.

A 3-year-old ewe sheep killed in Whitehaven Market Place last Thu (fed on the estate of Hugh Stewart Esq. at Tender-Gee, Galloway) "was not so remarkable for its largeness as for its being the best grown sheep ever remembered to have been sold in this place- it had, when killed, 24 lbs of suet- weighed 18 lb. and upwards the quarter- was four inches and a half thick on the rib- and sold at four pence the pound."

Early last Sun morning, in her 25th year, at Penrith, Miss Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr George Wilson of Penrith, "after a long and severe illness, which she bore with becoming fortitude". "Her many valuable qualifications make her generally lamented, and particularly so by her disconsolate father and sister."
"The spider's most attenuated thread
Is cord, is cable, to man's tender tie,
On earthly bliss; it breaks at every breeze."

Also at Penrith, last Mon, Mrs Calvin, widow of Mr William Calvin, "an ingenious painter".

POEM: "The Harvest" (anon.)

NO SHIPPING REPORT (due to lengthy American items)