6 May 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Mr Cowan's dancing lessons
Dr Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
Forthergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
["The English Letter-Writer"]
For sale by auction at the warehouse of Messrs. Fletchers, Bigland & Co., Carter Lane, Whitehaven, 13 May, 2pm: "a Quantity of Anchor Flews, Ship Hearth Plates, and Ends of Bar Iron". Enquiries to the company. Signed John Bigland, broker, Whitehaven, 4 May 1779.
[First issue of "A New and AUTHENTIC HISTORY of ENGLAND" by William Augustus Russel Esq., in 80 parts, to be published 8 May, price 6d]
Now lying at WHITEHAVEN,
Sloop PEGGY,
A Constant Trader to Liverpool, will sail in Ten Days, Wind and Weather permitting.
For Freight or Passage apply to said Captain, on board, or CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, & Co."
6 May 1779- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle last Sat: wheat 13s to 15s per bushel; rye 12s & 13s; barley 8s & 9s; oats 6/6 & 6/9; white pease 16s; grey pease 9/6; beans 9/6.
[Wed last week, Austin & Whitlock's company concluded their theatrical season at Newcastle- details given]
"A Correspondent observes, that a few evenings ago seeing some females in unusual close converse, and presuming by their looks that the topic was of a political nature, he wished to be informed of particulars; when the fact, they positively asserted was,--- O fatal news!
'The Dutch had taken Holland'."
Whitehaven: "Captain Bushby, of the Beaver, who arrived here, from Belfast, on Monday, informs that last Thursday a number of French-men landed at Larne, from a vessel laying off that place. The inhabitants alarmed the country, and the Independent Company mustered and took the Frenchmen prisoners. An express was sent to the Boston frigate, in Belfast Loch, who slipped her cables and went in pursuit of the vessel. When Capt. Bushby sailed, it was currently reported that the Boston had taken her, and that she proves to be a French privateer, mounting 22 guns."
The Whitehaven transport Mermaid, carrying troops from Halifax (Nova Scotia) to New York, was driven ashore in March, near Egg Harbour. "It is said that many on board perished."
NOT LOCAL, BUT FAIRLY RELEVANT: "We hear from Coventry, that a few days ago a trial was made between two Fire engines, at Hawksbury colliery, near that town, viz. one of the old construction, and one of the new improved engines. The result was as follows: the new engine raised 99,711 cubic feet of water, 130 yards perpendicular height, in the space of 48 hours, and consumed 4 tons 16 cwt. of coal: the old engine raised in the same space of time, to the same height, only 84,124 cubic feet of water, and consumed 17 tons 8 cwt. of coal.- The superiority of the new engine, erected by Messrs. Boulton and Watt, must therefore greatly promote the mineing interest of this kingdom, since the proprietors of mines may save by the new improvements, a sum equal to two thirds of that usually expended in fuel, and likewise may have such engines erected on the terms of the old construction."
Last Sat at Bootle, by the Rev. Mr Smith: Mr Joseph Benn of Middletonplace, & Miss Mally Hobson of Seaton.
Lately: Mr John Woodburn of Craggland, & Miss Sally Addison of Beckstones, both in Kirkby, Lancs.
Last Sat at Workington: Capt. James Scot, of the Rupert, & Miss Troughear, late of Dovenby.
Lately at Workington: Capt. Joseph Atkinson, of the Endeavour, & Miss Nancy Wilson.
Tue, "in an advanced age": Mrs Singleton of the Cross Keys, on the Quay at Whitehaven, "much respected".
Thu, 02.39am, 03.06pm
Fri, 03.29am, 03.54pm
Sat, 04.18am, 04.43pm
Sun, 05.06am, 05.30pm
Mon, 05.52am, 06.15pm
Tue, 06.37am, 06.59pm
Wed, 07.21am, 07.44pm
13 May 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Fletchers & Co. Iron auction
Sloop Peggy still to sail in 10 days (but advert is now dated 6 May)
Books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
[New & Complete System of Geography]
For sale, available immediately- the utensils and stock of dyeing goods from some "convenient Dye-Houses" on the River Cocker, "late the Property of ISAAC WILSON, deceased". Utensils generally in good repair; the dye-houses "with a good accustomed Shop in Cockermouth and another in Keswick Market, are leased 'till Whitsuntide 1780. Inquire to John Wilson of Graysouthen, or Thomas Murgatroy of Cockermouth "who will shew the Conveniences, &c."
Anybody indebted to the late Isaac Wilson should settle accounts with John Wilson at his house in Graysouthen, or on market days at the dye-shop in Cockermouth. Isaac's creditors are requested to send in their accounts for settlement. Dated Cockermouth, 7 May 1779.
Official notice: at the county Quarter Sessions held in Carlisle on 14 Apr, before Andrew Hudleston & Joseph Dacre, Esqs. and their fellow Justices of the Peace, in pursuance of the "Act for the better repairing and amending the Highways, and for the better settling the Rates of the Carriage of Goods" (3-4 William & Mary), the Justices set rates for the price of land carriage of all goods except gold, silver, plate, jewels & money "by any common Waggoner or Carrier" from now until the next Easter Quarter Sessions.
Parcels over 7lb, between London & its suburbs and Carlisle: 2s per stone or 33s per pack.
From & to other places- proportional to the London rate according to mileage.
Parcels under 7lb, betwen London and any place in Cumberland: 1/3.
The Clerk of the Court is ordered to publish these rates in the Cumberland Chronicle & Cumberland Pacquet.
"And to the End that no common Waggoner or Carrier may be ignorant of the Law, Notice is hereby Given, That none of them are to take for the Carriage of Goods and Merchandises above the Rates or Prices hereby set, upon Pain to forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of 5£ to be levied by Distress and Sale of his or their Goods, by Warrant of any two Justices of the Peace, where such Waggoner or Carrier shall reside, to the Use of the Party grieved." W. Stephenson, acting for John Baynes Garforth Esq., Clerk of the Peace for Cumberland.
Escaped from Whitehaven Workhouse on 12 May: James Montgomery, age 19, 5ft 11in high, short brown hair, "much pitted with the Small-Pox"; was wearing a light drab-coloured coat & breeches when he left. He is a native of Ireland, and a miller by trade. 20s reward "over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament" to anybody who can capture him "and secure him in any of his Majesty's Goals". John Dent, master of the Workhouse.
13 May 1779- NEWS:
"Last week, a gentleman named Roady, alighted from the stage coach at the George, in Penrith; while he was getting a little refreshment and fresh horses for the next stage, a sharper (who was taken up upon the road between Carlisle and Penrith) watched his opportunity, and stole out of the coach new leather bags the property of Mr. Roady, which contained a large sum of money. The bags, a suit of cloaths, silver buckles, and several other valuable articles were found next morning thrown into a gentleman's garden. Mr. Roady did not miss the bags till he arrived at Brough."
Last Fri in Marlborough Street, Whitehaven: Mrs Eilbeck, "formerly an eminent innkeeper in this town"
Lately at Calder Bridge: Mrs Bowman, wife of Mr John Bowman
Thu, 08.07am, 08.30pm
Fri, 08.54am, 09.18pm
Sat, 09.44am, 10.10pm
Sun, 10.37am, 11.05pm
Mon, 11.35am, 12.06pm
Tue, 12.13am, 12.37pm
Wed, 01.09am, 01.41pm
20 May 1779:
As in previous issues:
Dying utensils at Cockermouth for sale
Hewthwaite estate for sale
Duties on goods traffic
Books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
[New & Authentic History of England partwork]
Those who have any claim or demand on the Whitehaven sloop Good Intent "whereof the late CHARLES MATHERS, was master" should contact Mr George France, carpenter of Chapel Street, Whitehaven "and deliver in their accompts, as he is empowered to receive and settle the same." Dated Whitehaven, 19 May.
20 May 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "OFFICIAL intelligence was received, on Tuesday, by the Commanding Officer at this place, informing him, that an armament had lately sailed from Brest, consisting of several frigates, and transports with troops on board. Their destination was not known, but it was thought necessary to inform the different Commanders on these coasts, that they might be on their guard.
In consequence of the above intelligence, the Magisrates and Committee of Safety met, at Mr. Haile's Coffee Room, and came to several resolutions respecting the defence of this place,- an express was sent off to Colonel Middleton, at Cockermouth, commanding the Denbighshire Militia, who arrived here with two companies of that corps yesterday. An express was also sent off to Carlisle, and two companies of the Westmorland Militia are expected to arrive here this day.
One of the Revenue cruizers was sent express to the Isle of Man, to inform the inhabitants of that place to be on their guard."
Last Thu at St. James's Church, Whitehaven, Mr Richard Fletcher, merchant of King-street, & Miss Baynes, daughter of Capt. Daniel Baynes of College-street.
Last Fri: Mr Jonathan Steele, "an eminent butcher" in Whitehaven.
Last Fri: Mr. William Little, "one of the Stewards at the Coal Steaths".
Lately at Low Walton near Whitehaven, "in an advanced age": Mr John Ellera.
Thu, 02.13am, 02.43pm
Fri, 03.14am, 03.43pm
Sat, 04.12am, 04.39pm
Sun, 05.06am, 05.31pm
Mon, 05.56am, 06.19pm
Tue, 06.43am, 07.05pm
Wed, 07.27am, 07.49pm
27 May 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Dr Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts
[New & Complete System of Geography partwork]
Official notice: "That a Commission of bankrupt is awarded and issued against SAMUEL MARTIN, of Whitehaven, in the County of Cumberland, Merchant, and he being declared a Bankrupt is, agreeably to an Advertisement which will be inserted in the London Gazette, thereby required to surrender himself to the said Commissioners, in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the Eleventh and Twelfth Days of June, and the Tenth day of July next, at ten of the Clock in the Morning of each of the said days, at the House of Mr. JOHN WALKER, known by the Sign of the Black-Lion, in Whitehaven aforesaid, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Efects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared, to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to consent to the Assignment already made, or to choose an Assignee or Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to PETER JOHN HEYWOOD, Attorney, in Whitehaven aforesaid, or Mr. JOHN BEARDSWORTH, Attorney, No. 13, Chancery-Lane, London.
By Order of the Commissioners,
Whitehaven, May 24, 1779."
27 May 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "LAST Friday, the Lord Cornwallis privateer, commanded by Capt. Richard Jackson, sailed from this port on a cruize. She mounts 16 six-pounders, 10 swivels, and 2 cohorns, with 70 men."
Whitehaven: "Two companies of the Westmorland militia, from Carlisle, marched in here last Saturday. Same day, the two companies of the Denbighshire militia, which arrived here last week from Cockermouth, returned to that place."
"Last Tuesday, a large concourse of people assembled upon the hills, near the Bowling Green, to see the Gentlemen work the great guns, superintended by John Hartley, Esq; The western gun, commanded by Capt. Harrison, was fired twice with ball, at a boat near a mile distant. The first shot struck the water a little short of the object, but in a very good direction; the second struck very near, with as good a direction as the first.- In short, the performance gave universal satisfaction, and reflects much honour upon the Gentlemen, who assisted with the greatest chearfullness at that laborious exercise.
Great numbers of people assembled last night, to see the Gentlemen practice at another battery. But the particulars were not obtained when this Paper went to the press."
Whitehaven: "Last Friday morning, the Lynx, Capt. Banton, of this port, and the Prince of Wales, Capt. Gillie, revenue cruizers, observed a large armed cutter in Bellcary Bay, near the Water of Orr, Galloway. Capt. Gillie being a stranger on the coast, the Lynx stood in and hailed her; but receiving no satisfactory answer gave her a broadside, which was immediately returned by the people on board the armed vessel, who continued to fire 'till they had received three broadsides from the Lynx, and one from the Prince of Wales. On being boarded by the revenue vessels' boats, she proved to be the Liberty, a smuggling cutter, belonging to Dover, mounting 10 double fortified 3-pounders, and 16 swivels, with upwards of 23 men. They found only 11 of the crew on board, the rest being ashore with the boat, made their escape. She landed part of her cargo on Wednesday night, in Glenluce Bay, and was discharging the rest when discovered. A large quantity of goods had been thrown over-board, several bags of tea were found near her, and others seen floating towards land, which the boats could not reach, as the wind blew strong inshore and prevented their landing. Upwards of 30 cartridges, filled for the 3-pounders, were found on board, and a large chest full of small arms. The Lynx received considerable damage in her sails and rigging, but none killed or wounded, on either side. The smuggler was carried into Clyde."
Thu, 08.11am, 08.13pm [sic]
Fri, 08.58am, 09.18pm
Sat, 09.41am, 10.04pm
Sun, 10.28am, 10.52pm
Mon, 11.17am, 11.42pm
Tue, 12.00am, 12.07pm
Wed, 12.31am, 12.57pm
3 Jun 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Notice re sloop Good Intent
A. Coutts Books & medicines lists combined into one advert [one and a half columns long]
"WANTED as an Articled CLERK to an Attorney, and active Youth of respectable Family, good Education, and genteel Address.- Apply to Mr. Heywood, Attorney in Whitehaven." Dated 29 May.
For sale by auction at the house of Mr Matthew Brockbank, inn-keeper, Keswick, 31 Jul: "very Improveable and extensive Freehold estate" at Ullock, in Crosthwaite parish, "consisting of Arable and Pasture Grounds, with many large Meadows, and some Wood-lands" (total 247 statute acres, by survey) with houses etc., "free of all great Tythes and enjoys an extensive right of Common, on which the present Farmer feeds a large stock of heaf-going Sheep, and other Cattle"; property of Mrs Clotilda Tickell for life, and of her son John Tickell Esq. after her death. The farmer, Mr John Walker of Ullock, holds the premises from year to year, the current lease expiring on Lady Day next. He will show the premises and answer questions. Advert dated Keswick, 20 May.
Miss Stangers, milliners of Cockermouth, "have selected an entire fresh Stock of Millinery, Haberdashery, and Linen Drapery Goods of the newest Patterns, and in the present Taste, which they will sell upon very reasonable Terms for ready Money."
"They flatter themselves, the Experience they have gained when in London, particularly in the Genteel Millinery Branch, will enable them to give Satistfaction.
N.B. They cannot open their Shop (now in the Occupation of Mrs. CARNABY) until the first Week in June, but will be glad to see their Friends, in the Interim, at their Dwelling-House.
The Selling Price at one Word."
John Fell, painter "has opened Shop at the lower End of Hamilton's Lane, near the Custom-House, Whitehaven, and intends selling all Sorts of Paint and Oil; likewise Tar Oil, Train Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Lamp Black, Brushes, and Painter's Tools of all Sorts."
[Brewing utensils to be sold by auction at Annan, 17 June. Details given]
[The New Book of Martyrs: new partwork in 40 parts, first part published 5 Jun, 6d]
3 Jun 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "To-morrow being the anniversary of his Majesty's birth-day, when he enters his 42d year. It is said, the Independent Artillery Company will fire, in honour of the day."
Whitehaven: "The Albion, Capt. Birket, and the Golden Rule, Capt. Thompson, both of this port, are arrived at Jamaica."
Lately at Caldbeck church: Mr John Harrison of Norman, & Miss Crosthwaite "of that place."
Last Sun at St. James's church, Whitehaven: Mr Albert Amerman of the ship D. Joanna, & Mrs Todd, widow of Brick-street.
Last Sun at Ramsey, Isle of Man: Mr William Mylrea & Miss Bella Christian.
Lately at St. James's Church, Whitehaven: Mr John Harrison, "an eminent Cabinet-maker, in Duke-street", & "the agreeable widow Falcon."
Lately, very suddenly, in Corney parish: Mr John Borrowdale.
Fri last week, at Hill Bootle: Miss Anne Shaw.
Lately at Stub Place, Bootle, "in an advanced age": Mrs Mary Sherwin.
At Egremont, in her 22nd year: Miss Gaitskell, "much esteemed and sincerely regretted", daughter of Mr William Gaitskell.
Yesterday: Mr Robert Pickthall, drover of Stubplace.
Thu, 01.20am, 01.47pm
Fri, 02.11am, 02.35pm
Sat, 02.58am, 03.22pm
Sun, 03.44am, 04.07pm
Mon, 04.29am, 04.51pm
Tue, 05.12am, 05.34pm
Wed, 05.56am, 06.18pm
10 Jun 1779:
As in previous issues:
John Fell, painter
Stangers milliners
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Articled clerk wanted
[New Book of Martyrs partwork]
[Brewing utensils auction at Annan]
For sale by auction at Mr Haile's Coffee-Room, Whitehaven, 29 Jun: the sloops Boscawen (master, Samuel Smith) and James (master, Matthias Brownrigg); each c90 tons burthen "of an easy Draught of Water, and very suitable for the Coal and Coasting Trade." 20 guineas payable in hand on each, the remainder at 3 & 6 months, subject to security. Inventories may be seen at Haile's; enquiries to Mr Harriman, who will also consider sale by private contract (in which case, notice of the cancelled auction will be given). Dated Whitehaven, 7 Jun.
[Advert for Nicholson & Co., State Lottery agents of London]
10 Jun 1779- NEWS:
The King's birthday, last Friday, was celebrated at Whitehaven "with every mark of loyalty and respect. In the morning, flags were displayed at the Old Fort and Light-house, and by the shipping in the harbour. At noon, the two companies of the Denbighshire, and the Westmorland battalion of militia, quartered here, marched down and formed on the New Quay, with colours flying, where they fired three excellent vollies, amidst the acclamations of great number of the inhabitants, who assembled on the occasion. In the afternoon, the principal Gentlemen in town, and the Officers of the militia assembled at the different taverns, where many loyal and constitutional healths were drank. The evening concluded with firing of cannon, and other public demonstrations of joy."
Whitehaven: "The weather here, since our last, has been very warm and sultry. On Tuesday we had a violent shower of rain, attended with the loudest claps of thunder ever heard, at this place, by the oldest inhabitant. The sulphureous exhalations seemed to have kindled very near this place; but we do not hear of any accident having happened."
Whitehaven, last Tue morning: "a square rigged vessel was seen standing towards this port, and, after having stood close in shore, was observed to stand to the northward, as if bound to Workington; but being seen, afterwards, stretching to the southward, various conjectures were formed about her, and she was strongly suspected to be an enemy.
A person, from Harrington, who had been on board the above vessel in the afternoon, not being able to give the Magistrates of this place a satisfactory account of her, and as she was seen to stand in towards St. Bees head in the evening, it was generally believed she had been sent to reconnoitre, and that other vessels intending to act with her were not far off. About ten o'clock, the militia drums beat to arms, the guards were doubled, a detachment sent off to St. Bees, which remained there all night, the different batteries were manned, and every precaution taken to prevent a surprize, but no enemy appeared.
On Friday, a vessel (supposed to be that seen off here) put into Pielafouldrey, and was boarded by the people belonging to some armed vessels lying there, but, the master refusing to give up his papers, no authentic information could be obtained respecting her destination. She is said to be from New York with tobacco, sassafras, &c. some of the crew gave out that they came from Glasgow, had been at Whitehaven, and were bound to Liverpool. It seems they have found means to put to sea again, and it is probable that her real destination will remain a secret, at least for some time."
Whitehaven, last Thu afternoon: "the Independent Artillery Company, fired several shot, from a six pounder field piece, placed behind the North Wall, at a target about four hundred yards distant. Great numbers of people attended and were highly pleased with the performance, as the shot in general had a very good direction, and one struck the target near the centre."
Whitehaven, early Tue morning: "an express boat arrived here from the Isle of Man with an account, that several large armed vessels had been seen standing along that coast. About seven o'clock, the same morning, the Rattlesnake cutter, Capt. Knell, came to anchor off this port, and several of the Officers came on shore soon after, by whom we learn, that they sailed from Plymouth" [ships listed]
"Yesterday evening the Rattlesnake sailed from this road for Ramsey Bay, to join the above fleet."
Whitehaven: "The Westmorland battalion of militia, quartered here, are to march for Sunderland next Monday."
"The publisher of the Cumberland Chronicle presents his most respectful compliments to his Subscribers- and as he is given to understand, that many of them, who reside at a considerable distance from Whitehaven,with-hold their subscription money in expectation of his waiting upon them to receive the same- He takes the liberty of acquainting them, that such application would be extremely inconvenient at this time; and therefore requests, that those Subscribers who are in arrear, will please to make immediate payment to the different Distributors."
Lately at Carlisle: Mr John Robinson of Scalesceugh, & Miss Peggy Nicholson of Bat-house.
Last week: Mr Thomas Porter "an eminent currier in Wigton", & Miss Smith of Micklethwaite.
Mon last week: Mr Thomas Losh, glover in Carlisle, & Miss Jenny Armstrong, also of Carlisle.
Last Mon at Abbey Holme: Mr Glaister of Red Flatt & Miss Wills of Long-Newton.
This morning at St. James' Church, Whitehaven, by the Rev. Mr Spedding: William Moore Esq., Captain in the Westmorland Militia, & Miss Palmer, daughter of the late Mr William Palmer of Howgil Street.
Last week at Guilsland Wells: Joseph Dacre Esq., J.P., of Kirklington.
"The ATTORNEY'S SOLILOQUY" (Anonymous, after Shakespeare), beginning:
"To cheat, or not to chear, that is the question.-
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind, to suffer
The stings and gnawings of a troubled conscience;
Or bravely spurn Corruptions gilded baits" ...
and ending:
"Thus avarice makes rascals of us all:
And thus the comely face of honesty
Is tarnish'd o'er by ill-designing knaves,
Who toil amidst the labyrinths of law,
In search of matter to perplex mankind,
And leave the paths of wisdom. ----"
Thu, 06.41am, 07.04pm
Fri, 07.28am, 07.53pm
Sat, 08.19am, 08.46pm
Sun, 09.14am, 09.43pm
Mon, 10.14am, 10.46pm
Tue, 11.18am, 11.51pm
Wed, 12.07am, 12.23pm
17 Jun 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Ullock
Sloops Boscawen & James for sale
John Fell, painter
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
"Now Loading for GLASGOW,
The Brig DIDO,
A Constant Trader
(F R A N C I S T E L F E R, Master)
Will sail in Twelve Days from the Date hereof.
For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or to CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, & Co. Merchants, Whitehaven" Dated Whitehaven, 17 Jun.
A meeting of the creditors of Jonathan Richardson, house carpenter of Branthwaite in Dean parish, is to be held on 12 Jul at the Black Bull (Joseph Rook's) in Cockermouth, to settle any disputes over his effects. "It is therefore expected that proper Notice will be taken of this Advertisement". Dated 17 Jun.
17 Jun 1779- NEWS:
Main item is the latest from New York, in letters dated 1 May, leading with the capture of a convoy by two rebel frigates and the sloop-of-war Ranger. Although New York itself is still quite adequately supplied, in the southern colonies goods are scarce and price inflation is rampant: "a yard of Kendal cotton sells, at Charles Town, South Carolina, for 7£"...
The suspect vessel which appeared off Whitehaven on 27 May "proves to be the Esther, Capt. Pitts, from New-York, with tobacco for Liverpool, at which place she is arrived."
Sir James Lowther, Bart. arrived at The Castle, Whitehaven, on Sat morning, and left again on Mon afternoon.
Whitehaven, Mon morning: "the Westmorland militia marched from this place, for Sunderland, under the command of Colonel Moore."
Also: "The Denbighshire militia, commanded by Colonel Myddleton, marched from hence this morning, for Chester."
"The Durham battalion of militia is expected to march in here, on Monday next."
Austin & Whitlock's theatre company are to perform at Newcastle next week (Race Week), then over the summer at Chester. Also, "we hear they intend fitting up a Place in an elegant manner, to perform at Carlisle a few weeks, next summer."
Whitehaven, last Mon: "a boy playing among the shipping, in this harbour, a piece of timber fell upon him and killed him on the spot."
"We hear from Carlisle that there is arrived in that City, Mr. HEPPENSTALL, who has so often obliged the Public by exhibiting a variety of extraordinary curiosities and has brought with him that Amazing Animal the
Which was shewn with such universal applause at Astley's Riding School, Westminster-Bridge, the greatest part of last summer. This astonishing creature, when he stands erect, is near five feet high, and is a striking resemblance of the human species. His ears are small but have large apertures, so that he is extremely quick of hearing. His cheeks are ribbed, and of a fine blue; his nose and nostrils of a beautiful scarlet"
[Can you tell what it is yet? The description goes on for a good many more lines, ending thus:]
"The above Animal is expected here in a day or two." [i.e. at Whitehaven]
Tue last week, at Morpeth, by the Rev. Mr Ekins, Rector there: the Rev. Mr. Nicholson, curate there and Vicar of Millom in Cumberland, & Miss Walton, daughter of the late Rev. Mr Walton of Bothal, Northumberland.
In Bengal: Mr Thomas Gale, sonp of the late Mr John Gale of Whitehaven.
"The Attorney's Prayer", by "Verus et Justus" of Whitehaven [a response to last week's odd ode] ending:
"Fame, honour, riches I resign,
The praise of doing well be mine;
That friends may weep, the honest sigh,
And good men bless me, when I die."
Thu, 12.56am, 01.27pm
Fri, 01.58am, 02.50pm
Sat, 02.55am, 03.21pm
Sun, 03.47am, 04.11pm
Mon, 04.36am, 04.59pm
Tue, 05.22am, 05.44pm
Wed, 06.06am, 06.28pm
24 Jun 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Ullock to be sold
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Sloops Boscawen & James for sale
Jonathan Richardson creditors' meeting
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
[New Book of Martyrs]
24 Jun 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "The Durham Battalion of Militia, commanded by the Hon. HENRY, Earl of Darlington, marched in here yesterday. This corps is composed of healthy, active young men, who have all the neatness, and martial appearance of regular bred troops. The great attention paid them by his Lordship, and the rest of the Officers, raises a praise worthy emulation thro' the whole battalion, and each endeavours to excel in obeying orders, and becoming acquainted with military discipline.- Which affords a striking proof that a proper degree of care and attention in their Officers, would render the Militia of England perfectly adequate to the great purpose of their institution- the internal defence of this country.- The battalion consists of 420, besides Commissioned, and Non-commisioned Officers.
The following is a list of the Officers of the Durham Militia, now here:
The Hon. HENRY Earl of Darlington, Colonel.- John Taylor, Esq; Major.- Captains Robert Robinson, Robert Hutchinson, James Benning, Thomas Catherick Green, Esqrs.- Captain Lieutenant. William Benning Esq.;- Lieutenants. William Usher, Thomas Richardson, Thomas Stout, Thomas Coats Esqrs.- Ensigns. John Smith, Esq; and Lord Barnard.
Adjutant. Samuel Castle, Esq;- Thomas Stout, Esq; Surgeon
Lord and Lady Darlington reside at the Castle"
Whitehaven, last Thu: "the Shannon, Harris, and the Kirkham, Bone, belonging to Mary-port, passed by this place, from the Baltick; they were taken on the 7th instant, near the Naise of Norway, by the Dunkervuoise privateer, Capt. Morel, who ransomed the Kirkham for 1100, and the Shannon for 400 guineas. - They bring account that the French privateers on that quarter, had taken a great number of British vessels."
Whitehaven: "The Nancy, Bell, from hence to Oporto, was taken on the 10th of May, within one day's sail of that Port, by the General Starke, American privateer, of 18 six pounders and 130 men."
Whitehaven: "The Captain of a vessel, which came in here yesterday from Dublin says, that just before he sailed an express was received at the Castle, from Cork, with an account of the total defeat of General Washington's army in the Jerseys." ...
Whitehaven: "Colonel Stevens, sent by Government to examine the fortifications on the sea Coasts of this Kingdom, arrived here on Monday, and took a survey of the forts at this place."
"A Correspondent informs us that there has been only three Rectors in the Parish of Corney, in this County, for these 164 years past- the first served the Parish 63 years, the second 61, and the present Rector has officiated there upwards of 40 years."
Last Mon morning, in her 74th year: Mrs Birkhead, post-mistress of Whitehaven, "greatly beloved and respected by a numerous acquaintance".
Thu last week, at Stoney Croft, Cumberland, after a short illness, age 51: Mr John Tyson, "much esteemed and greatly regretted by a numerous acquaintance". "He had 13 births and 13 funerals in his family, in 30 years."
Thu, 06.50am, 07.12pm
Fri, 07.34am, 07.57pm
Sat, 08.20am, 08.44pm
Sun, 09.08am, 09.32pm
Mon, 09.57am, 10.22pm
Tue, 10.48am, 11.13pm
Wed, 11.48am, 12.02pm
1 Jul 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Estate at Ullock for sale
Jonathan Richardson creditors' meeting
[Nicholson's State Lottery Office]
"The SALE of the 108 HOGSHEADS of TOBACCO, Which was to have been this Day, is put off for some little Time, of which Particulars will be advertised." Dated Whitehaven, 1 Jul.
HIS Majesty's Plate of One Hundred Guineas will be run for at the City of CARLISLE, on MONDAY the 5th Day of July, by any Horse, &c. being no more than Five Years old, carrying Eight Stone Seven Pounds. Heats, Four Miles each.
On Tuesday the 6th, FIFTY POUNDS, given by Sir JAMES LOWTHER, Bart. and WALTER SPENCER STANHOPE, Esq; free for any Horse, &c. that never won the Value of Fifty Pounds, at any one Time; Four Years old to carry Seven Stone, Five Years old Eight Stone and Six Pounds, Six Years old Nine Stone, and aged Nine Stone Four Pounds. Heats, Four Miles each.
To enter for the above, at the Bush Inn in Carlisle, with proper Certificates, on Saturday, July 3, between Four and Seven in the Afternoon.
The Owner of each Horse, &c. entering for the Fifty Pounds to subscribe and pay, at or before Entrance, Three Guineas towards future Diversion.
If only One Horse enters, to be entitled to the Prize for walking over the Course.
If any Dispute arises, as to Entrance or running, the same to be determined by Sir JAMES LOWTHER, or whom he shall appoint."
"To the Right Worshipful the MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and the Rest of the CORPORATION, and the LADIES, GENTLEMEN, and PUBLIC in general of the City of CARLISLE.
MESSRS. AUSTIN AND WHITLOCK, Managers of the Theatre Royal in Chester, and Theatres in Newcastle and Whitehaven, most respectfully Address you for your Patronage to pursue their intended Plan of fitting up a Place in Carlisle for Theatrical Entertainments, and offer their own, and Company's Abilities to contribute to your Amusement for a few Weeks (including the Race Week) next Summer.-
The Reason of this early Application, and Public Address is forced by an insolent Advertisement, inserted by a Mr. Cuthell in the Cumberland Pacquet, wherein their Names are mentioned, which they treat with the just Contempt it deserves, as the judicious
ublic willbe convinced, from the well known Reputation of their Company, their great Theatrical Connexions, and many other favourable Circumstances, that they certainly can entertain you in a much superior Manner, and prodce all their Plays in a more Elegant and Theatrical Stile than it can possibly be in the Power of any little itinerant Company, who arrogate to themselves a Species of Theatrical Merit which they are entirely unacquainted with."
1 Jul 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "Yesterday the Durham militia mounted guard at the forts, and centinels were placed at the batteries, and in different parts of the town, at the placing of which Lord Darlington attended, on horseback.
Accommodations for lodging 100 of the above corps are fitting up, with all speed, in order to ease the poorer sort of publicans; many of whom have complained of their being unable to furnish them with suitable quarters."
Whitehaven: "A battery, on which will be mounted the 10 18-pounders brought here some time ago, is now erecting on the high ground above the Bowling-green, which will be completed with all expedition, for the better defence of this place.
Another battery, it is said, will be erected near St. Bees, for the defence of that bay."
Whitehaven: "On Tuesday, the Collector of this port received an express from the Commissioners of his Majesty's customs, ordering an embargo to be laid on all vessels bound to foreign parts, 'till further orders."
Whitehaven & Haile: "George Edward Stanley, Esq; we hear, has presented the Rev. Mr. Nicholson of this town with the perpetual curacy of Haile." [see next week]
"The King's Plate will be run for, at Carlisle, on Monday next.- See the Advertisement"...
Assizes, Northern Circuit: Mr Justice Willes & Mr Justice Buller. Cumberland, 6 August; Westmorland, 11 August.
Lately at Kendal: Mr John Hall, "Adjutant and Lieutenant in the Westmorland battalion of militia, much respected as an active officer."
Thu, 12.07am, 12.26pm
Fri, 12.49am, 01.13pm
Sat, 01.36am, 01.59pm
Sun, 02.20am, 02.42pm
Mon, 03.03am, 03.25pm
Tue, 03.46am, 04.07pm
Wed, 04.29am, 04.51pm
Mr T. Evans, bookseller, Pater-noster-row: London;
Mr Wilson, bookseller, Dublin;
Mr Schaw, bookseller, Edinburgh;
Mr Charnley, Newcastle upon Tyne;
Mr Gore, printer, Liverpool;
Mr Monk, Chester;
Mr Harrop, Manchester;
Mr W. Blanchard & Co., York;
Mr Ward, Sheffield;
Mr Ashburner, Lancaster;
Mr Ashburner, printer, Kendal;
Mr Furnass, Appleby;
Mr Tait, printer, Glasgow;
Mr Wilson, bookseller, Dumfries;
Mr Murray, Kirkcudbright;
Mr John Milliken, bookseller, Carlisle;
Mr Blair, bookseller, Wigton;
Mr A. Soulby, Penrith;
Mr Scott, post-master, Kendal;
Mr Todhunter, Cockermouth;
Mr Sibson, the Brewery: Mary-Port;
Mr Atkinson, Workington;
Mr Jackson, Harrington;
Mr Jackson, saddler, Egremont;
Mr Blair, Hesket-New-Market;
Mr Newby, innkeeper, Broughton;
Mr Parke, Ulverstone;
Mr Cloud, merchant, Abbey Holme;
Mr Robinson, Annan;
Mr Peter Moore, merchant, Douglas: Isle of Man
and of course Alexander Coutts (sucessor to J. Dunn) at the Printing-Office in the Market-place, Whitehaven
8 Jul 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Ullock to be sold by auction
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
[Nicholson's State Lottery Office, London]
8 Jul 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "Last Saturday, Lieutenant-General Haviland, Colonel of the 45th regiment of foot, arrived here. The General reviewed Sir George Saville's regiment of Militia, at Liverpool, last Thursday; and will review the Durham Militia, commanded by Brigadier-General the Earl of Darlington, in a few days. Gen. Haviland takes the command of all the forces quartered on this coast.
On Monday the principal Gentlemen of this town gave an elegant entertainment, at the George Inn, to General Haviland, Lord Darlington, and the rest of the Military Officers quartered here."
On 5 Jun, the Whitehaven privateer Lord Cornwallis (Capt. Jackson) [see May 27 news] "was taken off Mizzen Head, after a chace of three hours, by the Monsieur privateer, belonging to St. Maloes, of 40 guns and 400 men, and carried into Port L'Orient. During the chace, Captain Jackson kept up a constant fire with his stern chace, in hopes of disabling the enemy, but was at length obliged to strike, the Cornwallis being so much damaged in her masts and rigging that there was no possibility of escaping; happily none of his people were hurt. The Monsieur also took the Hope, of Liverpool; the Kitty, and the Matty, of Glasgow; and the Ocean privateer, of Belfast."
Whitehaven: "The Juno, Capt. Allonby, from New York, arrived here last Sunday. The Hero, Capt. Blakeney, of this port, arrived at the Hook, two days before the Juno sailed."
"The Rev. Mr. Nicholson is presented with the curacy of Ponsonby, and not Haile, as mentioned in our last."
"Sir James Lowther's bay mare; Mr. Coates's bay horse, Orpheus; and Lord Surry's grey mare Gimcrack, were entered to run for his Majesty's Plate of one hundred guineas, at Carlisle, last Monday."
Last Tue: "one Margaret McIntosh, alias Robson, was committed to the House of Correction at Cockermouth, for stealing some linen, the property of Cuthbert Coates of Whitrigg, in the parish of Torpenhow."
A few days ago at Greystock, by the Rev. Mr Blain: Mr Thomas Nicholson of Hesket-New-Market, & Miss Bab. Ritson, of Wham-Head.
Thu, 05.14am, 05.37pm
Fri, 06.01am, 06.26pm
Sat, 06.53am, 07.20pm
Sun, 07.50am, 08.20pm
Mon, 08.51am, 09.23pm
Tue, 09.56am, 10.30pm
Wed, 11.02am, 11.35pm
15 July 1779 (issue 142):
As in previous issues:
Estate at Ullock to be sold by auction
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
[Nicholson's State Lottery Office, London]
For sale by auction at Whitehaven on 26 Jul: 58 hogsheads of choice James' River tobacco, and 50 hogsheads of good Maryland tobacco. Advert dated 14 Jul.
"The Game having of late Years been much destroyed in the Isle of Man, it is requested, by the DUKE of ATHOLL, that the Gentlemen of the Island, and their Friends, will, for this Season, restrain from Hunting; and prevent, by that Means, an Extirpation of the different Species.
A Practice has lately prevailed of burning the Heath on the Hills, and, as this is contrary to the express Laws of the Island, Directions have been left with ROBERT HEYWOOD, Esq.; in Douglas, to prosecute all Offenders with the utmost Severity.
A Reward of Three Pounds is hereby offered for the discovering of any Persons destroying the Game, to be paid, on Conviction, by said Mr. HEYWOOD, the DUKE of ATHOLL's Gamekeeper in the Island."
["PETER BRETT, STATIONER, No. 201, in the Strand, LONDON, begs leave to inform NOBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, and Others, residing in the Country, that he continues the Business of sending News-Papers (Post free) to all Parts of Great Britain and Ireland, in the most regular Manner, and on the most moderate Terms"...]
[Middleton's New Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, in 80 parts. Part one published 24 Jul, price 6d]
15 Jul 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven, last Sat: "his Grace the Duke of Atholl arrived here from the Isle of Man; and we have the pleasure to hear, that his Grace has been pleased to appoint Peter John Heywood, Esq; Seneschal of the Lordship of Man, and the Isles, and Receiver of his Grace's revenues in that Island."
"Lord Adam Gordon reviewed the Westmorland militia at Sunderland the third inst., when his Lordship was pleased to express his approbation of the Officers and Men's appearance, and attention in the field; and expressed great satisfaction at the good fires they made, as it rained the whole time of the review."
Mon 5 Jul: his Majesty's 100 guineas- won by Mr Coates's Orpheus
Sweepstakes won by ditto.
Tue 6 Jul: £50 weight for age- won by Sir James Lowther's black horse
Wed 7 Jul: £50 for 4 year olds- won by Mr Huchinson's Abigail
Thu 8 Jul: £50 for all ages- won by Sir James Lowther's Pleader
Fri 9 Jul: £50 subscription purse- won by Mr Coates's Orpheus
Last Thu at Morresby church, by the Rev. Mr Watts: Capt. Jonathan Harris & Miss Yowart, both of Parton.
A few days ago in the Isle of Man: John Maxwell Esq., & Mrs Kelly, widow [Manx researchers should note that, as mentioned elsewhere in this web-site, not all items relevant to the island have been included in these summaries]
Lately at Broughton, Lancs.: Mr Jackson, surgeon & apothecary, "much respected".
Thu, 12.05am, 12.07pm
Fri, 12.36am, 01.04pm
Sat, 01.32am, 01.58pm
Sun, 02.24am, 02.48pm
Mon, 03.12am, 03.35pm
Tue, 03.58am, 04.20pm
Wed, 04.43am, 05.05pm
"The editor presents his Dutiful Respects to the Public, and particularly to those Gentlemen who have so liberally countenanced and supported the Cumberland Chronicle, and takes the liberty to inform them, that he will not have it any longer in his power to receive their favours in behalf of a weekly News Paper, as the Chronicle will not again be published;
and as it might be deemed presumption in the Publisher, were he to trouble his Readers with a circumstantial detail of the various circumstances which have led him to discontinue it, let it suffice to say, that the disadvantages he has laboured under, in endeavouring to publish it, have been many.
The Publisher being fully sensible of the many obligations he lies under, takes this opportunity to return his most grateful thanks to his friends, and the public in general, for all past favours."
Not to be continued.