4 Mar 1779:
As in previous issues:
Oranges, lemons etc. for sale [but without sloop]
Voyage of the Richardson
John Huddleston, broker
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
[Modern Universal British Traveller]
WHITEHAVEN, Saturday, February 27, 1779.
WHEREAS JOSEPH TRUEMAN, Apprentice to the Wells, of this Port, was Yesterday guilty of several Outrages against the Peace, any Person who will apprehend the said Joseph Trueman, and carry him before a Magistrate, shall receive TWENTY GUINEAS Reward.
Joseph Trueman is about five Feet six Inches high, Thick Set, round Shouldered, fresh Complexion, light Hair; had on a blue Sailor's Jacket, and a Red Under Waistcoat; is supposed to have Parents now living in Cockermouth.
N.B. All House-keepers whatsoever are requested, at their Peril, not to harbor the said Joseph Trueman, but to do their utmost to bring him to Justice."
Spilsbury's Drops for scurvy, gout etc. "sold by the Printer of this Paper"
4 Mar 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "On Monday last came into port, after saluting the town, the Castor, Capt. Brocklebank, from New York, but last from Corke.- On her passage from New York, she took and American sloop, and re-took an English privateer of 12 guns."
Whitehaven: "Yesterday arrived here Le Dragon, prize to the Hazard privateer of this port; on her coming into the harbour, she was saluted by the Independent Artillery Company."
Whitehaven, Fri afternoon [with interpolations from the report in the rival Cumberland Pacquet, 2 Mar, most of which the Chronicle seems to have adapted for its own article]: "a great number of people assembled, in a riotous manner, before the George Inn, on the Custom-House Quay, with intent to abuse two women, who were then lodging information, before the Justices, and Collector of Excise, against several persons who sell spirituous liquors, without licence. About two o'clock the rioters increased considerably; and, finding the objects of their fury with-held, two cart-load of stones were brought to the Custom-House Quay, in order to assail those who should attempt to protect the women. From these preparations, and other daring threats, the Magistrates thought it necessary to call the military to ther aid, in order to preserve the peace. Application was accordingly made to the Officer commanding the Westmoreland Militia; the drums beat to arms, and two companies, under the command of Adjutant Hall, marched down to the George Inn- on their approach, the mob attacked them with showers of stones, brickbats, &c. seemingly with a determined resolution to prevent the military from forming on the Custom-house Quay. The Adjutant, however, in spite of every resistance, lead them on, and the Riot Act was read by Anthony Benn, esq;- The mob still continuing to throw showers of stones, several vollies were fired over their heads, with a view to disperse them, but without effect, for this lenity served only to incresse their fury; and the soldiers being still insulted with great severity, were lead off in parties, firing at the rioters, [CP: "the dreadful business at length began in earnest. Happily however on account of the frequent firings, most of the orderly people had retired into their houses, &c.] who quitted their ground, were pursued and dispersed [CP: "three or four of the rioters being wounded, the rest dispersed"]. Through the whole of this disagreeable business, only six persons were wounded, and none of them mortally, a circumstance which sufficiently bespeaks the humanity of Mr. Hall, and the men under his command, in praise of whom too much cannot be said, when it is considered, that the lives of hundreds lay at their mercy, after having, without any provocation, on their part, patiently received repeated and most outrageous insults, with a manly firmness, for some time, having the means of death in their power. [CP: "Few of either the officers or soldiers escaped some hurt from the number of stones thrown at them"]- The women were removed, without receiving any injury, and the town became quiet towards the evening.
In consequence of the above riot, an express was sent off for a company of the Denbighshire Militia, quartered at Workington, to march for this town, and they arrived here about nine o'clock the same night."
[CP: "We are happy in having it in our power to add, that all is now quiet,--- A reward of twenty guineas is offered for apprehending one Joseph Trueman, a principal actor in the riot."]
Sun last week: "Mr. John Moore, of Old Hutton near Kendal, unfortunately fell from his horse and was killed on the spot."
Last Mon: Mr William Pearson of Low-house near Egremont, "much respected"
Last Fri, at Distington, in his 64th year: Mr George Augustus Blakeney, "formerly a Captain in the Army"
Sat last week: Mr Matthew Carter of Beckman-hall, Millom, & Miss Nancy Perry "of the same place"
Lately at Beck, in Millom: Mr William Shepherd, & Miss Susannah Askew of South-field, Whicham
4 Mar 1779- SHIPPING:
[Name, Captain, From/to]
25 Feb- Buck, Grizie, Isleman; Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Rosemount, Kirkwood, Dublin; John, Hannah, Kirkcudbright; Mayflower, Barnes, Lancaster
27 Feb- Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast
28 Feb- Friendship, Pearson, Belfast; William, Crosthwaite; Pitt, Knaile, Isleman
1 Mar- Castor, Brockelbank, New York; Fanny, Bell, Belfast; Edward, Naddy, Wexford
2 Mar- Diligence, Brown; Jenny, McKey, Dumfries; Margaret, Beca, Water Orr
24 Feb- Nancy, Dixon; Two Sisters, John, Carlisle; John & Ann, Flaniga, Dublin
28 Feb- Mayflower, Barnes, Carlisle
Thu, 11.56am, 12.07pm
Fri, 11.19am [sic], 12.43pm
Sat, 01.06am, 01.29pm
Sun, 01.52am, 02.15pm
Mon, 02.38am, 03.01pm
Tue, 03.25am, 03.49pm
Wed, 04.13am, 11.37pm [sic]
11 Mar 1779:
As in previous issues:
Oranges, lemons etc. for sale
Voyage of the ship Richardson
John Huddleston, broker
Reward for the capture of Joseph Trueman
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops ["sold by A. COUTTS, the Printer of this PAPER"]
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Full-column list of books, stationery etc. sold by A. Coutts of Whitehaven, beginning with "The Seaman's Guide" by John Diston, basically similar items to previous lists.
Whitehaven: "MISS HADWEN, who has been Assistant to Mrs. DURAND near Seven Years, takes the Liberty of acquainting her FRIENDS and the PUBLIC, that she intends opening a School in Howgill-Street, on MONDAY the 12th Day of APRIL, where she purposes teaching all Sorts of Needle-Work, Reading, Spelling, &c.
Entrance Three Shillings; and Six Shillings per Quarter.
Those who please to favour her with their Children may be assured the greatest Care shall be taken.
Learning the Tambour, Five Shillings."
To let by auction at the house of Richard Noble, Borrowbridge, 30 Mar, 10am-2pm: Tolls at Borrowbridge Gate on the turnpike road from Appleby to Kirkby Kendal, Westmorland. Last year they produced £140 over the expenses of collecting them, "and will be put up at that Sum". Succesful bidder must provide sureties to the Trustees for payment of the rent. John Bowness, Clerk to the Trustees, 2x Feb [date misprinted].
11 Mar 1779- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle last Sat.: wheat 14s to 15s per bushel; rye 13s & 13/6; barley 7/6 & 8s; oats 5/3 & 5/6; white pease 16s; grey pease 8/6; beans 10s.
Whitehaven, last Thu: "one Andrew Watters (who was going on ship board, to take his passage for Dublin) was apprehended and carried before the Magistrates here, on suspicion of his having stolen some watches, rings, buckles, &c. out of the shop of Messrs. Stalker and Mitchinson, of Newcastle. At the conclusion of his examination, a box was produced which contained, besides other valuable articles, most of the plate, &c. advertised by the said Messrs. Stalker and Mitchinson, and Watters was accordingly committed to Carlisle gaol. Mr. Salomon, Silversmith in this town, and Mr Hugh Adamson, who were principally concerned in getting him apprehended, and to whom he had offered some of the articles for sale, were bound over to prosecute."
Whitehaven: "The Revenge privateer, Capt. Alexander Chapman, of Liverpool, sailed from this port last Friday, on a four months cruize, and saluted the town."
Last Sat, in his 19th year: Mr Thomas Kelsick, son of Isaac Kelsick Esq.
As your paper passes through the hands of many of the acting Magistrates, and several of the Mayors of Corporations, I beg, with your permission, to make a few observations on the present Recruiting Act, commonly called the Press Act.
In all societies, whether great or small, it is expected that each individual should contribute his share towards the support and welfare of that society according to his abilities; the affluent contribute their riches, and the poor their strength; by which means the expences of their government are defrayed, and peace and good order maintained. Every idle member therefore who has not wherewith to maintain himself, and will not work for his livelihood, becomes a burthen to that society of which he is a member. The grat end of this recruiting act is to raise men to complete the present army of the nation" ... "as to the able bodies, idle and disorderly persons, who cannot, upon examination, prove themselves to exercise and industriously follow some trade or employment, or to have some substance sufficient for their support and maintenance, and who are the true objects of this act, the warmest patriot, and the strongest advocate for liberty, must agree with me in opinion, that the making such persons useful to their country is truly constitutional, political, and human; but in the execution of a law of this nature, great caution ought to be used not to apprehend those who do not fall exactly within the description above mentioned." ... "the best method of doing this will be by the Commissioners giving full instructions to the peace officers when they deliver their warrants to them. A few sensible precautions at this time may prevent a number of mistakes, save the trouble, and take away the necessity of removing such pressed men as are improperly apprehended at great distances by the habeas corpus. But above all things, malice, or resentment, should have no share in the execution of this salutary law.
P.S. As informers against such as come within the meaning of this act are entitled to a reward of twenty shillings, (if such persons are approved) it is well worth while for parties under such apprehensions to inlist as volunteers, either with the Commissioners, or the Recruiting Serjeants, which will entitle them to a bounty."
11 Mar 1779- SHIPPING:
[Name, Captain, From/to]
3 Mar- Joanna, Fisher, Londonderry; Dragon, Robb, France (a prize); Liberty, Huddart, Waterford; Thomas, Heslop, Dumfries
5 Mar- Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Jenny, Irven, Annan; Peter, Cowart, Ravenglass; Open Boat, Lowes, Allonby
6 Mar- Esther, Bell; Jenny, Clementson; Minerva, Lamborough; Jenny & Betty, Bell; Birmingham, Dockray; Mary Ann, Carlisle, Carlisle; Betsy, Bell, Maryport; Two Brothers, Humphrey, Cardigan
8 Mar- Good Intent, Backhouse, Maryport; Isabella, Fisher, Chester
9 Mar- Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries
2 Mar- Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Defiance, Griffin; Lyon, Richards, Water Orr; John, Hannah, Wigton; Mally, Martin, Isleman
3 Mar- Juno, Jackson; Senhouse, Watson; Lark, Key; Ann, Briggs; Betsy, Younghusband; Dove, Dargue; Thomson, Johnson, Dublin
4 Mar- Daniel, Conway, Strangford; Hawke, Brown; Bella Steele; Brayton, Harrison; Caesar, Weathrall; Vigilant, Williamson; Betty, Palmer; Thomas, Carrel; Musgrave, Sibson; William, Bratney; Jenny, Thompson; Prince of Wales, Briggs; Britannia, Allison; Radcliffe, Hodgson, Dublin; Inchinquin, Button, Plymouth
5 Mar- Mary & Kitty, Eglon, Wigton; Buck, Grizie, Isleman; Revenge, Chapman, Seas; Mary, Reed; Curwen, Younghusband; Assistance, Farish; Nelly, Woodburn; Betsy, Armstrong; Jackson, Sharp; Hannah, Mossop; Frederick, Jackson; Kitty, Fisher; Elizabeth, Fletcher, Dublin
6 Mar- Open Boat, Lowes, Allonby; Jenny, Irven, Carlisle; Margaret, Beca, Water Orr; Industry, Atkinson; James & Thomas, Benn; Minerva, Welch; Sedgwick, Allison; Garland, Pipes; Moor, Booth; Betsy, Yowart; Industry, Cragg; Mally & Peggy, Walker; Loyalty, Thompson; William & Thomas, Piper; Catharine, Williams; Prosperous, Thompson; Peace, Ritson; Endeavour, Moor; Lark, Anderson; Powell, Huddleston; Chriswell, Johnstone; John & Mary, Mayson; Johnson, Kennell, Dublin; Dido, Telfer, Glasgow; Rainbow, Fowler, Newry
7 Mar- Rupert, Scott, Harrington; Mary Ann, Herd, New York; Ledger, Hodgson; Hector, Pearson; Hartley, Fanning; Olive Branch, Angus; Seaflower, Gibbins; Peggy, James; Adventure, Thompson; mally, pennyman; Cumberland, Fleming; Tanner, Conkey; Rose, Harrison; Wilson, Benson; Williamson, Phillipson; Fox, Salkeld; Howgill, McDonald; Dallomtower, Fell; Jane, Winks; Richmons, Smithson; John, Watson, Dublin; Ashlin, Miller, Portsmouth
8 Mar- Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Jenny, Clementson, Carlisle
9 Mar- Birmingham, Dockray, Carlisle; Open Boat, Hesket, Allonby; Peter, Cowart, Ulverstone
Thu, 05.02am, 05.27pm
Fri, 05.52pm, 06.17pm
Sat, 06.42am, 07.07pm
Sun, 07.32am, 07.57pm
Mon, 08.21am, 08.45pm
Tue, 09.08am, 09.32pm
Wed, 09.55am, 10.18pm
18 Mar 1779:
As in previous issues:
Oranges, lemons etc. for sale
Voyage of the ship Richardson
John Huddleston, broker
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
[Modern Universal British Traveller partwork]
CUMBERLAND REGISTER OFFICE: basic advert as usual, still 1s to register:
"Wanted at the above Office,
Wanted the Sum of 700£. upon unquestionable Security of a Freehold Estate.
Also the Sum of 100£. upon good security.
Several ready-furnished Lodgings.
Wanted immediately a young man, or boy, for an Apprentice to a Painter, one of a tolerable genius for design or drawing, would be most acceptable.
To be Let, a small shop conveniently situate in the Market-Place, which might be very suitable for one who attends on Market Days.
To be Let, several sittings in sundry Pews, single or double, situate in Trinity Church.
A young Man, who can be well recommended, wants Employment as a Clerk or as an Assistant to a School-Master.
Two Dwelling Houses, with Stables and other convenient Back-buildings, situate in King-Street, with a Passage into Strand-street, to be Sold."
For sale by private contract: "an improveable Freehold Estate, with the Appurtenances" at Hewthwaite near Cockermouth; about 66 acres, with 105 oak trees, 11 asps, 50 ashes, 90 alder & birch, and 60 cyphers, "all marked and numbered". The estate "has Common of pasture and turbary on the Common called the Hay, and pays Three Shillings yearly, being Part of the Prescription in lieu of all Manner of Tythes of the Hewthwaite Demesne."
Also a parcel of woodland at Wood-Hall near Cockermouth, about 6.75 acres, with 2038 oak trees, 1131 cyphers [mistake for asps?], 417 ashes, 424 cyphers, 9 elms & 6 birches, all marked & numbered. This parcel "has Common of pasture and turbary on Bridekirk Common, and is Tythe free."
Mr John Lucock of Cockermouth will show the premises; prospective purchasers should contact William Hamilton Esq., Lincoln's Inn Field, London, or Robert Mylne Esq., Arundel-street, London.
"A CONCERT Of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC" will be held at the Assembly Room in Howgill-Street, Whitehaven, on 26 Mar at 7pm. Tickets 2s each, from Mr Howgill, Roper-street, or Mr Ware's printing office, King-street, Whitehaven.
"After the CONCECT there will be a BALL." [sic]
"Copies of the SONGS will be delivered to the Ladies and Gentlemen at the Door."
18 Mar 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "Last Thursday night, several men, having their faces blacked, broke into the house of Mr. Anthony Nicholson, at Wood-End near this town. Two young women-servants hearing the noise, found means to get out at the back door, and alarmed the people at Mirehouse, who instantly came to the relief of Mr. Nicholson; but some of the villains being out of doors, and observing them approach, gave notice to those within, and they were obliged to make off without any other booty than some money they took out of Mr. Nicholson's pocket. They had broke in at a window, and, from the quantity of blood observed in and about the house, some of them, it is supposed must have been much cut by the glass. They tied Mr. Nicholson's hands, and one of them threatened to murder him, if he made the least noise, and were proceeding to rummage the house, having lighted candles for that purpose, but were happily prevented by the people from Mirehouse.
On Monday night, about nine o'clock, some villains (supposed to be those who committed the above robbery) with masks on, entered the house of Capt. Jackson in Church street, and, after locking the door on the inside, some of them, with cutlasses in their hands, ordered Mrs. Jackson to deliver up her money; and having got two guineas which she had in her pocket, they insisted on having more, and obliged her to open a drawer from which they took a purse containing five guineas, together with some papers, with which they got clear off.- These daring plunderers will not, it is presumed, long escape the hand of Justice, as the Magistrates are using every means in their power, to detect and discover them."
Andrew Watters, recently arrested in Whitehaven, "and committed to Carlisle Jail, on suspicion of having broke open the shop of Messrs. Stalker and Mitchinson, of Newcastle, found means to make his escape from thence by taking the seat out of the necessary-house, on Wednesday sennight. On search being made, he was apprehended at Annan, on Friday last, and again made his escape, though he was hand-cuffed."
The Workington vessel Mars (Capt. White) and the Whitehaven vessels Betsy (Capt. Pattison) & General (Capt. Sharpe) arrived at New York on 1 Feb, on their voyage from Corke.
"It is reported that the ingenious and facetious George Alexander Stevens, Esq.; intends visiting Whitehaven the ensuing summer.- When Mr. Stevens delivered his Lecture on Heads in this town, some years ago, he compiled a book of songs called the Choice Spirits' Chaplet, which was published some time since at this office."
Wed last week at his lodgings in Queen-Street, Whitehavem, aged 61: Robert Vaughan Esq. of Cames, Captain Lieutenant of the Denbighshire Militia. "On Friday, his remains were interred with the usual military honours, at the Old Church."
Last Mon at Parton, in her 15th year: Miss Mally Dickenson, daughter of Capt. Thomas Dickenson.
Last Mon in Lowther-street, Whitehaven, in her 87th year: Mrs Jane Fox, "much esteemed".
A few days ago, Mr Ralph Brocklebank, of Quay-street, Whitehaven.
Thu, 10.40am, 11.03pm
Fri, 11.26am, 11.49pm
Sat, 12.07am, 12.17pm
Sun, 12.37am, 01.01pm
Mon, 01.26am, 01.52pm
Tue, 02.19am, 02.47pm
Wed, 03.15am, 03.45pm
25 Mar 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estates at Hewthwaite & Wood-Hall for sale
John Huddleston, broker
Voyage of the ship Richardson
Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops sold by "the Printer of this Paper"
Forthergel's Drops [for lowness of spirits] sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts
Full-column list of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
"MR COWAN begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to the LADIES and GENTLEMEN of CARLISLE, and its Environs, for the Encouragement they have hitherto honoured him with. He purposes opening School at Mr. BECK'S Long-Room, on Monday the 10th Day of May next, where young Ladies and Gentlemen will be taught DANCING agreeable to the best approved and most polite Methods."
[New translation of Voltaire's complete works to be published as a partwork]
25 Mar 1779- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle last Sat: wheat 14s-16s per bushel; barley 8s & 8/3; rye 11/6 & 12s; oats 6/6 & 6/9; white pease 16s; grey pease 9s; beans 9/6
Whitehaven, last Sat: "George Livingston and Thomas Williamson were apprehended here, and examined before the Magistrates, on suspicion of having committed the robberies at Wood End, and in Church-street, mentioned in our last. Mrs Jackson swore that Livingston was the person that robbed her. Two swords, two pair of loaded pistols, a lanthorn, and a tinder-box, were found in their custody. They were committed to Carlisle Jail on Monday."
"Poor Nick Frog has made a sad match in his recent Marriage with Miss America! He begins to find her a very expensive Lady, whose extravagant demands could only be supplied out of the heavy purse of his hated rival, honest John Bull of Old England! He wishes he had never known her Ladyship, nor crossed the Atlantic to bring an old house over his head, which is now tumbling about his ears, threatening his total destruction. He is just in the predicament of Sir Peter Teazle, in the School for Scandal, an old dotard having married a wanton young wife: His crime brings his punishment along with it."
Last Sat at Arlecdon, by the Rev. Mr Baxter: Mr Philip Burnyeat of Beckfoot, Innerdale, & Miss Ann Dickenson of Brownrigg.
In her 73rd year, after a short illness: Mrs Deane, wife of Joseph Deane, Esq., in Lowther Street, "much regretted".
A GENTLEMAN, on the late anniversary of his wedding day, presented his wife with a ring, and the following lines; the insertion of which, in your paper, will oblige
To Mrs. ______, with a Ring.
"THEE, MARY, with this ring I wed:"-
So, sixteen years ago, I said.-"
[i.e, Samuel Bishop's famous poem to his wife, amended for some reason from "fourteen years ago"]
Thu, 04.15am, 04.45pm
Fri, 05.16am, 05.46pm
Sat, 06.17am, 06.46pm
Sun, 07.16am, 07.43pm
Mon, 08.11am, 08.37pm
Tue, 09.04am, 09.29pm
Wed, 09.54am, 10.17pm
1 Apr 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Mr. Cowan's dancing lessons
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
[Modern Universal British Traveller partwork]
[New translation of Voltaire partwork]
Burthen 220 Tons, sails fast, and has good Accommodations for Passengers.
For Freight or Passage, apply to FLETCHERS, & Co. or CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, & Co. Whitehaven, April 1, 1779.
N.B. Those who are inclinable to ship Goods are desired to apply, and give in the Quantity, as soon as possible, as the Vessel will sail in about Fourteen Days."
"SALLY HOLLIDAY, who has been an Apprentice to Mrs. DURAND, near Eight Years, thinks proper to acquaint her Friends and the Public, that she intends opening School" in Plumbland's Lane, Whitehaven, May 3, "where she purposes teaching all sorts of Needle-Work, Reading, and Spelling, at Five Shillings per Quarter, and Two Shillings and Sixpence Entrance." ... "She also intends Drawing upon Muslin, and Painting upon Silk, for those who will please to favour her with their Custom."
[Auction by Sampson & Spurrier of London: calico printing blocks and other equpiment, plus dyes etc., property of Mr Arbuthnot, Ravensbury, Surrey]
1 Apr 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "YESTERDAY forenoon, the Martha, Letter of Marque, Capt. Hutchinson, belonging to Samuel Martin, Esq; sailed for New York- the day being excessive fine, great numbers of people assembled on the Quays, when she saluted the town."
Whitehaven: "A fine vessel is now fitting out at this port, as a privateer; she is to mount 16 six-pounders, besides swivels, is called the Lord Cornwallis, and will be commanded by Capt. Jackson, late of the Hazard privateer.
We mentioned formerly, that the Hanover Planter of Glasgow was taken by a French privateer, and was retaken by the Hazard privateer, of this port, who sent eight men of their own on board, and left sixteen Frenchmen on board in irons, who afterwards got loose and took possession of the ship. By a letter from the Isle of Sky we learn, that in bad weather, the ship was drove ashore on the Long-Isle coast in North Uist, and wrecked. The sixteen Frenchmen were secured and put in prison at Inverness."
Carlisle, Tue last week: "on account of the taking of Pondicherry, in the morning the bells were set a ringing; in the afternoon, two companies of the westmorland Militia fird three excellent vollies before the Mayor, Corporation, and principal inhabitants in the Town hall: At night there was a general illumination, the grandest ever remembered in carlisle, several of the windows elegantly decorated, especially Mrs. Lind's, which were ornamented with festoons of flowers, fountains, flower-pots, &c. &c. There were several bonfires, and every other demonstration of joy. A sum of money was given by the gentlemen to the populace to drink."
Last Sun, at Hollands near Whitehaven: Miss Betty Birkett, in her 18th year.
Yesterday morning at Sellafield, in his 31st year: Mr John Dixon, "a young man much beloved and regretted."
"Considerations why the people called Quakers ought, in reason and justice, honestly and chearfully to pay Tithes, by Mr. T.C. will appear in our next."
"By a failure in the carriage, we are under the necessity of striking off a part of this week's impression on unstamped paper; affidavit being made of the number the duty will be accordingly paid." [announcements about printing copies on unstamped paper appeared whenever necessary, but rarely gave the reason]
Thu, 10.41am, 11.04pm
Fri, 11.27am, 11.50pm
Sat, 12.07am, 12.14pm
Sun, 12.37am, 12.57pm
Mon, 01.24am, 01.48pm
Tue, 02.12am, 02.37pm
Wed, 03.02am, 03.27pm
8 Apr 1779:
As in previous issues:
Voyage of the Jupiter
Sally Holliday's school
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale.
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
[New translation of Voltaire: partwork]
[Sale of calico printing equipment]
Trustees of the turnpike roads from Appleby through Orton to Kirkby Kendal, from Orton to the turnpike near Shapp, and from Highgate near Tebay, "in a Part of the Highway between Appleby and Kirkby Kendal" through Kirkby Steven to the town of Market Brough, are to meet at the house of Richard Noble, Borrowbridge, on 27 Apr at 10am, "in order to consult about erecting a TOLL-GATE on the side of the said Turnpike-Road, at or near a Place called Lunes-Bridge, across a certain Highway there, leading to the Market Town of Sedbergh, in the County of York.
Dated 31 Mar; John Bowness, clerk to the Trustees.
8 Apr 1779- NEWS:
Whitehaven, Tue morning: "the brig Mary, Capt. Storey, lying near the head of the New Tongue, was accidentally set on fire, by one of the boys stricking a light, in the cabin, near some joiner's shavings, which the candle or match had caught hold of. The alarm being immediately given, the fire-engines were spedily brought to bear where the fire raged most, and in a short time it was happily got under, without damaging any of the vessels that lay near her. The vessel has received considerable damage in her cables, &c."
"Last Friday, a person named John Collingwood was apprehended at Seaton near Workington, on suspicion of being concerned in several robberies, committed some time ago, about Newcastle and Durham. He was strictly examined before the Magistrates here; and is strongly suspected to be the same Colllingwood, advertised, some time since, for robberies and other misdemeanors. One Johnson, supposed to be an accomplice, has also been apprehended. They are confined in the Workhouse, and diligent search is making for others, supposed to be concerned with them."
Last Thu: "an Act of Parliament for continuing the term, and altering the powers, of an Act made in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty, for repairing the road from the city of Carlisle to the town of Penrith, in this County; and from the town of Penrith to Eamont Bridge, received the Royal Assent."
Last Thu at Trinity Church, Whitehaven: Mr Joseph Williamson, chief mate of the Castor, & Miss Ritson of Queen-street.
Last Sat: Mr Thomas Kirk, carpenter of the Castor, & Miss Mally McKenzie of Strand-street, Whitehaven.
Last Sun at St. James's Church, Whitehaven: Ensign Dodgson of the Westmorland Militia, & Miss Phebe Steele of Sandwith.
Last Sat: Mr John Newton, mate of the Two Marys, & Miss Bella Royal of Church-street, Whitehaven.
Yesterday at St. Nicholas' Church, Whitehaven, by the Rev. Mr Huddleston, William Fearon Esq. & Miss Howe, daughter of the late Peter Howe Esq.
Wed last week, "in an advanced age": Mr Thomas Westray of Great Broughton, "much regretted".
Wed last week, at his house in Brick-street, Whitehaven: Capt. Tobias Collins, "greatly lamented".
The promised letter about why Quakers ought to pay tithes, though headed "For the CUMBERLAND CHRONICLE" is signed "A Rational Christian. Wellworth, near London". The massive hole in its arguments is the failure to appreciate that the Bible (and indeed the founders of England's parish churches) never specified that tithes were to be paid to the Anglican Church.
Thu, 03.52am, 04.17pm
Fri, 04.42am, 05.07pm
Sat, 05.32am, 05.57pm
Sun, 06.21am, 06.45pm
Mon, 07.08am, 07.32pm
Tue, 07.55am, 08.18pm
Wed, 08.42am, 09.04pm
15 Apr 1779:
As in previous issues:
Voyage of the Jupiter
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Sally Holliday's school
Freman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
Cumberland Register Office
Basic advert as usual. Current wants/offers:
"Wanted the Sum of 700£ upon unquestionable Security of a Freehold Estate.
Also the Sums of 200£ and 100£ upon good Security.
Several ready-furnished Lodgings.
Wanted immediately, a young man, or boy, for an Apprentice to a Painter, one of a tolerable genius for design or drawing would be most acceptable.
To be Let, several sittings in sundry Pews, single or double, situate in Trinity Church.
A young Man, who can be well recommended, wants Employment as a Clerk or as an Assistant to a School-Master.
Two Dwelling Houses, with Stables and other convenient Back-buildings, situate in King-street, with a Passage into Strand-street, to be Sold."
[Issue 1 of "The Universal Family BIBLE" in 100 parts, to be published on 17 Apr, price 6d]
15 Apr 1779- NEWS:
Last Mon: "the Matty, Capt. Halcrow, arrived at Workington, and brought advice that he spoke his Majesty's ship Harpy, on Sunday, between Donaghadee and Belfast, and was informed, that a vessel then in sight was a 40 gun ship, which they believed to be an enemy, as they had fired a gun, and made a signal which had not been answered; and Capt. Halcrow was informed by the Harpy's people, that they thought they would be obliged to bear away. Which the Harpy did soon after.
The above intelligence being brought to this place, the Committee of Safety met and ordered the Spy cruizer to be fitted for sea, in order to gain intelligence, and came to several resolutions respecting the defence of this place, should the enemy approach.
It was currently reported in town yesterday, that the above vessel proves to be his Majesty's frigate Licorne, Capt. Cadogan." which had, as reported elsewhere, "arrived at Waterford the 3d inst, from Portsmouth."
[Miss McGeorge [of Austin & Whitlock's theatre company] "lies dangerous ill, at Newcastle, of a violent fever, and delirium; and is attended by Dr. Brown, and Dr. Hall, who give her disconsolate Parents but very little hopes of her recovery. Her disorder was occasioned by drinking a pint of cold water, when she was over-heated, at the Theatre."]
Whitehaven, last Mon: "the Committee of Gentlemen, appointed to manage the subscriptions, entered into some time ago, for prosecuting all idle and disorderly persons, who shall be seen in any riot; asembling in the Market, on market-days, to the great detriment of the public; breaking windows, or committing any other breach of the peace; and for the prosecution of felonies, met at the King's Arms Tavern and agreed to raise part of the money, already subscribed, on account of the said Association.- We are informed, that the Magistrates, Committee, and other principal Gentlemen in town, are resolved to prosecute all such offenders, with the utmost rigour.
Last Tue: "James McMillan, of this town, was committed to jail, by virtue of a process from last Sessions, for sufering his hogs to go at large in the streets.- We are also informed that several prosecutions are going forward against other persons who have offended in like manner; which, it is hoped, will put a stop to a nuisance so long complained of."
Last Mon, "in an advanced age": Mr Simon Grayson od Wood-End, near Egremont, "much respected."
Last Sun at Wigton: Mr Isaac Dickinson, "much lamented".
POEM: [Anonymous and not necessarily local, but interesting]
FAREWELL my pipe, my social pipe adieu!
The schemes of scoundrels sep'rate me and you,
How oftwith thee and humble home-brew'd ale,
Have I been wont t'indulge the sweet regale;
Thou grateful Indian plant, so mild and bland,
Exotic plant of our own Maryland,
But ours alas, no more! Her sons our foes,
Their commerce lost, and nothing gain'd but blows;"
SONG: "The BRITISH OAK" (to be sung to the tune of "Hearts of Oak") by "MELROSENSIS" (aboard the Berwick at Spithead) [i.e. no apparent local connection]
Thu, 09.27am, 09.50pm
Fri, 10.13am, 10.37pm
Sat, 11.02am, 11.27pm
Sun, 11.53am, 12.07pm
Mon, 12.20am, 12.48pm
Tue, 01.16am, 01.46pm
Wed, 02.16am, 02.40pm
22 Apr 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Voyage of the Jupiter
Dr. Miller's Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
For sale by auction at the house of Samuel Hudson, innholder at Maryport, 30 Apr: the brigantine Fly (c80 tons burthen) "with all her Materials, as she now lies in Maryport Harbour" ... "Inventories of her Materials may be seen on board". 20 guineas payable in hand, the remainder at 3 & 6 months in equal portions. Dated Maryport, 17 Apr.
[First issue of a new partwork, "A NEW and COMPLETE System of Geography", in 100 parts, to be published Apr 24, price 6d]
22 Apr 1779- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle last Sat: wheat 13s to 14/9; barley 8s & 8/6; oats 6s & 6/6; rye 11s & 13/6; white pease 16s; grey pease 10s; beans 9s.
Whitehaven: "Yesterday afternoon arrived here, the Senhouse, Capt. Watson, in sixteen hours, from Dublin, who brings advice, that it was currently reported and generally believed, in that city, that a frigate from the West Indies, with dispatches for Government, had spoke a fishing boat belonging to Tralee; and that the Lieutenant had put a letter on board the boat, for his father, who resided near that place, giving an account of the total defeat of the fleet under Compte d'Estaign, and that the Compte was killed.- Also that a copy of the above letter, which had been sent express from Tralee,and received by Mr. L'Estrange, Clerk to the Collector, at the Custom-House, Dublin, had been publicly read, and a confirmation was hourly exepcted."
Last Sun, the Ceres (Capt. Moore) arrived at Whitehaven, "in five weeks from New York. The Ceres sailed with the fleet under the convoy of the Mars, Capt. White, and several other armed transports; several of which went into Corke.- We have been favoured with the New York prints, so late as the 8th of March."
"Last week, one John Ray was apprehended at Threapthwaite near this town. He is supposed to have been concerned, in committing several robberies, with Collingwood now in Carlisle jail."
Last Fri: "Mr. Jackson had his ball, at the Assembly Room in Deane, which was opened by Master Soloman, of Whitehaven, and Miss Nicholson, of Pardsea, and concluded with the much admired Bow Dance. The whole performance afforded a general satisfaction to a numerous company of Ladies and gentlemen, who afterwards joined in several country-dances."
Last Tue: Mr William Stephenson, attorney at law, of Penrith, & Miss Bristo, "of the same place, an agreeable young lady with a genteel fortune".
Thu, 03.18am, 03.48pm
Fri, 04.19am, 04.48pm
Sat, 05.18am, 05.46pm
Sun, 06.14am, 06.40pm
Mon, 07.07am, 07.31pm
Tue, 07.56am, 08.19pm
Wed, 08.43am, 09.05pm
29 Apr 1779:
As in previous issues:
Estate at Hewthwaite for sale
Brigantine The Fly for sale
List of books etc. sold by A. Coutts
[Universal Family Bible partwork]
[New & Complete System of Geography partwork]
[Newly published, price 1/6: "THE ENGLISH LETTER WRITER"]
29 Apr 1779- NEWS:
"Last Saturday, at the New Fair held on the moor near Arlecdon, there was a great shew of horses, cattle, &c. brought from various parts of this county, which sold very well. From the situation, and convenience of the ground, it is generally believed, that this fair will, in a few years, be a market of great importance to this part of the county."
Lately at Abbey Holme, by the Rev. Dr. Kay: Capt. Francis Ashbourn of Liverpool, & Miss Glaister of Saltcoat in Holme Cultram.
Last Wed at Hensingham, Mrs Benn, lady of Anthony Benn Esq., "greatly respected, and regretted by a numerous family".
Last Sat, at his house in Scotch Street, Whitehaven, "after a long and tedious illness": Henry Littledale Esq., attorney at law in Whitehaven, "a gentleman much esteemed, and sincerely regretted by a numerous acquaintance."
Thu, 09.28, 09.50
Fri, 10.13, 10.36
Sat, 10.59, 11.22
Sun, 11.46, 12.07
Mon, 12.10, 12.34
Tue, 12.59, 01.24
Wed, 01.49, 02.14