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2 May 1778:

As in previous issues:
Brigantine Olive Branch
Brigantine Dido
Carlisle & London Flying Diligence
[Malefactor's Register partwork]

The sloop Peggy (Capt. William Owen) is now loading at Bristol, for Whitehaven, "and will be ready to sail about the Middle of this Month". Enquiries to Mr John Piper, King Street, Whitehaven. Dated 2 May

"To the PUBLIC.
WHITEHAVEN, April 27, 1778.
WHEREAS, I JOHN BIRKHEAD, (Letter Carrier to this Post Office) have reported that I delivered to Mrs. SARAH ALKIN at the Grapes in Marlborough-street, a LETTER directed to Captain Paul Jones (to the Care of the said Mrs. ALKIN) and which Report has been circulated through this Town, to the Prejudice of her Character and Business.
I DO THEREFORE, in Order to remove any Prejudice that might arise to the said Mrs. ALKIN, in Consequence of this Report DECLARE, 'That I never did deliver any such Letter, to the said Mrs. ALKIN, and that my assertion, with Respect to this Matter are absolutely FALSE.
In Proof of which I hereby set my Hand, in Order that the same may be made Public.

WHEREAS a Report hath been
spread through the Town this Afternoon, that JOHN BIRKHEAD, Letter-Carrier to the POST-OFFICE, had declared, that notwithstanding what he had subscribed to, and was published this Day, that he would take his Oath that he had on Tuesday or Wednesday last, delivered a Letter to Mrs. ALKIN, in Marlborough-Street, which was directed, to Capt. PAUL JONES. In Consequence of this Report the above named JOHN BIRKHEAD was brought before us, and after a full Examination it appears that the whole of such a report is false; the said BIRKHEAD declaring, that he received the said Letter on Tuesday or Wednesday last, from HENRY HINDE, an Apprentice to Messrs. SKYRIN, COUPLAND and BAILIFF, which said HENRY HINDE left this Town on Sunday the 29th of last Month, on a Round into Scotland, and is not yet returned. And it also appears to us by the Oath of Miss BIRKHEAD, no Letter with such Direction ever came into this Post-Office.
Whitehaven, Tuesday Afternoon April 28, 1778.
HENRY ELLISON, WILLIAM HICKS, Two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Cumberland."

Whitehaven Subscription
"IN Order to defray the great Expence which has been occasioned by the daring and horrid Attempts of our Enemies, to set Fire to this Town and Harbour, a VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTION, for the Defence ofthe Town and Shipping, has been entered into, and the Money paid to Us, being the COMMITTEE appointed for that Purpose; but as every Individual cannot be met with, who is willing to contribute to so necessary an Undertaking, all those who incline to aid and assist, in this laudable Scheme, are desired to pay their respective Contributions at Mr. HAILES's Coffee-Room, where the COMMITTEE attend from Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon 'till One in the Afternoon, and from Six 'till Eight in the Evening, until the same be closed."
Whitehaven, 29 Apr 1778. Signed: Robert Fisher, Thomas Hartley, Henry Littledale, Henry Littledale, Peter John Heywood, Isaac Stephenson, John Tate, John Sarjeant, George Stalker, John Barnes, Samuel Potter, John Wilson.

Full list of subscribers on front page: "Amounting, with sundry subscriptions under two shillings which could not be printed within the limits of this paper, to 828£. 16s. 6d"
"*** The Books lie open, for further Subscriptions, at HAILES's Coffee-Room where the Committee attend, as mentioned in the Advertisement in this Paper. When the same is closed a List will be printed of the Non-Subscribers." [for the sake of convenience, the complete list of over 600 subscribers from this and subsequent adverts in the Chronicle and the rival Cumberland Pacquet is provided on a separate page]

2 May 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "In the course of this week a new battery, mounted with 42 pounders, has been erected on the North side of our harbour."

The paper also features an extract from the journal kept on the Hussar wherry, "sent on a cruize of observation, with Capts. Perry and Sharp on board", departing Whitehaven at midday on the 26th. The main substance of the report is the news from Larne of the capture of the Royal Navy sloop of war Drake:

"Larne, April 27th 1778.
The Drake sloop of war, commanded by Capt. George Burdon, was taken off the mouth of Belfast Lough, by an American privateer commanded by one Jones, on Friday the 24th instant, about six o'clock in the evening, after an engagement of near four glasses. --- On Saturday the 25th, at seven o'clock in the evening, saw Drake and privateer about four leagues distant from the Isle Magee, standing to the Northward. On Sunday the 26th they were seen off the Mull of Cantyre.
Capt. Burden and his Clerk, killed; Lieut. Dobbs, wounded; also two men killed, and eighteen wounded, on board the Drake.
Capt. of Marines killed, also two men killed, and eighteen wounded, on board the privateer.
James White, Surveyor.

We had also the same account from many people on shore, as also information of two large ships passing by that port, about one o'clock, P.M. one of the ships kept near the Scotch shore, and the other went between the Maidens and the Irish shore; from every circumstance they judged them to be King's ships, looking after privateers; the ship near the Irish shore had thirteen ports on a side.- A sloop arrived here last night, the Master of which said, that he fell in with the privateer and Drake, off the Rathlin Isle, about six o'clock on Sunday evening, the privateer gave him chase for a little time; the Drake had no sail set but on her fore and mizen masts- At seven o'clock, P.M. came on board, at eight arrived a sloop from Donaghadee, called the Charmer, Hugh Hughes, Master, who declared that he saw the engagement, half channel over, between the Copland Isles and Port Patrick, that it lasted about two glasses, that he saw the Drake's main-topmast shot away, after which he observed her fire to slack, and that she soon after struck to the privateer- the wind being then to the Northward they steered to the Southward, but on the 25th, about eight in the morning, he saw them again steering to the Northward, the wind veering then Southerly, he also saw, at the same time, a large Dutch ship and a light brig, the latter of which they took and carried along with them- this brig was seen with them near the Rathlin Isles.
We are informed, that the Surveyor at Larne had his intelligence from three fishermen, who were on board the Ranger during the engagement- the Ranger having made signal for a pilot, six men put off to her, in a boat, three of whom were kept; the Captain sent the other three on shore, in the Drake's boat, after having given them 15 guineas as a recompence for the loss of their own boat; he also gave them a piece of the Drake's mainsail, desiring them to carry it to the Governor of Carrickfergus, and to tell him, that he had sent it to make him a pair of trowsers.- Unparalelled impudence!"

As a postscript, David Freeman's comments are reported:
"it seems, Capt. Paul declined speaking many vessels, which he met with, coming through and during his stay in the channel, which shews that he was unwilling to commit any act of hostility, that could be avoided, for fear of giving the alarm, 'till he had attempted his principal object, that of burning the shipping of Whitehaven. Had the diabolical scheme succeeded, the ruin of many hundreds of the inhabitants would have been the consequence, as not less than 150 sail of vessels then lay in the harbour, which were providentially preserved. Every possible means is now put in practice to secure this town and harbour from the future attempts of such daring wretches, who, having lost all feeling for their native country, scruple not, under the sanction of a Congress commission, to sharpen the sword of America in order to lacerate the bowels of their fellow-countrymen."

Whitehaven: "Yesterday evening the Boston frigate of 32 guns, capt. Duckingston, stood into the road, when she was saluted by one of the forst, the compliment was returned by the Boston. The wind at E. she soon after stood for the North Channel."

"It is astonishing to see the alacrity with which almost every individual, join the independent companies now forming here. The inhabitants, without distinction, take up the firelock and learn the military manoeuvres, with great chearfulness, many of them are nearly compleat in their exercise- a select party go daily and learn the exercise of field-artillery (two field pieces being properly equipped for that purpose) and they are distinguished by the name of ARTILLERY MEN. Several of the Independent companies, we hear, intend to appear in uniforms- scarlet coat with black cuffs and collar, buff coloured waistcoat, and black breeches."

"In consequence of the late audacious insult upon the town of Whitehaven, we are assured orders will be immediately issued from the Office of Ordnance, for a party of matrosses, and some pieces of artillery, to proceed to the different seaports, bordering on the Irish Channel. Gen. Even. Post"

"Lieutenant Musgrave Walker, is appointed Captain in the Cumberland Militia"

Whitehaven: "The Douglas Packet is now ordered to sail from hence every Wednesday (the day after Ware's paper [the Cumberland Pacquet] is printed) and is not to return until Saturday (the day of our publication). The Public has no doubt observed the exultation of our very modest and gentle-tempered rival, upon this alteration- He, indeed, may rejoice, for, as far as we can see, no advantage is promised by this change to any but to"... [etc. sour grapes]

"Mr. Jeremiah Thompson Attorney at law, in Workington, is appointed a master extraordinary in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery."

Last Wed: Mr John Thwaites, attorney at law of Appleby, & Miss Betty Harrison, of Lancaster, "with a fortune of 1000£"

Last Tue, in London: Capt. John Eilbeck of Whitehaven, "much respected, for his steady conduct in behalf of his Country and Government, during much persecution at Norfolk in Virginia".

"A Correspondent has sent us a copy of some cutting verses, written by C. Melmoth, Esq; two years ago, upon the Printer of the Cumberland Pacquet, and which, our Correspondent says, are the cause of the ill-natured attack, upon the Poet, in last Tuesday's paper,- and our Correspondent laments, that the rancour of some constitutions is such that not even time can heal the wounds they receive- We rather chuse to suppress these verses and wish our Brother Printer would sometimes shew a like forbearance.- "Fas sit ab hoste doceri"

LETTER to the Editor, from "Impartial":
Creating a perpetual Dictator, destroyed the liberty of the Roman people. The Parliament of Great Britain assuming Dictatorial Authority over her Colonies, has narrowed the circle of the empire one third. Thus every attempt to exercise a power, not warranted by the constitution of a state, is dangerous to liberty."...
"I am no friend to the Ministry, nor the to [sic] Minority; they have each acted on principles I condemn.
The former wanted vigour, the latter temper. The Minister was reasoning when he should act. Opposition insulting Government, and in direct terms informing our enemies, that by continuing to act with unanimity, Rebellion must be crowned with success."...
"The langour of Administration, joined to the violence of Faction, has reduced the nation to the necessity of making the most disgraceful concessions to an enemy she affected to dispise. A plan to restore peace was loudly called for, in compliance with the wishes of the people. A plan is proposed, which meets the idea of all parties; yet Government is told, they come too late; and if not so, that the very propositions will excite the Colonies to resistance."...


Sun, 04.34am, 05.01pm
Mon, 05.27am, 05.53pm
Tue, 06.17am, 06.41pm
Wed, 07.03am, 07.26pm
Thu, 07.47am, 08.09pm
Fri, 08.30am, 08.53pm
Sat, 09.12am, 09.33pm

9 May 1778:

As in previous issues:
Sloop Peggy at Bristol
Brigantine Dido at Southwark
Whitehaven Subscription committee
Specific Drops for scurvy etc. sold by A. Coutts
Dr. Boerhaave's Antiscorbutic Leyden Pills sold by A. Coutts

Whitehaven Subscription, list to 1 May with corrections and additions.

Lately Published (Price One Shilling)
on a late Publication. By a Layman.
In an Address to the REMARKER. In which is clearly
shewn the Insufficiency of the Remarker's Arguments
to overthrow the Doctrine of the ONE GODHEAD,
or DIVINITY of the FATHER and the SON.
Vicar of Drax, in Yorkshire,
Formerly MASTER of Isell School in the
County of Cumberland."
Sold by W. Nicoll, London; W. Tesseyman, York; and A. Coutts, Whitehaven.
"The Rev. Dr. RANDOLPH, President of Corpus Christi College, and Profesor of Divinity in Lady Margaret's, Oxford, in a late Publication of his has mentioned the above Treatise in a very respectful Manner, no less than Twelve Times within the Compass of 110 Pages, tho' he is entirely unknown to the Author."

[Just published: "The Universal Letter Writer" ... "To which is added The COMPLETE PETITIONER", by the Rev. Thomas Cooke, A.B.]

9 May 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "The disposition to defend this place, against the future attempts of our enemies, becomes almost general, the different companies of the inhabitants continue to assemble every afternoon to learn the military exercise, and regularly keep watch every night. A party of the militia, under the command of a commissioned Officer, also patrol the streets in the night time, and every person they meet with, at unseasonable hours, is carefully examined."

Whitehaven: "In consequence of an order from the War Office, the several companies of militia are to remain here, for the defence of this place, till further orders; and we hear, that the Westmorland militia are ordered down to the seacoast, to take post at St. Bees, Ravenglass, &c."

Whitehaven: "We are informed, that Mary Brownrigg, of Brick-Street, intends keeping a common Mangle or Calender, for the management of linen, &c.- being the first public attempt of this nature here, 'tis hoped the poor woman will receive due encouragement."

A correspondent at Burton in Westmorland reports that on 1 May, "as one John Bracklin was returning from Lancaster Fair he was unexpectedly attacked by a foot-pad, who rushed from behind a hedge, stopped his horse, and demanded his money- upon his refusing to deliver it, he was instantly dismounted, and dragged into a ditch by the road side- notwithstanding which Bracklin would not deliver his money, this so enraged the villain (who feared delay might occasion a discovery) that he presented a pistol and snapt it twice without effect; then, with the pistol, he beat the poor man in so shocking a manner that he rendered him incapable of farther resistance, and took from him the sum of eight pounds, his watch, and horse, with which he rode off, peremptorily charging him not to make any noise on pain of death.- This affair happened not above half a mile from the habitation of the unfortunate man, and he had only parted with a neighbour, who came with him from the fair, about ten minutes before, near Calthorp-Hall- 'tis hoped, from the vigilance of the country people, that the villain will be taken, and will receive the punishment he so justly merits."

"As no arguments can persuade weak people from the dangerous folly of presenting firearms at persons in joke, under a supposition of their not being charged, a correspondent thinks some penalty should be inflicted on persons indulging themselves in a folly, which has been so repeatedly attended with the most fatal consequences."

A news item copied from Joy's Belfast News Letter (28 Apr) about the capture of the Drake by John Paul Jones, includes an affidavit from John Marks, an Irish seaman released before the Americans left the Irish Sea, including the following:
"Deponent also sayeth that on Saturday the 25th inst. they took a brig from Dublin, belonging to Whitehaven"

Various other items about John Paul Jones (unrelated to Whitehaven) are also included. These can be found on a separate page.

"BRITANNIA'S CALL to her SONS. On Expectation of a FRENCH WAR" (to be sung to the tune of "Come then all ye social powers"), by "A Warwickshire Lad", 22 Apr.

Poem by B___Y of Egremont:
"Dicere quae puduit scribere jussit amor.- Ov. Ep.

AH! Fair AMELIA, whither gone?
Far sweeter than the rose!
Why leaves the DAMON thus alone
To add new woe to woes?

Return, and let him own the flame
Which modesty suppress'd;
He's purpos'd to confess the same-
To bless- and to be blessed.

The pleasing pains true lovers feel
What tongue can well express!
Sure keener cuts the flaming steel
When whetted to excess."

Sun, 09.54am, 10.16pm
Mon, 10.38am, 11.00pm
Tue, 11.22am, 11.44pm, clock slow 4m
Wed, 12.06am, 12.07pm [sic]
Thu, 12.29am, 12.52pm
Fri, 01.20am, 01.45pm
Sat, 02.11am, 02.36pm

16 May 1778:

As in previous issues:
Whitehaven Subscription committee
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts

"DESERTED Yesterday from the Cumberland Militia, Commanded by Sir JAMES LOWTHER Bart. WILLIAM HARBETT, Private Soldier in Capt. JOHN COOPER'S Company; 27 years of Age, 5 Feet 7 Inches and a half high, a little pitted with the Small Pox, Black Complexion, Black Hair and Eyes, has a mark on one of his Cheeks, by Trade a Taylor; born at Drigg, in the County of Cumberland; had on when he went away his Regimental Cloathing, and was seen at Egremont about Sunday Noon." Reward 20 shillings "over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament" to anybody who secures him- apply to Capt. Cooper or to Adjutant Williams of the above Militia, quartered in Whitehaven.
Dated Whitehaven 12 May.

Books sold by A. Coutts include: "The Seaman's Guide" by John Diston (Trinity House pilot); "The New Polite Instructor: or Universal Moralist"; Crossman's "Introduction to the Christian Religion"; Croxall's "Aesop Fables"; "Reflections on Courtship and Marriage"; "New Letter Writer"; "The Poor Man's Guide, in the Art of Farriery"; "Scarronides or Virgil Travestie" by Charles Cotton; Brown's "General Law List"; the first 43 volumes of the London Magazine, bound in calf leather; "Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the 7th George II" by Mr Serjeant Hawkins; Rider's "Family Bible"; Chamberlain's "New and Compleat History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster"; "Compleat Dictionary of Arts and Sciences"; Mortimer's complete "Dictionary of Trade and Commerce"

"The injured Public, and afflicted in General, are requested to take Notice that the Imposition of the exorbitant Charges of ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS are at last removed by S. FREEMAN, and Co." ...
"This invaluable remedy is sold wholesale and retail by the Proprietors as abovementioned, in square moulded bottles of THREE SHILLINGS each, much larger than those of Maredant's or any other that are sold for Six Shillings." ... Sold in Whitehaven by A. Coutts.

16 May 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "On Monday morning, a vessel from Belfast, bound for Liverpool, was put in here by contrary winds. She had on board about 150 recruits, mostly belonging to the 18th regiment, stout young fellows, principally weavers, from Lisburne in Ireland. It is said, that upwards of 100 of them inlisted within the space of twelve days; they marched for Dover on Wednesday morning. Another vessel, with 100 recruits on board, is supposed to have made her passage to Liverpool."

Whitehaven: "The Westmorland battalion of militia, from Kendal, marched in here on Wednesday, under the command of Capt. Moore. The following Officers, belonging to the above corps., are now here, viz. Captains Moore, Robinson and Burn; Lieutenant and Adjutant Hall."

Whitehaven: "Yesterday morning, about five o'clock, a vessel, seemingly of considerable force, appeared off this harbour, and fired several guns,- from the recent attempt on the shipping here, and as several other vessels were seen in the offing, it was conjectured she had come to reconnoitre the coast, as a preparatory step to some intended act of hostility- the alarm was accordingly given by the watch, and the drums of the militia immediately beat to arms. The three companies of the Cumberland battalion marched down to the New Quay, under the command of Capt. Cooper, while the Westmorland battalion, under the command of Capt. Moore, marched out of town and drew up in Thwaite Field, near King Pit, followed by a party of the artillery volunteers, with a light six-pounder, who took post on the right, and a company of the gentlemen volunteers.- In the meantime, the seamen had made every necessary disposition for defence, at the batteries,- things remained nearly in this situation 'till about eleven o'clock, when the vessel was discovered to be the George, Capt. Askew (a letter of marque, of 20 guns, belonging to Samuel Martin, Esq.) from Rhode Island, which came into port after saluting the town."

"The alacrity with which the non-commissioned officers and privates of the militia got under arms yesterday, on the seeming approach of danger, was particularly noticed by their officers, and will ever be remembered with becoming gratitude by the inhabitants, as it forebode a vigorous resistance should the enemy ever presume to attack this place. Nor is the readiness with which the Gentlemen Volunteers assembled on the occasion, in order to repair to suitable posts, and the willingness with which the different companies of seamen flew to their respective stations, less worthy of public remark."

"The George left Newport on the 15th of April, in company with a fleet consisting of twenty-five sail, under convoy of the Grampus store-ship, Capt. Ambrose Riddle, on board of which was General Burgoyne. On the 18th Capt. Askew was ordered to give chace to a sloop, which proved to be from Turk's Island, for Halifax, with salt, and night coming on Capt. Askew lost the fleet. On the 20th the George fell in with and took a snow from Cadiz, for Petersburgh in Virginia, with 8000 bushels of salt. From the badness of the weather, it was three days before Capt. Askew could supply the snow with provisions and water, of which she was in great want, after which he put six people on board and sent her to Halifax under the command of Mr. Braithwaite his Chief Mate. The snow had nine men, two of which were left on board, and the Captain and seven men brought in here."

According to a gentleman who came in on the George: the former Whitehaven vessel Woodcock, taken by the Americans, "was fitted out at Providence with 20 nine-pounders, got past the King's ships, and is now on a cruize", while the former Whitehaven vessel Lonsdale "was fitting out at Boston, intended to carry 20 nine-pounders, and is called the Bostonian." [the gentleman also brought news from Newport]

"Capt. Richard Townsend, of the Jonathan of Liverpool, who came pasenger in the George, had three different engagements with and beat off an American schooner privateer" [details given]

The Whitehaven vessel Martha (Capt. Hutchinson) has arrived at Halifax from New York. The Mayflower (Captain Crosby) and the Esther (Capt. Ledger) "were well at Newport" when the George sailed.

The Whitehaven vessel Commerce (Capt. Allison) bound from the Bay of Honduras for London "was spoke with by Capt. Wiseman, of Liverpool, the 4th inst. all well."

The George also brought American newspapers. This item from the Newport Gazette, 2 Apr 1778: "The ship Neptune, from Whitehaven, arrived here yesterday. She was taken off Bermuda by the Warren privateer, and ordered for Boston, within 6 hours sail of which, she was re-taken by the Orpheus frigate."

[Liverpool, 8 May: "Monday last came here from London, the Rt. Hon. Earl Selkirk, and on Tuesday morning set out for Scotland. His Lordship had only heard a day or two before of his house being plundered."]

Last Sat at Crosthwaite Church: Mr Joseph Stainton & Miss Charlotte Boyd "a near relation of the Hon. Capt. Boyd, who resides at Lowgrove".

"The CAUTION", by Academicus: [a warning to young women to beware of young men]


Sun, 03.01am, 03.27pm
Mon, 03.52am, 04.16pm
Tue, 04.41am, 05.05pm, clock slow 3m
Wed, 05.30am, 05.54pm
Thu, 06.18am, 06.41pm
Fri, 07.07am, 07.32pm
Sat, 07.57am, 08.23pm

23 May 1778:

As in previous issues:
Militia-man deserted
Whitehaven subscription
Dr. Boerhaave's Antiscorbutic Leyden Pills sold by A. Coutts
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
["The Universal Letter Writer" book]

[To be published 1 Jun: "The Merchant and Seaman's Guardian in the English Channel" by Stuart Amos Arnold]

23 May 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven, last Wed: William Chaplain, a Maryland plantation owner, arrived here after deserting from the rebel forces [details given].

According to the London papers, two engineers and other workmen have been ordered to Whitehaven, to survey the harbour, "as it is intended to erect some works on the North side, to prevent any future attempts of the enemy in this quarter."

13 May: A man aged 88 came from his home near Millom Castle to Whitehaven, then "after settling his business here he went to Sally Hill, the same day, on his return home- A remarkable instance of strength and agility in so old a man, he having walked, at a moderate computation, upwards of 40 miles."

Whitehaven, last Mon: "Joseph Armstrong, one of the Tide Surveyor's boatmen, dropt down dead in Bardy Lane."

Report from Chester that Austin & Whitlock's theatre company performed to crowded houses every night during the races.

14 May at Ireby Church: Rev. Mr Marshall of Ruthwaite & "the amiable" Miss Walker "of the same place, with a fortune of 1000£"
Sun last week, at Whicham Church: Mr James Kirkby of the Isle of Walney & Miss Betty Brockbank of Kirksanton
11 May at Dalston Church: Mr John Askew & Miss Betty Newby, of Erlith

Mon last week at Redhill in Millom, age 86: Mrs Esther Grice

"The LINNET and BLACKBIRD. A FABLE" by anon. of Carlisle. Last 2 lines:
"Attend this truth and know for once,
A little learning ne'er unmade the Dunce."


Sun, 08.49am, 09.17pm
Mon, 09.46am,10.13pm
Tue, 10.45am, 11.16pm
Wed, 11.47am, 12.07pm
Thu, 12.19am, 12.51pm
Fri, 01.22am, 01.53pm
Sat, 02.23am, 02.53pm

Thursday 28 May 1778:

As in previous issues:
Whitehaven Subscription
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts
Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
[Universal Letter Writer book]
[Merchant & Seaman's Guardian book]

Books sold by A. Coutts, "Printer of this Paper" include: "The Seaman's Guide" by John Diston; "The New Polite Instructor"; Grossman's "Introduction to the Christian Religion"; etc., roughly as 16 May.

28 May 1778- NEWS:
Last Mon: "a fine vessel called the Phoenix, built by Messrs. Speddings, & Co. for Capt. Henry Richardson" was launched from behind the Long Bulwark at Whitehaven.

"Yesterday a fine vessel was launched from Messrs. Speddings, & Co's yard, called the Elize, burthen about 300 tons, built for Messrs. Wild & Co. of Dublin, and commanded by Capt. James Allen; she is intended for the West India trade, and will mount 18 nine and six pounders, besides swivels.- She made an exceeding fine launch, a band of music was provided for the occasion, and the whole afforded infinite pleasure to a great number of spactators."

Mr Graham's book of poems is "now in the press, and will appear in a few weeks."

The Whitehaven vessel Commerce (Capt. Allison) has arrived at Corke from Honduras.
The Equity (Capt. Richardson) has arrived at Antigua from Corke.

[News Extra: "Extract of a letter from Islay, May 10 Many large ships on the coast, and frequent firings heard. A gentleman of this place was at Laggan on Thursday, and says, he heard first one great gun to the westward of Islay, and, in about 10 or 15 minutes after, a close firing, that continued near an hour. And numbered 60 or 70 shot; and says they came so thick at last that he could not number them. I hope it was the defeat of some of the rascally privateers."]

"To remove the great inconvenience which some have experienced, by this paper being printed off so late on the Saturday evening, and at the particular request of a considerable number of subscribers , it will, for the future, be published every Thursday Morning."

Lately at Lancaster Church: Mr Tipping, attorney at law of Broughton, & Miss Dixon of Lancaster
"also Mr Conway, to Miss Jackson, of the same place"

Last Sat at Ginns near Whitehaven: Mr John Hudson "one of the people called Quakers"
Last Sat in Queen Street, Whitehaven, in her 65th year: Mrs Griffith, "much respected" widow of the late Mr Gabriel Griffith
Last week at Carlisle, aged 97: Mrs Catharine Wilson

"SPRING" by H. Ward of Whitehaven; beginning:
"In lively hues the earth's fair bosom deck'd
By thee, mild SPRING! from cares scholastic freed,
In this calm hour to contemplation due,
I'll tread the meads, the copious stores of
Neighb'ring gardens view, stray from scene to scene,
And woo, with ev'ry fond essay, the Muse."

[also an extract from a new comedy "The Sleep Walker", translated from French: no local relevance]

An explanation of the Militia Acts [anonymous; no local content]
A quotation from Lord Stair on the chances of friendship with the French [anonymous; no local content]
NB "Observations on the immoderate use of Snuff, in our next."

28 May 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
20 May- Mary, Reed, Waterford; William & Thomas, Piper; Britannia, Allison; Mary & Betty, Jackson, Dublin; Eagle, Jones, Bristol; Mary, Kelly, Newry
21 May- Richard, Wraith, Wexford; Jenny, Chinceller, Dundalk; Hawk, Douglas, Kirkcudbright
22 May- Ann, Watson, Newry; Providence, Brown, Dumfries; John & Mary, Mayson, Dunlary; Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Carlisle, Carlisle; Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; Mayflower, Barnes, Lancaster; Williamson, Phillipson, Dublin
24 May- Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries; Endeavour, Moor; Isabella, Casson, Dublin; Peggy & Mally, Kimmins, Workington; Open Boat, Quaile, Isleman

19 May- Boscawen, Smith, Dublin; Fly, Ward, Liverpool
20 May- Chatham, Pearson, Greenock; Rigby, Losh, Dublin; Eagle Packet, Maxwell; Industry, Howard, Isleman; Betty, Fearon, Harrington
21 May- Jenny, Adams, Donaghadee; Prosperous, Adair, Killough; Argus, Newton; Brayton, Harrison; Linnett, Bell; Minerva, Jackson, Dublin; Nancy, Chambers, Donaghadee
22 May- Thomas Carrel; Lark, Anderson; Mally, Caffrey; Allison, Adamson; Resolution, Banks; Love, Machel; Duchess, Gordon; Hazard, Pearson; Hartley, Fanning; Boyne, Coulthard; Chriswell, Johnson; William, Bratney; Charlotte, Stuart; Prosperity, Piper; True Briton, McNamarra; Nelly, Woodburn; William, Pennyman; Kitty, Fisher; John & Thomas, Yeowart; Ellinor, Cornick; Mally & Peggy, Walker; Seaflower, Gibbins; Vigilant, Williamson; Thomas, Westray; Curwen, Younghusband; Betty, Wood; Ann, Fisher; Bella, Steel; Powell, Huddleston; Mary & Betty, Boadle; Dash, Corkhill; Assistance, Farish; Orange, Losh; Elizabeth, Fletcher; Hector, Pearson; Betsy, Armstrong; Fox, Salkeld, Dublin; Mary & Jenny, Myler; Mary, Doyle, Wexford; Betty, McGarr, Ferrytown; Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast; Ann, Whithorn, Plymouth
23 May- Wilson, Benson; Betsy, Yowart; Swan, Bacon; Industry, Atkinson; Richmond, Smithson; Grace, Browning; Senhouse, Watson; Peggy, Dailey; Lively, Watts; Betty, Palmer; Joanna, Fisher; Moor, Booth; Loyalty, Thompson; Industry, Cragg; James & Thomas, Benn; Thompson, Johnson; June, Jackson; Howgill, McDonald; Ann, Briggs, Dublin; Nicholas, Lindsey; Venus, Kirk, Kirkcudbright; Two Sisters, Brunnick, Ross; Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; William, Stamper, Norway
24 May- Hannah, McCreedy, Wigton; Prince of Wales, Briggs, Dublin; Granville, Williams, Belfast
25 May- Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Felicity, Monkhouse; Good Intent, Mathers, Dublin

[Thu, Fri, Sat: see last week]
Sun, 03.20am, 03.48pm
Mon, 04.13am, 04.38pm
Tue, 05.01am, 05.24pm
Wed, 05.46am, 06.08pm

4 June 1778:

As in previous issues:
Whitehaven Subscription
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts

Matthew Brockbank of the Royal Oak Inn, Keswick, advertises "an elegant and safe PLEASURE BOAT, entirely new", for trips on the lake there, "with skilful Rowers, as also an intelligent Person, to describe the different Islands, Views, &c." "N.B.> Two New Chasses with fresh Horses and Careful Drivers." Dated 23 May.

[New book: "The Prisoner's Guide; or, Insolvent's Vade Mecum", price 1s]

4 June 1778- NEWS:
Grain prices in Carlisle Corn Market, last Sat: wheat, 16s-19s per bushel; rye 13/6 & 14/6; barley 11s & 12s; oats 7s & 7/4.

The Whitehaven vessel Hawke (Capt. Coupland) & six other transports arrived at Corke last week from Philadelphia.

The Whitehaven vessel Hero (Capt. Blakeney) and five other armed transports were due to sail from Corke for Philadelphia last Sat.

News arrived yesterday that the Whitehaven letter of marque vessel Earl of Sandwich (Capt. Hutchinson) was captured on 29 Apr by a 36-gun frigate and taken to Port L'Orient, "after having been chaced a considerable time and receiving a number of shot". "Capt. Hutchinson writes, that he and his crew are confined on board their own vessel, along side of the Hawke, Letter of Marque, belonging to London, under the cannon of the forts."

"Richard Wordsworth, Esq; Collector of this Port, is appointed a Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, Northumberland, Lancashire, and the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne."

Whitehaven, yesterday morning: "an express arrived at the Custom-house here, with orders to lay an embargo on all vessels in this and the neighbouring ports.- It is said, similar orders have been sent to every port in the Kingdom."

"It is reported that Thomas Graham, Esq; of Carlisle, will be appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Cumberland Militia."

Today being the 40th birthday of King George III, the Westmorland Battalion and the three companies of Cumberland Militia quartered in Whitehaven intend to fire a salute.

The Westmorland Militia (last Thu) and the three companies of the Cumberland Battalion (Tue), now in Whitehaven, "made an excellent appearance in the field, and after having performed the military evolutions, and manual exercise, with great spirit and dexterity, they fired in grand and sub-divisions with a degree of exactness which afforded their officers great satisfaction; on both days the field was much crowded with spectators."

Whitehaven: "A party of the militia, under the command of a commissioned officer, continue to patrole the streets, every night, and strictly examine every person they meet at unseasonable hours."

"We hear from Workington, that a subscription has been opened there, for the defence of that town and harbour; and that a half-moon battery, to mount six pieces of cannon, is now erecting near the South pier.- A party of the company of the Cumberland militia, under the command of Capt. Walker, together with some of the inhabitants keep constant watch every night, near the harbour."

"We also hear from Maryport, that the company of militia, quartered there, under the command of Lieut. Archer, keep strict watch, and take every precaution, in junction with the inhabitants, to prevent any attempt being made to destroy the shipping."

From a correspondent at Penrith: A poor widow living on a small farm at Rose Castle was left with two children, aged about 2 and 6 years. "The farm was just sufficient to pasture a cow which she kept, and with some industry, and a small annual allowance she had for keeping an old woman disordered in her senses, she was just barely enabled to maintain herself and her children." A short time ago. the cow died, but "several humane and compassionate people" advised her to procure a load of malt and brew some ale; "and they would invite a number of young people to come and make merriment at her house, and would pay her handsomely". However, when she went to get the malt, leaving the children and the old woman at home, she came back to find the little ones near death, "the old woman having scalped them, burnt off their arms and legs, and otherwise mangled them in a most shocking and barbarous manner."

Last Sun at "Beckermouth" church: Mr John Swan of Whitehaven & Miss Bella Jackson of Middlebank
Last Mon: Mr William Nicholson & Miss Benson, both of Egremont
Last Sun, at St. Mary's Carlisle: Mr Broady, innkeeper of the Turk's Head, Newcastle, and Miss Alice Beck, "a young Lady possessed of many valuable accomplishments, with a handsome fortune", daughter of Mr Michael Beck of the Coffee-house, Carlisle.

Sun last week at Carlisle, very suddenly: Mrs Gale, sister of Humphrey Senhouse Esq. of Nether Hall, and widow of the late Mr Robert Gale, "eminent merchant in London"
Last Tue at Moor Row near Whitehaven: Mr William Littledale, merchant of Duke Street, Whitehaven, "universally esteemed, and much regretted by all who knew him"

"The favours of Proteus and Alexis will be properly attended to, but we request, that their future lucubrations may be post paid.- The lines from Workington, though not destitute of merit, appear too personal, therefore cannot find a place in our paper."

"CAUTIONS against the IMMODERATE USE of SNUFF" Part 1:
Nearly 2 columns in length, describing tobacco as " a narcotic with a peculiar acrimony. ... The herb itself is so nearly poisonous, that no physician gives it inwardly." Then describes the immediate effects of taking snuff, followed by some examples of long-term effects, including tumours: "With respect to cancers of the nose, which are as dreadful and as fatal as any others, it is certain, that snuff must be, of all other things in the world, the most dangerous, where there is a disposition towards them"... [then describes how a person who took a great deal of snuff eventually had his throat blocked by a tumour and died of starvation].

"To Mr. M_____L, of IREBY, On his MARRIAGE", by I.S. of Ireby


Thu, 06.29am, 06.50pm
Fri, 07.11am, 07.33pm
Sat, 07.53am, 08.14pm
Sun, 08.36am, 08.58pm
Mon, 09.20am, 09.42pm
Tue, 10.05am, 10.29pm
Wed, 10.53am, 11.17pm

11 June 1778:

As in previous issues:
Whitehaven Subscription
Dr Boerhaave's Antiscorbutic Leyden Pills sold by A. Coutts
[The Prisoner's Guide]

Official notice: At the County Quarter Sessions, held at Carlisle on 29 April, before Alexander Hoskins Esq., Joseph Dacre Esq., and other Justices of the Peace, agreed rates for goods carriage under the Highways Act of 3/4 William & Mary, viz:
  For every parcel of goods over 7lb between Carlisle & London or its suburbs, 2s per Stone, or 33s per Pack. Goods to & from all other places, based on above, proportional to distance.
  For every parcel of goods under 7lb between Carlisle & London or its suburbs, 1/1.5
Penalty for overcharging, £5 per offence, which may be taken in the form of goods from the waggoner or carrier's residence.
Signed, Andrew Whelpdale, Deputy Clerk of the Peace.

Creditors of the owners of the ship Carlisle (late master, William Binsley) should send their accounts to Mr Thomas Peel, Queen Street, Whitehaven, appointed by the said owners for this purpose. Dated Whitehaven, 11 Jun.

For sale by auction at the King's Arms, Workington, 17 Jun, from 1pm: all the household furniture there, including several feather beds, bedding & bedsteads; chest of drawers, tables & chairs, looking glasses, linen etc. Ready money payment for all items under £1, but 6 months credit for more expensive items (subject to good security).

William Penny, brazier & tinman of Whitehaven Market Place, has "an excellent Assortment of Tea-Kitchens, both Brown and Tortoise-Shell; Japaned Waiters; Knife Trays, &c. Umbrellas, covered or uncovered; all sorts of Mops, Brushes, Bears, Fenders, Bellows, Fire Irons, and all sorts of Cast-Iron ware. All sorts of Gunner's Stores for Armed Vessels; Ships Bells, Cabin Stoves, Poop Lanthorns, and all sorts of Cabin Stores; with several other Articles in the Ship Chandlery Ware.
An APPRENTICE is wanted to the above Business; if he can DRAW well he will be more acceptable."

11 June 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven, last Thu: The King's birthday was celebrated "with great demonstrations of joy": "The flags were early hoisted by the shipping in this port- the Prosperity tender hauled out of the harbour, dressed with a variety of colours of different nations, and at noon fired a royal salute of twenty-one guns.- About twelve o'clock the Cumberland and Westmorland Militia paraded in Lowther-street, with their colours, and were joined by the artillery company of volunteers, with two pieces of brass cannon, and a new and elegant ordnance flag, made for the occasion. The whole marched to the New Quay (accompanied by a band of music) where the militia formed, having a piece of artillery on the right, and another on the left. By this time, the high ground adjoining to the harbour, the Old Quay, and the avenues leading to the New Quay, were filled with thousands of the inhabitants. At one o'clock, three excellent vollies were fired by the militia, and the artillery company fired a royal salute, with a regularity that did them great credit. The two battalions of militia, accompanied as before, marched back to Lowther-street, and the artillery company marched off to Bransty where they lodged their cannon.- At two o'clock, a company of the gentlemen volunteers, dressed in their uniforms, assembled in Lowther-street and made three exceeding good fires in honour of the day.- Another company of the volunteers, at seven o'clock, repaired to the Market-Place, and fired three vollies on the occasion.- A small cruizer, fitted out by the Committee, fired a royal salute, in the afternoon, with great exactness.
The principal Gentlemen in town, and the Officers of the Militia, repaired to different Inns, in the afternoon, where many loyal and constitutional healths were drank.- There was a numerous and splendid ball in the evening, at Mr. Watson's Assembly-Room, where the Ladies were particularly noticed for the elegance and propriety of their dress."

Whitehaven, 10 Jun: It was reported that the Lancashire militia set out for this place last Sat.

The shipping embargo has been lifted from coasting vessels, and an order to lift it from colliers in Whitehaven and neighbouring ports is expected soon.

Whitehaven: "Since our last, various have been the reports respecting the American privateers said to be in the channel.- One Pallin, from Donaghadee, was examined before the Committee last Saturday, concerning two vessels, seen off that coast, which were supposed to be American privateers; he says, one is a snow of 18, the other a brig of 10 guns, that several boats from the Irish shore had visited them, and that the privateer's people paid genteelly for such provisions as were carried them.- It is also said, that one of these vessels landed some men, on one of the Copeland Isles, who carried off some cattle.- The above reports gaining some credit, and as several guns were heard by the watch on Saturday night, the guards at the different batteries were doubled, and every precaution taken to keep the minds of the inhabitants easy.- On Tuesday morning, a wherry was observed standing in shore, nearly opposite to this harbour; little notice was taken of her, at first, as it was probable she meant to come into port, but on her hauling to windward and standing along shore, towards St. Bees head, a boat put off intending to board her, and as she shewed no disposition to wait for the boat, some shot were fired from the halfmoon battery, with intent to bring her to, but without effect. Previous to the firing, a boat was dispatched to the Lynx cutter, Capt. Banton, then in the offing, which immedately gave chace, and the wherry stood in round the north head, where it was generally believed she had a consort of greater force- a party of the militia, and the artillery volunteers, immediately marched towards St. Bees Head, but observing the wherry to stand off shore, they returned.- The Lynx continued the chace, and it is hoped would come up with her, but she had not returned when this paper went to the press.- There are various conjectures respecting the above wherry, it is said she rowed 14 oars and appeared to be full of men."

Last Sat, the Hawke (Capt. Coupland) arrived at Whitehaven from Philadelphia via Corke.

30 May, at Bowness [on Solway]: launch of "a fine sloop, burthen upwards of 20 tons, the property of Mr. Richard Hodgson, of that place.- Above 300 people assembled to draw her into Solway Firth, she being built about 500 yards from it. In her way to the Firth, she was drawn down Bowness street. The evening was concluded with great mirth and festivity on the occasion."

"A gentleman of veracity informs us, that on Tuesday sennight he read a letter at Lord Selkirk's, from John Paul Jones, of the Ranger privateer, directed to Lady Selkirk, dated Brest, May 8th, wherein he apologizes for taking away the plate, and says, it was his Lordship he wanted, for his orders from the United States were, to seize some of the principal men in the kingdom, in order to bring about an exchange of prisoners with the English. He also makes mention that Lieutenant Dobbs, of the Drake, died at sea of the wounds he received during the action. That he (Jones) was on the Island, when the plate was taken away- that he had no intention to plunder the house, but the other Officers, being Americans, insisted upon it- and that if her Ladyship wished to have any particular piece of plate returned, he would buy it in for her.- He speaks much of his own courage, &c. &c."

Whitehaven, last Sat morning: "the three companies of the Cumberland Militia, quartered here, marched for Sunderland. The reason, it is said, why they are ordered there us, that Administration have received certain advice that the French meditate an invasion on that coast."

"A correspondent, who has in various cases experienced the wonderful effects of a mixture of honey and rum in cases of bruises, and inveterate sores occasioned by cuts, when all other medicines have failed, begs leave as a friend to mankind, and, as it may be conceived, without any possible interested view, to recommend it in the most earnest manner to the public. He is the more desirous to have this secret known as it is very seldompractised by surgeons; and if they will condescend to adopt it, they may probably save many of their patients the terrible calamity of an amputation. This correspondent gives his honour, that he knows two instances wherein amputations were avoided by the use of honey and rum; and cures in milder cases have been innumerable. The part should be kept continually wet with the application till it is well. An equal quantity of each are to be mixed and shaken together.- It is most earnestly requested that this paragraph may be cut out, and preserved by those who read it, and communicated to all their acquaintance, particularly surgeons."

"We are assured of the following pleasing fact, which we hope will be the means of abolishing the absurd custom of laying out grown persons or children on the appearance of death:- Mr. William Cowherd, of Cartmel in Lancashire, on Tuesday morning in Passion week apparently died: some methods were tried, and a mirror was frequently held to the nostrils, in order to discover whether there are any remains of life; at last the person was pronounced by every body to be dead; and the nurse as usual proceeded to laying him out; but his brother having read Mr. Hawes' address to the public, insisted that the body should be put between hot blankets, and the room kept warm &c. In about five hours, a deep groan was heard, and other signs of returning life appeared; a very weak pulse was soon after observed, and the above person gradually recoveed, and is restored to his friends and to society."

Seniority among the various county Militia regiments was decided by a ballot draw at a meeting of Lord Lieutenants held at the St. Albans tavern on 1 June. Southampton [i.e. Hampshire] was first, Cumberland 7th, Westmorland 24th, Lancashire 38th.

Last Wed at Drybeck, near Appleby: Mr Joseph Shepherd, aged 100.

Ode for the King's Birthday, by William Whitehead Esq. [not local]
"Song", by Proteus of Carlisle [on the ideal wife].

11 Jun 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
2 Jun- Hartley, Fanning; Mally, Caffrey, Dublin; True Britain, McNamarra, Drogheda
3 Jun- John, Rudd; Jenny, McGowan; Mary & Kitty, Eglon, Wigton; Nicholas, Lindsey, Kirkcudbright; Jenny, Adams, Donnaghadee; Betty, McGarr, Ferrytown; Chriswell, Johnson; Charlotte, Stuart; Powell, Huddleston; Betsy, Armstrong; Betty, Wood; Bella, Steele; Cumberland, Fleming; Dash, Corkhill, Dublin; Nancy, Chambers, Donnaghadee; Osborn, Mahon, Dungarvon
4 Jun- Poulton, Adair, Wigton; Seaflower, Gibbins; Ann, Briggs; Richmond, Smithson; Howgill, McDonald; Minerva, Jackson, Dublin; Jenny, Kegg, Isleman
5 Jun- Dallemtower, Scott; Grace, Brownrigg; Prosperity, Piper; Elizabeth, Fletcher; Ann, Fisher; Kitty, Fisher, Dublin; Mary & Rose, Cain, Baladoole; Chatham, Blair, Donnaghadee
9 [i.e. 6 inverted] Jun- Hawke, Coupland, Philadelphia & Cork; Good Intent, Backhouse, Wicklow; William, Bratney; Orange, Losh; Vigilant, Williamson; Thomas, Westray, Dublin
8 Jun- Benjamin, Simm, Kirkcudbright; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Birmingham, Dockray, Carlisle

1 Jun- Ann & Jenny, Bell, Dumfries; Hope, Stride, Portsmouth; Industry, Howard, Isleman
4 Jun- Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman
6 Jun- Hussar, Gurley, Seas
7 Jun- Success, Peele, Workington; Adventure, Knail, Isleman


2 Jun- Betty, Thompson, Cork
3 Jun- Peter, Brown; Betty, Stamper, Newry; Sally & Nancy, Metcalf, Drogheda
4 Jun- Industry, Hayston, Strangford
5 Jun- Vigilant, Wilson, Belfast; Union, Wiley, Fort William; Vulcan, Harrison; Speedwell, Jackson, Carlisle
6 Jun- Endeavour, Atkinson, Harrington

4 Jun- Peter, Coward, Ravenglass

Thu, 11.42am, 12.07pm
Fri, 12.08am, 12.33pm
Sat, 12.58am, 01.23pm
Sun, 01.48am, 02.12pm
Mon, 02.37am, 03.01pm, "clock & Sun even. d"
Tue, 03.25am, 03.48pm
Wed, 04.12am, 04.35pm

18 June 1778:

As in previous issues:
Goods carriage prices official notice
Whitehaven Subscription [with note "This will be no more advertised"]
Freeman's Antiscorbutic Bitter Drops sold by A. Coutts

To be published by A. Coutts of Whitehaven, next Thursday: "INSTRUCTIONS For those who come to be confirmed. By Way of QUESTION and ANSWER." "compiled from the Works of a very pious and worthy, learned and diligent MEMBER of the CHURCH of ENGLAND". Price 2d, or 1/8 a dozen.

[To be published 1 Jul: issue 54 of "The Gospel Magazine", monthly, price 6d]

[Now published, by J. Cooke of London: "The Lover's Instructor; or whole ART of COURTSHIP", price 1 shilling]

"The Seaman's Guide" and other books sold by A. Coutts in Whitehaven

18 June 1778- NEWS:
On 6 June, "a voluntary subscription was opened at Maryport, by Humphrey Senhouse and John Christian, Esqrs. for the safety and defence of that town and shipping, against any attempt that might be made thereon by the enemies of this country, when tsey subscribed twenty guineas, and were followed by Thomas Postlethwaite, Esq.; who subscribed ten guineas. Several other gentlemen and tradesmen, in the town and neighbourhood, have also contributed very liberally for said purpose. A company of Gentlemen Volunteers, consisting of upwards of seventy men of property, has also been raised and muster every evening to learn the manual exercise, in which, for the time, they are extremely perfect; a party of the company keep watch every night."

Whitehaven: "The Rev. Mr. Crabtree, of Bradford, preached at the Anabaptist Meeting House in this town, on Sunday last."

Whitehaven: "Last Tuesday morning, an order was received at the Custom-House here, to take the embargo off all the shipping in this and the neighbouring ports, in consequence of which, upwards of 60 sail of vessels, now lying in this harbour, have been cleared out, and only wait a fair wind to proceed on their respective voyages."

Last Sat night: "a shop in Egremont was broke into and robbed of some money, a quantity of brown sugar, sugar candy, and hard soap- strict inquiry is making after the offenders."

"The wherry, mentioned in our last, which the Lynx, Custom House cutter, Capt. Banton, chaced off this coast on Tuesday sennight, proves to be a smuggler. Captain Banton lost sight of her that evening, and, by the accounts since received from Scotland, we learn, that her cargo was landed on that coast the night following."

The Denbighshire Militia arrived at Chester from Newport on 11 June, and it was understood that they would march for Whitehaven on 15 June.

The Bishop of Chester is expected to visit the Cumbrian part of his diocese on or about 9 Jul.

Carlisle Races will begin on 27 Jun.

Following the claims by Pallin about American privateers, referred to last week, the Spy cruizer (Capt. Sharp) sailed from Whitehaven on Sun last week and spoke with the frigate Stag (Capt. Cooper) off the Copeland Isles, then called at Donaghadee for further information. He arrived back at Whitehaven last Friday "without having seen or heard of any privateers being on the coast."

8 Jun at Torpenhow: Mr Edward Clementson of Isell & Miss Hodgson of Bothel "an agreeable young Lady with a fortune of 1000£."
Last Sun at Whitehaven: Mr Benjamin Harris, of the Custom-House, & Miss Betty Lister.

Last Mon., in Quay Street, Whitehaven, in his 73rd year: Mr Robert Wilkinson of Preston House, "a gentleman greatly respected."

"Summer" (anonymous)


Thu, 05.00am, 05.23pm
Fri, 05.45am, 06.11pm
Sat, 06.36am, 07.02pm
Sun, 07.29am, 07.57pm
Mon, 08.25am, 08.55pm
Tue, 09.25am, 09.56pm
Wed, 10.28am, 11.00pm

25 June 1778:

As in previous issues:
Books sold by A. Coutts
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
[The Gospel Magazine]

[Book just published: "The Compleat Vermin-Killer", price 1/6]

[Book just published in 2 quarto volumes: works of Flavius Josephus, price 2 guineas]

25 June 1778- NEWS:
Wed last week: "the Cumberland militia arrived at Sunderland, where they will be stationed until further orders".

Tue: The Colonel of the Denbighshire militia, Richard Myddleton Esq., MP, arrived in Whitehaven; his 280-man battalion is expected in the next few days.

The Spy cruizer (Capt. Sharp) sailed on another voyage of observation last Tue.

Carlisle Races will begin on 27 Jul, not 27 Jun as stated last week.

Last Tue: Henry Curwen Esq. died at Workington Hall: "a Gentleman highly esteemed and sincerely regretted; he filled the different stations of husband, father, and friend, with that degree of perfection which does honour to the human heart, and in him the poor have lost a consumate and sympathizing benefactor. He married Miss Isabella Gale (daughter of the late William Gale, Esq.; of Queen-street [Whitehaven]) who died about 18 months ago. He was elected Member of Parliament for the City of Carlisle in the year 1761, and for this County in the year 1768. He has left an only daughter, about thirteen years of age."

Last Tue: John Merryman, "a fifer of the Westmorland battalion of militia ... interred yesterday with the accustomed military honours."

Last Sun, at Trinity Church, Whitehaven: Mr Henry Nutter & Miss Bella Craghill.
Lately at Wigton: Mr John Sanderson, grocer, & Mrs Jane Shepherd, innkeeper.
Last week at Carlisle: Mr Raine, "an eminent bleacher at Denton-hill", & "the agreeable Miss Little".

Calculations of the time necessary to pay off Britain's National Debt, by "A Friend to Wisdom and Economy", 15 Jun.

Part 2 of "Cautions against the immoderate use of snuff", anonymous; referring to the dubious slimming benefits of tobacco, and its long-term mental effects.


Thu, 11.34am, 12.03pm
Fri, 12.07am, 12.37pm
Sat, 01.03am, 01.34pm
Sun, 02.01am, 02.28pm
Mon, 02.52am, 03.17pm
Tue, 03.40am, 04.04pm, clock fast 3m 7s
Wed, 04.25am, 04.47pm