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7 Mar 1778:

As in previous issues:
Sailors & soldiers wanted at Dumfries
Desertion of John Esck
Dr Boerhaave's Antiscorbutic Leyden Pills sold by A. Coutts
[The New Good Samaritan book]

For sale by auction, 9 May, at the house of Mr Thomas Head in Carlisle: messuage & tenement in Irthington called Prioridge-Field-Head (part customary tenancy, paying 1s 10d rent to the Lord of the Manor, half of a 20d fine on the death of the tenant, and 3 bushels of oats in lieu of tithes, "being a better Custom than most Freeholds"; almost half the property is freehold, paying 3d quit rent per acre to Squire Dacre, and corn tithe); "well built, hedged, and watered, and has a good conveniency for a WATER-MILL on the Brook Hetber". To view the property, and for further information, contact Mr Jonathan Bell, "near the said Estate".

Stock recently received from London by A. Coutts, printer & bookseller in Whitehaven Market Place [long list, including sealing wax, sand & sand-boxes, knives, rulers, ink-stands, ink, paper etc.] "At the same place may be had, A SERMON Occasioned by the Death of THOMAS BENSON Esq; of Carlisle, By ROBERT MILN, A.M. Price 6d."

[New edition of The Pilgrim's Progress, with notes by W. Mason, to be published in weekly parts from 14 Mar, by Alexander Hogg of London. Part 1 price 6d]

7 Mar 1778- NEWS:
Last night: at Mr Hadwen's ball in the Theatre in Roper-Street, Whitehaven, "his pupils went through the various dances, before a very genteel and crowded audience, and gave universal satisfaction- a new Statue Dance was performed, with great ease and dexterity; and, it is allowed by judges, that the great abilities of Mr. Hadwen, in the walk of his profession, never appeared more conspicuous than they did last night."

"A Correspondent informs us, that about three weeks ago he saw several young lambs, at Conishead Priory, the seat of Wilson Braddyll, Esq;"

"We are informed, that Mr. Charles Graham, of Penrith, intends speedily to publish, by subscription, a collection of Miscellaneous Poems, Essays, Original Pieces, &c.- and, as several of Mr. Graham's productions have been noticed by the ingenious Mr. Dodsley, and published in his Annual Register, it is not doubted but this collection will meet with every wished for encouragement, as nothing will be inserted that may
'Give vice a sanction, innocence a fear,
Or, from the soft-eye'd virgin, draw a tear.' POPE"

"We are desired to remark, that a woman, who lives in Brackanthwaite, upwards of sixty years of age, having had a tooth drawn, a new one grew in its place, about three weeks since."

Last Sun night: as John Ward of Parton near Whitehaven was "walking on the Quay there, during tide-time, he unfortunately fell off and was drowned."

The Jenny (Capt. Wishart) "mentioned in our last to have been stranded, is since gone to pieces."

Last Wed, in Whitehaven New-Market: Mr Sword, butcher, killed "a small Scotch heifer, fed by Mr. Edward Palmer, of Morresby" ... "very remarkable for its weight and fatness; the carcass weighed 65st. 10lb" with 5in. thickness of fat in places. Sold at 5½d and 6d per lb.; "the bone was very small- the tallow weighed 9st. 14lb. and the hide only 5st."

Whitehaven: "There are wagers now depending in Town, ten guineas to one, that war will be declared, by Great-Britain against France, before the 2d of April next."

Whitehaven, a few days ago: two cartmen were convicted before the Magistrates, for riding on their horses when pulling carts, instead of leading them; "we hear, the Magistrates are determined to prosecute all such offenders, for the future, by which many accidents will probably be prevented."

"We hear that it is fixed that Lord Carlisle goes as first Commissioner to treat with the American Congress, and that Anthony Scorer, Esq; Member of Parliament for Carlisle, is appointed Secretary. Gen. Even. Post."

Last week at Crosthwaite church: Mr William Banks of Keswick & Miss Mally Birket of St. John's, "an agreeable young Lady, with a fortune of 1000£"
Also last week at Crosthwaite: Mr Quaile of Cockermouth & Miss Grisdale of Keswick.
This morning at St. James' church, Whitehaven: Capt. John Moore of the Whitehaven vessel Ceres & Miss Steele of the Old Town Head.

Lately, in Great Cumberland Street, London: Miss Esther Sawrey, youngest daughter of Mrs Sawrey of Broughton Tower, Lancs.

"An EPIGRAM" (anonymous, but "For the CUMBERLAND CHRONICLE")
"NO, VARUS hates a thing that's base,
I own, indeed, he's got a knack,
Of flatt'ring people to their face,
But scorns to do't behind their back."

"To Miss R______H J______E, On her WEDDING-DAY", by J.B. of Bolton ("For the CUMBERLAND CHRONICLE"). Last stanza:
"The man who now enjoys thy love,
Perpetual bliss shall know,
And every satisfaction prove,
Which pleasure can bestow."

Anonymous, addressed "To the EDITOR" [But why bother? Was the author somebody who was aware of the plans for the next cruise of the Ranger, currently preparing in France?]
"AS it is natural for every Lover of his Country to exult in every instance of national courage, which to the honour of Old England abounds in our History, I fancy the following anecdote from Pennant's Tour will be acceptable to most of your Readers:
'The trade of Scarborough received great injury from a combined fleet of Scots, French and Spaniards, under the conduct of one Mercer, who entered the Harbour and carried off several ships. The insult was instantly revenged by Philpot, a gallant Alderman of London, who fitted out a fleet at his own charge, pursued the enemy, and not only retook their prizes, but made himself master of the whole fleet.'
(If Mr. Alderman Philpot had shewn his gallantry in this more enlightened age, he would have been called to account for fitting out his fleet without leave.)"

7 Mar 1778- SHIPPING:

28 Feb- Adventure, Knaile, Isleman
1 Mar- Integrity, Peele, Drogheda; Rose, Harrison, Dublin
3 Mar- Elizabeth, Clark, Lancaster; Lark, Anderson, Carlingford; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Birmingham, Dockray, Carlisle; Three Open Boats, , Allonby
4 Mar- Peggy & Mally, Kimmins, Dumfries; Jenny, Lindsey; Success, Casson, Kirkcudbright
5 Mar- Rigby, Losh, Liverpool; Nancy, Spedding, Workington

1 Mar- Liberty, Wilkes, Workington; Betty, Curwen, Harrington; Hazard, Fletcher, West Indies; Kitty, Jones, Duddon; Bolton, Watson; Golden Rule, Thompson; St. Bees, Williamson; Prosperous, Adair; Saltom, Dawson; William, Bratney; Betty, Palmer; Thompson, Johnson; Brayton, Harrison, Dublin
2 Mar- Nancy, Spedding; Truelove, Curwen, Workington; Providence, Brown; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries; Anna, Casteen, Inverary; Nelly, Brown, Newcastle; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Blessing, Curwen; Endeavour, Moor; Peter, Barwise; Peggy, Ramsey; Truelove, Littledale; Prosperity, Piper; Isabella, Fisher; Ann, Fisher; Catharine, Williams; Betsy, Armstrong; Mally & Peggy, Walker; Ledger, Casson; Tryal, Ryley; Cumberland, Fleming; William, Watson; Howgill, McDonald; Thomas, Carrell; Britannia, Bowman; Mally, Caffrey; Loyalty, Thompson; Garland, Piper, Dublin
3 Mar- Joanna, Fisher; Dash, Corkhill; Nelly, Woodburn; Ann, Briggs; Curwen, Younghusband; William & Thomas, Piper; Industry, Atkinson; Olive Branch, Angus; William & Nancy, Cannon; Prosperous, Thompson; Vigilant, Williamson; Duchess, Gordon; Williamson, Phillipson; Fox, Salkeld; Resolution, Banks; King George, Stobridge; Charlotte, Stewart; Juno, Jackson; Plain Dealer, Thompson; Friends, Fisher, Dublin; Sophia, Smith, Strangford; Delight, Matthews, Lancaster; Speedwell, Griffis, Conaway
4 Mar- Mally, Messenger; Seaflower, Gibbins; William, Pennyman, Dublin; Boscawen, Smith, Liverpool; Felicity, Monkhouse, Cork; Hannah, McCreedy, Wigton; Elizabeth, Clark, Maryport
5 Mar- Betsy, Younghusband; Minerva, Jackson; Patience, Moor, Dublin; Tanner, Hamilton, Isleman; Hannah, Mossop, Londonderry


1 Mar- Lowther, Lawrence; Brothers, Loveless; Betty, Stamper; Portland, Watson; Thomas, Barton, Dublin; Felicity, Atkinson, Belfast; Liberty, Wilkes, Whitehaven
2 Mar- Industry, Hayston, Dublin
3 Mar- Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven
4 Mar- Jenny, Cleminson, Liverpool; Truelove, Curwen, Harrington
5 Mar- Ranger, Graham, Maryport

26 Feb- Tryal, Bridges, Dumfries; Etty, Thompson; Bella, Tirrel; Pitt, Steel; George, Clark, Dublin
27 Feb- Vulcan, Harrison, Maryport
2 Mar- Liberty, Marshall; Pallas, Kelsick; Eleanor, Hargrove; William, Baylis; Blessing, Hayton; Mally, Todd; Jane, Peel; Lark, Armstrong; Brothers, Kay; Commerce, Burrell; Love, Barnes; Mary & Ann, Simm; Glory, Lawson; Blessing, Course; Mally, Jackson; Dove, Hargrove; Delight, Bulteel; Providence, Tiffin; Nelly, Burnet; Dorset, Allison, Dublin; Thomas, Barton, Maryport
3 Mar- Swift, Callow; Musgrave, Lacy; Integrity, Robinson; Three Brothers, Asbridge; Warrington, Ashley; Providence, Hill; Henry, Clark; Matty, Cragg; James, Selby, Dublin
4 Mar- Happy Return, Sparks; Diamond, Steel; Active, Allison; Vigilant, Wilson; Blyth Ann, Atkinson; Nancy, Davis; Heart of Oak, Curwen; Betsy, Yoward; Clifton, Priestman; Deborah, Brockbank; Industry, Hayston; Unity, Westray; Vine, Martindale, Dublin
5 Mar- Liberty, Wilkes; Lowther, Lawrence, Dublin


20 Feb- Agnes & Betty, Hayton; Forrester, Turner, Belfast; Sally & Nelly, Ellis, Isleman
23 Feb- Thomas & Hannah, Wilson, Belfast
24 Feb- Ann, Borriskell, Dublin; Fly, McKenzie, Waterford
27 Feb- Vulcan, Harrison, Workington
1 Mar- Mary, Pearson, Dublin
2 Mar- Morning Star, Messenger; Griffin, Potts, Dublin; Tryal, Holiday, Kirkcudbright
3 Mar- Thomas, Barton, Workington; Rachael & Mary, Smith, Dublin
4 Mar- Ranger, Graham, Kirkcudbright

18 Feb- Cookson, Robinson, Dublin
22 Feb- Ranger, Graham, Kirkcudbright
26 Feb- Lion, Harrison; Mary & Betty, Thornburn; Marigold, Steel; Matilda, Dickinson; Phoenix, Metcalf; Ann & Mary, Scrugham; Britain, Jackson, Dublin
1 Mar- Experiment, Collin; Nancy, Collin; Patience, Sibson; Jenny, Benner; Sally, Bell, Dublin
2 Mar- Friends Goodwill, Fawcet, Dublin
3 Mar- Jane, Harris; Draper, Carter; Royal Oak, Gibson, Dublin; Thomas, Heslop, Dumfries; Vulcan, Harrison, Carlisle
4 Mar- Mermaid, Briscoe; Friends Goodwill, Wilson, Dublin

Sun, 06.11am, 06.40pm
Mon, 07.10am, 07.38pm
Tue, 08.06am, 08.32pm
Wed, 09.00am, 09.24pm
Thu, 09.49am, 10.12pm
Fri, 10.36am, 10.58pm, clock fast 9m
Sat, 11.21am, 11.43pm

14 Mar 1778:

As in previous issues:
Prioridge-Field-Head for sale
Panacea for the Itch, sold by A. Coutts
Specific Drops (for scurvy etc.) sold by A. Coutts
Numbered list of medicines etc. sold by A. Coutts
[Pilgrim's Progress partwork]

Wanted immediately, a journeyman stay-maker. "A good Hand will meet with every Encouragement, by applying to
Cross-Street, WHITEHAVEN

Who wants an APPRENTICE to the Stay-Making Business.- This will be no more advertised."

Legal notice, Carlisle, 9 Mar 1778: "WHEREAS I MARY the Wife of JOHN GLINDINING, of this City, Pedlar, did wantonly, and without just Cause, report, that ISABELLA WELSH took out of my Counter Fourteen Yards of printed Linen; and I did, likewise, without a reasonable Cause, and without and Warrant, or Authority, enter the several Houses of JAMES WELSH, ARCHIBALD McKENDRICK, and ANN LAZONBY, in Scotch-Street, Carlisle, and of ELEANOR PARK, and JOHN CAMPBELL, at Purdon's Crook, in order to search for the same. NOW, in consideration of the Kindness of the aforesaid Persons in forgiving me, for the Offences aforesaid, I DO, in this Public Manner, acknowledge my Fault and ask their Pardons, severally, for having so grossly injured them, and do solemnly promise, that I will not, hereafter, give them Cause of Complaint, either by Word or Deed. Witness my Hand,

For sale by auction at Mr Haile's Coffee Room, Whitehaven, 27 Mar: "a large Freehold Messuage or Tenement, situated in Howgill-street, Whitehaven; called and known by the name of the New Assembly Room; with Rooms underneath, and convenient Cellars; is so calculated to be made, at a very moderate Expence, into Three Dwelling Houses, and subject only to the Payment of 10s a Year Free Rent to Sir JAMES LOWTHER, Bart.- to be disposed of in Three different Lots, and afterwards to be put up together, and which comes highest to determine the Sale."
Lot 1: 5.5 yards frontage
Lot 2: 5 yards 2 feet frontage
Lot 3: 9 yards frontage
each lot extending 10 yards backwards.
5 guineas in hand payable on each lot at time of sale (or 10 guineas for all 3 together)- the remainder by two equal payments at 6 & 12 months, subject to security.
Enquiries to Mrs Hayton in Howgill Street, who will show the premises.

Creditors of Joseph Fawell and his son John Fawell, former tanners of Templesowerby in Westmorland, are requested to attend to the Ship (Mrs Gowling's) in Templesowerby on 1 Apr, to receive a final dividend from the Trustees of the Fawells' estate and effects. Dated 10 Mar 1778.

Miscellaneous Poems,
Containing a variety of Original Pieces, both in Prose and Verse, that have never appeared in Print.
I. The work will be elegantly printed upon a fine demy paper, and neat letter, and will contain upwards of 200 pages in large 12mo. Price sewed in blue paper two Shillings and Six pence.
II. The work will be put to the press about the middle of April, when the number subscribed for will be printed with all possible dispatch.
III. A list of the subscribers' names will be printed at the end of the work.
***SUBSCRIPTIONS will be taken in by J. Robson, New-bond-street, London; C. Elliot, Edinburgh; L. White, Dublin; J. Gore, Liverpool; J. & H. Walmsley, Lancaster; W. Pennington, Kendal; E. Wilson, Dumfries; W. Charnley, Newcastle; M. Lee, Hexham; Alexander Coutts, Whitehaven; W. Eckford, Workington; D. Matthews, Cockermouth; S. Campbell, Carlisle; J. Walker, Keswick; F. Hodgson, Ulverstone; L. Wilkinson, Appleby; W. Stephenson, Hawkshead; M. Furness, Wigton; B. White, Aldstone; H. Hutchinson, Alendale Town; J. & A. Soulby, Penrith; and by the Author.
IT is a matter of no great difficulty to advance, in theory, that the sole design of this publication is to promote virtue, and discountenance vice and immorality; to improve the taste of the youth, and lay the foundation of their future happiness, without the least prospect of any private emolument. But we conceive this would only be regarded as a piece of finesse, calculated to impose on the credulity of mankind.- It is an established maxim in ethics, that self-love is the predominant passion in the human mind. Hence it is demonstrable, that this passion seldom prompts us to pursue schemes of public utility, unless stimulated thereto by the secret hope of a pecuniary advantage. However, thus much we shall venture to assert, that tho' we do not pretend to act entirely independent of interest, yet we have not altogether lost sight of virtue.- Particular care will be taken, to insert nothing that may, in any degree, tend to corrupt the heart, or sap the foundation of an early piety, in the tender, flexible minds of the youth, or even awake the least indelicate idea. Nothing that may
  'Give vice a sanction, innocence a fear,
  'Or, from the soft-ey'd virgin, draw a tear'
We also conceive, that the conditions are not exorbitant. The work will, we presume, be esteemed much cheaper (in regard to the quantity of print and paper) than any prior publication, that has been offered to the public by subscription.
Were the author to write his own eulogium, and enlarge on the merit of his compositions, it would, of consequence, subject him to the imputation of vanity; that must be left to the decision of the candid and impartial, from whom alone he expects justice. He imagines however at the same time, that he should be deficient in duty to himself, should he omit observing, that some of his productions have been copied into the Annual Register, published by Mr. Dodsley, whose abilities both as a writer and compiler, are too well-known to require any investigation.
The author is sensible that in proposals of this nature, it is usual to insert a piece, by way of specimen; but as various specimens have already appeared in the magazines, and other periodical publications, any attempt of that nature is of consequence superceded, and wou'd now appear suerfluous and unnecessary. The pieces referred to, were, at that time, wrote merely for a temporary amusement, without the least design of offering them collectively to the public; nor does the author think he ever should have formed any design of publishing, had he not been repeatedly solicited by his friends, and ancouraged by certain gentlemen of distinguished tastes in literature, who have been pleased to pronounce the pieces not unworthy of the perusal and patronage of the impartial public. Since that period, the author has been at some pains in writing originals, and in correcting, revising and giving the finishing hand to his former compositions, in order to render the whole as complete as possible."

14 Mar 1778- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle Corn Market last Sat: wheat 15s 17s per bushel; rye 12s & 13s; barley 9s & 10s; oats 6s & 6/6; white pease 16s; grey pease 10/6; beans 10/6.

Fri last week: "Mr. Cowper held his Ball at Mr. Jenkinson's Assembly Room, in Workington. The Ball was opened by Master R. Addison, and Miss Harrison:- His pupils performed their several dances, and operations, with propriety and ease, and gave general satisfaction to the numerous and genteel spectators, especially in the bower dance, as it was never performed there before. The Ball was conducted with regular decorum, and was honoured with the presence of Miss Curwen, and the principal Ladies in town, who applauded the merits of the Tutor."

Last week: three girls were convicted before the Magistrates of riding on their carts in the streets of Whitehaven; "not being able to pay the penalty, they were committed to the house of correction at Cockermouth."

Last Sat evening: "some disorderly people quarrelling at the Black Bull, in Rickergate, Carlisle, were ordered, by the Landlady, to be turned out- in the scuffle, a woman, one of the company, received a stroke on the forehead, with a pair of tongs, which brought her to the ground. She was carried before the Rev. the Dean of Carlisle, who ordered a Surgeon to examine the wounds, and report the danger; the man who struck her has been since committed, and the woman remains in great danger."

Last week at St. Mary's, Carlisle: Mr Joseph Borrisgill, "many years an eminent butcher", & Miss Bridget Martindale of Caldbeck, "an accomplished young Lady with a genteel fortune".

Last Fri at Warcop Hall, Westmorland: the Rev. Mr Preston, rector of Ormside.
Last week at Carlisle, in his 98th year: Mr John Porter, "many years a Maltster in that place".
20 Feb, at Harperhill in Stapleton: Mr Edward Irwing "after a long and painful illness, which he bore with christian fortitude, and resignation to the Divine Will; his goodness of heart, and charitable disposition, endeared him to all his neighbours, and his death was sincerely lamented by all ranks of people; a little before he died, he ordered, that there might be given to the poor, who should attend his funeral, bread, cheese, ale, and a shilling each; upwards of two hundred attended and received the donation: he also bequeathed eighty pounds, the interest of which is to be distributed to the poor of Stapleton, annually, on Old Christmas Day, upon his grave, or at his head-stone, forever."
Last Mon, at Penrith, after a long illness: Mrs Wordsworth, wife of Mr John Wordsworth, attorney at law of Cockermouth, "a Lady much respected by her acquaintance".
Last Tue, in Scotch Street, Whitehaven, in his 73rd year: Mr John Ormaday, merchant.

14 Mar 1778- SHIPPING:

7 Mar- Providence, Brown, Dumfries; George, Jefferson, Ravenglass
9 Mar- Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries
10 Mar- Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman
12 Mar- Polly, Lacey, Liverpool; Nancy, Dixon, Ulverstone; Jenny, McGowen, Whithorn

6 Mar- Mary & Betty, Boadle, Waterford; Dove, Dargue; Wells, Collins; Rodgers, Benson, Dublin
7 Mar- Assurance, Farish; Orange, Losh, Dublin
8 Mar- Success, Casson, Kirkcudbright; John & Mary, Welch, Dublin
9 Mar- Rupert, Braithwaite; Lark, Anderson; Peace, Ritson; Rose, Harrison, Dublin; Peggy, Sloan; Content, Bouch, Maryport; Birmingham, Dockray, Carlisle; Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Two Open Boats, , Allonby
10 Mar- Dido, Telford, Liverpool; Wilson, Benson; Richmond, Smithson; Lively, Watts, Dublin; Rigby, Losh, Workington
11 Mar- Linnet, Messenger, Carlisle; Ann, Rudd, Norway; Olive Branch, Powe, London; Swan, Bacon; Prince of Wales, Briggs; Elizabeth, Fletcher; Robinson, Todhunter, Dublin
12 Mar- Peggy & Mally, Kimmins, Dumfries; Jenny, Lindsey, Kirkcudbright; Mary, Conkey; Jackson, Sharp, Dublin
13 Mar- Favourite, Fisher; Liberty, Brockbank, Glasgow; Mally, Richardson, West Indies; Polly, Lacy, Liverpool


5 Mar- Seaflower, Wilson, Harrington
7 Mar- Jenny, Irwin, Sark
9 Mar- Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven
11 Mar- Rigby, Losh, Whitehaven; Endeavour, Carby, Harrington

5 Mar- Bella, Simond, Wigton; Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven
7 Mar- Jenny, Clemenson; Brothers, Loveless, Swansay
8 Mar- Jenny, Irwin, Maryport
9 Mar- Peggy, Dally, Dublin
11 Mar- Speedwell, Lawrence; Farmer, Stockdale, Dublin
12 Mar- Betty, Stamper; Henry, Bell; Bellona, Kelsick, Dublin


5 Mar- Elizabeth, Clark, Lancaster
9 Mar- Peggy, Sloan, Whitehaven
10 Mar- Content, Bouch, Ulverstone; John & Bella, Lowes, Dumfries

5 Mar- Ranger, Graham, Workington; Welcome, Osborne; Thomas & Hannah, Wilson, Dublin
8 Mar- Tryal, Holiday, Kirkcudbright
9 Mar- Fly, McKenzie, Dublin
10 Mar- Duke, Fletcher; Friendship, Lister, Dublin; Elizabeth, Clarke, Carlisle

Sun, 12.05am, 12.09pm
Mon, 12.26am, 12.47pm
Tue, 01.08am, 01.27pm
Wed, 01.52am, 02.14pm
Thu, 02.36am, 02.59pm
Fri, 03.22am, 03.46pm, Eq. day and night
Sat, 04.11am, 04.36pm

21 Mar 1778:

As in previous issues:
Assembly Room for sale
Creditors of Joseph & John Fawell to meet
Poems by Charles Graham- subscription offer
Turlington's Balsam of Life for sale by A. Coutts
Dr. Boerhaave's Leyden Pills for sale by A. Coutts

For sale by auction, by Mr Fidler, from London, at the Old Assembly Room, Howgill Street, Whitehaven, 23-25 March, from 10am: "FOREIGN CHINA, just arrived from London, the property of two India Captains, lately arrived from China.
SERVICES of blue and white Dishes and Plates.- Tureens and Dishes.- Soup Dishes and Plates.- Sallad and Baking Dishes.- Desert and Water Plates, &c.- Great Variety of complete Tea Sets of the best Nankeen Blue, and Sets of rich coloured ditto.- Bowls and Basons.- Cups and saucers.- Jars and Beakers.- Bottles and Basons.- Sets of mugs, ornamental figures &c.- Japan dressing boxes for the Ladies.- Toilets, Tea-Boards of different sizes.- Quadrille Boxes, Fish and Counters, India Soy, Cane Mats for Floors, India Paper, Hangings for Rooms, India Fans, preserved Ginger &c.- Umbrellas &c.- Sets of large Jars, chased with Gold.- Some elegant Desert Services, and Tea Sets, of the English Procelian" [sic]
"With many other valuable India Goods, too numerous to insert.
***Several complete Table and Tea-Sets will be put up the first Day of Sale.
N.B. This Sale is founded upon the strictest Honour, and all the above authentic."
Goods on view up to time of sale. Dated 21 Mar.

To let for a term of years, by agreement (from 25 Mar 1779): a farm at Brigham, near Cockermouth. Proposals in writing to Mr William Fletcher, or Mrs Wybergh, of Whitehaven, by 1 Jun. "The Landlord reserves for his own Use, the Parlour End of the Mansion House, the Orchard, and Two small Parcels of Land, late MIDDLETON'S, at the East End of the Town."

For sale by auction on the spot, 6 April (for the benefit of the underwriters): the hull, masts, rigging, sails & other materials of the sloop Mayflower (Samuel Jackson, master), stranded near the Chapel on the Isle of Walney. "The Purchasers to pay ready Money before they depart the Sale."

Cumberland Register Office (Skelton & Co., Whitehaven Market Place):
General advert, similar to those earlier in the year (still only one shilling for registering), plus:
"An Apprentice is wanted to the Printing Business.
A young man that can be well recommended, wants to be employed as a Curate or a Schoolmaster. Wanted the sums of 500£. 400£. and 200£. on security of Houses. Also several small Sums on Bond Security."

["A New and Authentic History of England", by William Augustus Russell Esq., in 80 parts, illustrated: issue 1, 28 Mar, price 6d]

["Family Bible" in 60 parts, illustrated: issue 1, 28 Mar, price 6d]

21 Mar 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven, Thu: arrival of the Revenge (Capt. Grayson), which sailed from Sandy Hook, America, on 13 Feb, "under convoy of a fleet of ten armed victuallers, a ship in ballast for Liverpool, one with condemned provisions for London, and one for Glasgow called the Lilly; the Revenge and Lilly only had tobacco in. Flax-seed, staves, &c. &c. were not allowed to be shipped, if they had not been condemned as prize.- We have information, by this ship, that nothing less than Independence will now go down- the whimsicalness of the gentlemen in America, wholly puts it out of people's power to judge what will answer there- many of the transports, at Philadelphia and New York, have not a month's provisions on board, nor is there flour, or ship-bread, to be had; Capt. Grayson was obliged to risk King's condemned bread, for his passage home."

A correspondent at Penrith assures us, that no less a number than 200 persons, in that town and its environs, have subscribed to Mr Charles Graham's Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, &c. a sufficient proof how much the Author is encouraged and respected."

Whitehaven: "A few days ago, a Partridge, supposed to be pursued by a bird of prey, was observed by two Gentlemen to alight in this harbour, at the time of high-water; the Gentlemen soon got to its assistance, and with a friendly hand, took it up, and set it at liberty."

"The George, Capt. Askew, and the Martha, Capt. Hutchinson, both Letters of Marque, arrived at New York, with their prize on the 7th of February."

Whitehaven: "We are desired to remark, that the wager, depending in this Town, on a declaration of war with France, is not as was mentioned in out paper of the 7th inst. but, ten guineas to one, that war is not declared by Great-Britain, against France, on or before the 1st day of April next."

Last Sat in the New Town, Whitehaven, in an advanced age: Mr Caleb Birch, an eminent pipe-maker, "greatly respected and esteemed".
Last Mon: Mr George Barnes, formerly of the Thicket near Whitehaven.

"Thoughts During a Morning's Walk", by B____Y of Egremont:
"FROM balmy sleep awoke, the dappl'd morn
Entic'd me to forsake my pillow'd ease,
To hear the fluting thrush, on yonder thorn,
His list'ning mate endeavoured to please.
Straight to the grassy bank, the river's bound,
Where Ehend's streams divided soothing thrill,
Where half the water wanton leaps the mound,
Where half glides on to ply the lab'ring mill;
Near Ullbank wood diversified with trees,
Where sylvan choristers in couples meet,
Where nestling close, each other strive to please,
And scenes of reciprocal love repeat,
I took my way" ...
[etc. about birds, cattle, sheep, seasons & so on, but no more specifically local references]

21 Mar 1778- SHIPPING:

14 Mar- Open Boat, Brown, Water Orr; Venus, Kirk, Kirkcudbright
15 Mar- William, Crow, Isleman
16 Mar- Eagle Packet, Maxwell; Good Intent, Mathers, Isleman; Grizie, Cracket, Liverpool
17 Mar- Providence, Roberts, Bristol; Glory, Jackson, London; Kitty, Fisher; Powell, Hudleston; Allison, Adamson; Bella, Steel; Grace, Brownrigg; Chriswell, Johnson; Industry, Cragg, Dublin; Peter, Brown, Newry; Prosperity, Monkhouse, Plymouth; Open Boat, Henny; Open Boat, Sharp, Allonby; Betty, Wood; James & Thomas, Benn, Rush
18 Mar- Mally, Casson, Liverpool; Diligence, Hannah, Dumfries; Betsey, Armstrong, Dublin; Revenge, Grayson, New York; Seaflower, Gibbins, Rush
20 Mar- Birmingham, Dodkrey, Carlisle; George, Jefferson, Ravenglass; Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Herring, Currey, Cardigan; Catharine, Williams, Conway; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Glory, Lawson, Belfast

13 Mar- Fortune, Hulgerson, Drontheim; Eleanor, Ponsonby, Glasgow; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries
14 Mar- Content, Woodall, Dublin
15 Mar- Ceres, Moor; Argus, Newton, Norway; Open Boat, Brown, Maryport; Littledale, Kelsick; Robert, Moor, Glasgow
16 Mar- Mary & Betty, Jackson, Dublin; Nancy, Dixon, Harrington; Ann & Francis, Whitfield, Dublin; Lovely Nelly, Walker, Norway
18 Mar- Peter, Brown, Workington
19 Mar- Allison, Adamson, Dublin; 2 Open Boats, , Allonby
20 Mar- William, Crow, Isleman


13 Mar- Thomas, Harker, Carlisle
16 Mar- Nelly, Tear, Isleman
17 Mar- Hope, Bell, Skerries; Portland, Millikin; Liffey, Grayson, Dublin
18 Mar- Catharine, Williams, Conway; Peter, Brown, Whitehaven

12 Mar- Concord, Wilson; Hawk, Smith; Truelove, Curwen, Dublin
13 Mar- Rigby, Losh, Liverpool; Rose, Steel; Seaflower, Wilson, Dublin
14 Mar- Thomas, Harker, Carlisle; Felicity, Atkinson, Dublin


17 Mar- Ann & Francis, Borriskell; Friends Goodwill, Fawcet; Nancy, Collin; Experiment, Collin, Dublin; Mary, Waite, Isleman; Royal Bounty, Thompson, Portaferry
18 Mar- Sally, Bell; Phoenix, Metcalf, Dublin

12 Mar- Glory's Increase, Marshall, Dublin; Forrester, Turner, Chepstow
13 Mar- Peggy, Sloan, Liverpool; Rachel & Mary, Smith; Thomas, Barton; Agnes & Betty, Bell; Ann, Borriskell, Dublin
14 Mar- Content, Bouch, Harrington
15 Mar- Griffin, Potts; Mary, Pearson, Dublin; John & Betty, Lowes, Dumfries

Sun, 05.01am, 05.30pm
Mon, 05.53am, 06.19pm
Tue, 06.45am, 07.11pm
Wed, 07.37am, 08.03pm
Thu, 08.29am, 08.55pm
Fri, 09.20am, 09.46pm, clock fast 5m
Sat, 10.11am, 10.37pm

28 Mar 1778:

As in previous issues:
Farm at Brigham to let
Sale of stranded sloop Mayflower
Fawell creditors' meeting
Poems by Charles Graham
Panacea for the Itch sold by A. Coutts
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
[Family Bible partwork]

For sale by Fletchers & Co., Whitehaven:
"Choice Madeira Wine, in Hogsheads, Quarter Casks, or by the Dozen.
Raisins in Quarter Casks, and Frails.
Shumack, best Quality.
Jordan Almonds.
Lemons in Half Chests.
Grenada Cotton.
Porter in Barrels, and Half Barrels.
Bristol Cyder in Hampers.
Two and Half, and Three Inch, best Dantzic Pine Deck Plank, Thirty-Six and Forty Feet long.
Virginia Hogsheads and Barrel Staves.
Irish Beef in Tierces."

Legal notice, dated 28 Mar 1778: "WHEREAS Mr. RICHMOND BRAGG, upwards of Four Years ago, left a BAY MARE with THOMAS GRAHAM, of Barwick-Field, in the Parish of Hesket, in the County of Cumberland, to be fed and taken Care of by him; AND WHEREAS, since the Time of the said Mare's being so left, with the said THOMAS GRAHAM, she ahs brought forth Two Colt Foals, the One of which rises Three Years old, and the other rises Two Years old. And Whereas the said Mr. BRAGG has not paid, to the said THOMAS GRAHAM, any Thing for maintaining and keeping the said Mare and Colts, nor offered to take them away, and as the said THOMAS GRAHAM is unacquainted with the Place of Abode of the said Mr. BRAGG, HE therefore gives this Public Notice, to all whom it may concern, that unless the said Mr. BRAGG pays, or causes to be paid, to him the said THOMAS GRAHAM, his reasonable Charges and Expences, for maintaining and keeping the said Mare and Colts, before the Twenty-fifth Day of April next, that then the same will be Sold by him, in Public Sale, to the Highest Bidder, on that Day, at the Sign of the Huntsman and Hounds, in RICKERGATE, near the City of CARLISLE, in the said County, in order to reimburse himself for his reasonable Charges and Expences, for maintaining and keeping the said Mare and Colts." *Sale begins 2pm.

"Bassenthwaite Bleachfield.
Bassenthwaite-Halls, March 24, 1778.
SAMUEL HODGSON, takes this
Method of acquainting the Public, that he purposes to lay down Cloth, &c. at the following Prices, viz.
CLOTH of 15 Cuts in the Pound, and under, at Two-pence per Yard.- 16 cuts and to 20 at Two-pence Half-penny per Yard.- From 21 Cuts to 25 at Three-pence per Yard.- 26 Cuts and to 30 at Three-pence Half-penny per Yard.- All finer at Four-pence.- Yard-wides, and under, at the above Prices, and in Proportion to the Breadth.- Diapers, and Huckabacks, 12 Cuts in the Pound, and under, at Two-pence Half-penny per Yard.
All Persons who choose to favour him with their Custom may depend on having their Work well executed, as he has engaged an able and experienced Workman from Ireland.
***He purposes attending the Markets at Cockermouth and Keswick, every Week- Wigton and Hesket, every Fortnight.
CLOTH is taken in by Messrs. PIRRIE and KIRKPATRICK in the Market-Place; and by Mr. HENRY STOCKDALE, Catherine-Street, Whitehaven.- Mr. JOS. ATKINSON, Portland-Square, and Mr. WILLIAM OSBORNE, Workington.- Mr. JOS. TYSON, Plumber and Glazier, Mary-Port.- Mr. SAMUEL HARRIS, Clothier, Allonby.- Mr. JOHN DOCKRAY, West-Newton.- Mr. THOMAS RIGG, Surgeon, Aspatria.- Mr. JOS. MANDELL, Saddler, Wigton.- Mr. WILLIAM SCOTT, Kirk-Gate, Cockermouth.- Mr. John Walker, Keswick.- Mr. JOHN GLAISTER, Hesket, and at the Bleachfield in Bassenthwaite.
N.B. Carriage paid to the Green.

28 Mar 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven, Sun: "the Deputy Collector, of this port, received an account from the Board of Customs, acquainting, that a warrant was sent to that Board (but not received here as reported) from the Board of Treasury, in order to the appointing Mr. Richard Wordsworth, of this place, to the Office of Collector of the Port of Whitehaven- a Deputation for that purpose is therefore shortly expected."

Henry Holme of Westmorland has been appointed a Landwaiter for the Port of Whitehaven in Mr Wordsworth's place.

Whitehaven: "This morning, was launched, from behind the Bulwark, a fine vessel called the Moore, built by Mr. Henry Jackson, for Capt. Henry Booth, of this Town."

"On Tuesday last, was launched at Maryport, a fine vessel called the Thomas, built by Mr. William Wood, for Capt. Jonathan Harris, of that place."

Last week: "____ Pocklington, Esq; arrived at Keswick, from Yorkshire, who has lately purchased an Island, in the Lake near that place, commonly called Vicar's Island, upon which he is going to build and plant- The bells, at Crosthwaite Church, rung a peal upon his arrival."

Married: "A Correspondent at Penrith informs us, that on Friday evening the 20th instant, Mr. Sanderson, of Flattbank, near Raughtonhead, prevailed upon Miss Sally James, second daughter of Mr. James of Penrith, to take French leave of her friends, and accompany him to Gretna-Green, that receptacle for fugitive lovers, where they were married; Miss Sally James is an agreeable young lady, and will have a genteel fortune."

Lately at the house of Mr Norman, slate merchant at Buttermire, in her 106th year: Mrs Jane Wood, widow of the late Mr Wood of Bassenthwaite.
On Sun 15 Mar, at Mr Sanderson's at Plumpton, "after a long and tedious illness": Miss Jane Bell, of Wood-End near Lazonby.
Last Sat at Penrith, in his 74th year: Mr Edward Carlisle
Thu morning at Appleby: John Nicholson Esq., Clerk of the Peace for Westmorland
19 Mar at Blackwell near Carlisle, aged 102: Mr John Langhorn, "formerly a blacksmith, a man of remarkable memory, and strength of understanding, at his age, he enjoyed all his faculties undiminished, 'till a little before his death."

"The Rebus on Miss _____, coming to hand without the answer, obliges us to postpone it.- The interesting cautions against the immoderate use of snuff are received, but we cannot as yet find room for them.- The Speech of Lord Chatham, relative to America, made by his Lordship in the House of Peers in the year 1775, in our next."

POEM: [Anonymous but "For the CUMBERLAND CHRONICLE"]: "An EPIGRAM"
"THOSE Epigrams you most commend,
That with a turn least thought of end:
Then sure a tip-top one you'll call
This, which concludes with- none at all."

"A War with France being now certain, it may be a satisfaction, to your readers, to see, by the following list, what the Hearts of Oak did last war- it cannot be imagined, that the Jolly Tars of Old England are less anxious to distinguish themselves, than on that occasion." [The list contains some 80 French ships, 32 Spanish- and just 2 taken by the enemy from the Royal Navy]

28 Mar 1778- SHIPPING:

20 Mar- Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle
21 Mar- Jenny, Irvin, Carlisle; Delight, Matthews, Lancaster; Dallomtower, Fell; Mally, Caffrey; Truelove, Littledale; Betty, Palmer; Echo, Allison; Ledger, Casson, Dublin; Thomas, Carrell, Drogheda
22 Mar- Bolton, Watson; Ann, Fisher; John & Thomas, Yowart; Joanna, Fisher, Dublin; Open Boat, Christian, Isleman; Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Hector, Pearson, Dunlary; Peggy, Blake, Dundalk; Prosperity, Monkhouse; Inchinquin, Button, Seas; Hannah, Pritchard, Carnarvon
23 Mar- Blessing, Curwen; Hartley, Fanning; Senhouse, Watson; Thompson, Johnson, Dublin; Duchess, Gordon; Granville, Williams, Newry; Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast; Peggy, Ramsey, Lairn
24 Mar- Prosperity, Piper; Tryton, Martindale; Radcliffe, Hodgson; Garland, Piper; Commerce, Curwen; St. Bees, Williamson; Peter, Barwise, Dublin
25 Mar- Charming Jenny, Carson, Kirkcudbright
26 Mar- Juno, Jackson, Cork; Tanner, Hamilton, Isleman; Benn, McMellon; Thomas, Westrey, Dublin; Peggy, Stuart, Whithorn; James & Ann, Peele, Carlingford; Hope, Peters, Aberduffy
27 Mar- Isabella, Fisher; Loyalty, Thompson; William, Bratney, Dublin; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman

20 Mar- Inchinquin, Button; Prosperity, Monkhouse, Seas; Powell, Huddleston, Dublin
21 Mar- Hussar, Gurley, Seas; George, Jefferson, Carlisle; James & Thomas, Benn; Peggy, Martin, Dublin; Inchinquin, Button, Plymouth
25 Mar- Integrity, Peele, Dublin
26 Mar- Nancy, Spedding; Commerce, Curwen, Workington; Mally, Casson, Dumfries; Jenny, Irven; Hannah, Pritchard, Carlisle; Grizie, Cracket; Providence, Brown, Dumfries; Birmingham, Dockray, Ferry Town; Jenny, McGowen, Wigton
27 Mar- Hope, Peters, Workington


19 Mar- George. Clark, Drogheda; Providence, Brockbank; Vigilant, Wilson, Belfast
21 Mar- Diligence, Tickell; Rebecca, Bell; Etty, Thompson, Dublin; Dove, Hargrove, Dundalk
22 Mar- Lark, Anderson, Mallahide; Seaflower, Robinson, Dublin; Martin, Bowes, Cork
23 Mar- Pitt, Steel, Dumfries; Eadentown, Brown, Belfast; Clifton, Priestman, Drogheda
24 Mar- Lark, Armstrong, Rodgerstown; Industry, Hayston, Balbriggan; Liberty, Huddart, Sligo; Venus, Messenger, Dublin
26 Mar- Three Brothers, Asbridge; Britain, Jackson, Belfast; Love, Barnes; William, Baylis; Brothers, Kay, Dublin; Mally, Jackson, Drogheda

19 Mar- Portland, Watson, Norway; Nelly, Teare, Isleman; Catharine, Williams; Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven


18 Mar- Mary & Betty, Thornburn, Drogheda
20 Mar- Liverpool, Irwin, Dumfries; George & Charlotte, Fearon; Marigold, Steel, Dublin
21 Mar- Lion, Harrison, Drogheda; Nelson, Boylis; Thomas & Hannah, Wilson; Friends, Carson, Dublin
22 Mar- Hope, Inman, Belfast; Sally, Carson, Drogheda; Cookson, Robinson, Dublin

Sun, 11.36am, 12.00pm
Mon, 12.07am [sic], 12.26pm
Tue, 12.53am, 01.21pm
Wed, 01.49am, 02.17pm
Thu, 02.46am, 03.16pm
Fri, 03.46am, 04.16pm, day 12h 58m
Sat, 04.45am, 05.14pm

4 Apr 1778:

As in previous issues:
Farm at Brigham to let [note at head of News section: Mrs Wybergh's part of the estate "may be Let separate from Mr. FLETCHER's, if required."]
Items for sale by Fletchers & Co.
[Russell's History of England partwork]
Cumberland Register Office (including printers' apprentice; curate/schoolmaster; sums to be lent now "600£, 500£ and 200£ on Security of Houses"; added: "Wanted, several Men Servants, who can write and keep common Accounts, to wait upon Gentlemen.")

Robert Bunting, common carrier from Whitehaven to Penrith, announces that "ROBERT SCOTT, who lately travelled the same Road, but is now Common Carrier from Penrith to Darlington in Yorkshire, has resigned in his Favour; and that he continues to set off from Mr. BUCK's, the King's-Arms in Whitehaven, for Penrith, every THURSDAY, and from Penrith for Whitehaven every TUESDAY." Thanks customers for past favours "and hopes to merit their further Countenance".

Anybody who has "any Claim or Demand on the ESTATE and EFFECTS of WILLIAM TATHAM, of Cockermouth" should deliver their account to Thomas Wilkinson of Westray in Embleton, or Mr Henry Willis, swine-dealer of Cockermouth, by 15 Apr. Anybody indebted to Tatham should pay the debt to Wilkinson or Westray, "or they will be sued."

[John Hamilton Moore's "A new and Complete Collection of VOYAGES and TRAVELS" to be published in 100 weekly parts by Alexander Hogg of London. Part 1, price 6d, 11 Apr]

[Just published by Fielding & Walker of London: "THE COMPLETE FISHERMAN", price 1/6]

Just published by Fielding & Walker of London: "THE SPORTSMAN'S DICTIONARY", price 18s bound. Sold in Whitehaven by A. Coutts.

4 Apr 1778- NEWS:
Last Mon: an Express message arrived at Whitehaven "with orders to stop all vessels belonging to or bound for any of the ports of France." On the same day, "an express to the like purport was forwarded, to the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, by the Eagle Packet, Captain Maxwell; she sailed at noon, with the wind at West, in the evening it became more favourable, and she arrived at Douglas next morning- after staying the usual time she left Douglas, and arrived here yesterday morning."

"Mr. William Davis, Tidewaiter at Harrington, is appointed Waiter and Searcher there, in the room of the late Mr. Jelly."

Official notice explaining the limitations of powers to use the press gang in recruiting for the Royal Navy, so men will not be discouraged from careers in the merchant marine.

"We hear, that Mr. Jeremiah Thompson, of Workington, Attorney at Law, is created a Notary Public"

Whitehaven: "We have the Pleasure to Hear, that the subscription for Mr. Charles Graham's Miscellaneous Collection, goes on very rapidly, upwards of 400 persons having already subscribed, amongst whom are most of the principal Gentlemen in Carlisle, Penrith, and Cockermouth- and as Mr. Graham is now arrived in this Town, and intends to wait upon the Ladies and Gentlemen in person, it is hoped they will be equally liberal in encouraging an undertaking which must afford them great pleasure."

"We are informed, from Keswick, that Joseph Pocklington, Esq.; set out last Thursday morning for his seat at Charlton, near Newark, highly pleased with his late purchase, on Derwent Lake, which he has already begun to beautify from a plan laid out by himself; which will soon charm the eye of the curious, and display a taste which must do him great honour."

The Chronicle reprints in full a speech about the American crisis, delivered by Lord Chatham in the House of Lords in 1775, the significance of which is summed up in his Lordship's own conclusion: "France and Spain watching your conduct, and waiting for the maturity of your errors- with a vigilant eye to America, and the temper of your colonies, more than to their own concerns, be they what they may. ... If the Ministers thus persevere in misadvising and misleading the King. I will not say that they can alienate the affections of his subject from his crown, but I will affirm that they will make the crown not worth wearing.- I will not say, that the King is betrayed, but I will pronounce that- the kingdom is undone."

4 Apr 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
27 Mar- Mary & Rose, Cain, Raldoil [sic]; Endeavour, Moor; Williamson, Phillipson; Catharine, Williams, Dublin
28 Mar- Nelly, Woodburn; Cumberland, Fleming; Molly & Peggy, Walker, Dublin
29 Mar- Hazard, McGaa, Wexford; Lyon, Richards, Fitzgerald; Rose, Harrison; Charlotte, Stuart; Britannia, Bowman; Fox, Salkeld; Tryal, Ryley; King George, Stobridge, Dublin; Dido, Telford, Liverpool; Nancy, Robbs, Killough; Hannah, Mossop, Londonderry
30 Mar- Resolution, Banks, Dublin; Jane & Sally, Nelson, Whithorn
31 Mar- Jane, Adams, Portpatrick; Prosperous, Adair, Killough; Aurora, Johns, Carnarvon
1 Apr- Nancy, Morris, Fort William; Lynx, Banton, Seas; John, Rudd, Wigton
2 Apr- Ann & Jennet, Bell, Dumfries; Nancy, Spedding; Lark, Anderson, Workington; William & Nancy, Cannon, Maryport; Olive Branch, Angus; Prosperous, Thompson; Howgill, McDonald, Dublin; Isabella, Blackburn, Liverpool
3 Apr- Eagle Packet, Maxwell; Peggy, Lace, Isleman; Beaver, Bushby, Chester; Peter, Coward, Ravenglass; William & Thomas, Piper; Industry, Atkinson; Betty, Younghusband, Dublin

30 Mar- Eagle Packet, Maxwell; Herring, Curvey, Isleman
1 Apr- Aurora, Jones; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries; Duchess, Gordon, Dumfries [sic]


26 Mar- Mary, Partin, Dublin; Nancy, Spedding; Commerce, Burrel, Whitehaven; Mermaid, Ruth, Chepstow
27 Mar- Happy, Jackson, Bunaw; Hope, Peters, Aboryswith; Union, Wiley, Newry; Delight, Bulteel, Dundalk; Barbary, Jones, Dublin; James, Selby, Strangford
28 Mar- Liberty, Wilkes; Mally, Todd, Dublin
29 Mar- Unity, Westray; Musgrave, Lacey; Liberty, Marshall, Dublin; Betty, Stamper, Belfast; Deborah, Brockbank, Strangford
30 Mar- Mary, Bailey; Integrity, Robinson, Dublin; Speedwell, Jackson; Blyth Ann, Atkinson, Belfast; Lowther, Lawrence, Kinsale
1 Apr- Barley Corn, Cowston, Allonby
2 Apr- Henry, Clark, Dublin; Lark, Kay; Pallas, Kelsick, Cork

1 Apr- Hope, Bell; Friends, Barnes; Providence, Brockbank; Rebecca, Bell; Lark, Anderson; Pitt, Steel; Barbary, Jones, Dublin; Eadentown, Brown; Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven; Barley Corn, Cowston, Carlisle


26 Mar- Ranger, Graham; Tryal, Holiday, Wigton; Matilda, Dickinson; Mary, Pearson; Betty, Hodgson, Dublin; Agnes & Betty, Bell, Belfast
27 Mar- Jane, Harris, Dublin; Draper, Carter, Drogheda
28 Mar- Royal Oak, Gibson; William & Nancy, Cannon, Dublin; Pomona, Key, Cork; Rachael & Mary, Smith, Belfast
29 Mar- Swift, Callow, Douglas; Griffin, Potts, Belfast; Welcome, Osborn, Dublin
30 Mar- Thomas, Barton, Drogheda
1 Apr- Friends, Capstaff, Annan

25 Mar- Morning Star, Messenger, Dublin
30 Mar- Ranger, Graham; Tryal, Holiday, Dumfries
1 Apr- Friends, Harris, Dublin; William & Nancy, Cannon, Whitehaven

Sun, 05.41am, 06.11pm
Mon, 06.38am, 07.05pm
Tue, 07.30am, 07.55pm
Wed, 08.18am, 08.41pm
Thu, 09.03am, 09.26pm
Fri, 09.47am, 10.09pm
Sat, 10.30pm, 10.51pm

11 Apr 1778:

As in previous issues:
Robert Bunting, Penrith carrier
Specific Drops sold in Whitehaven by A. Coutts
The Sportsman's Dictionary sold by A. Coutts
[The Complete Fisherman]
[History of England partwork]
[Voyages & Travels partwork]


In Three Days"
Leaves the King's Arms at Carlisle (Mr Lupton's) at 4pm Mon, Wed & Sat; arrives at Boroughbridge by 4pm the following day: "and from thence the Passengers are conveyed in a Coach (constructed on a new and improved Plan) to Mr. JAQUES's, the Blue-Boar Inn, Holborn, London ", via Doncaster, Newark & Stamford. Return from the Blue Boar 1am on Tue, Fri & Sat.
Fares to London: from Carlisle £3/6/0; Penrith £3/1/6; Appleby £2/18/0; Brough £2/16/0; Greta-Bridge £2/11/6; Catterick £2/7/9; New Inn, Leeming Lane £2/5/3. Baggage allowance 14lb per passenger; 4d per lb over that. "Children on the lap half price." "Passengers taken up on the Road, 3d. per Mile". Parcels 4d per lb (minimum charge 3s).
"Mr. LUPTON, Mrs. BUCHANAN, and all the Proprietors, gratefully acknowledge the many and singular Obligations to their Friends, and the Public in general, and from the Utility of their Plan, hope for a continuance of their Favours, as their Rout to London is not only the best, but also nearer than by Leeds, 18 Miles; and accommodates the Passengers with longer rest in the Nights; and more expedition, at their Machine travels on Sundays."
*"Money, Plate, Watches, and Jewels, will not be carried by this Machine; nor will the Proprietors be accountable for and Parcel upwards of the value of Fifteen Pounds."

11 Apr 1778- NEWS:
Grain prices at Carlisle last Sat: Wheat 16s to 18s per bushel; Rye 11/6 & 13s; Barley 8/6 & 9s; Oats 6/4 & 7s; White Pease 16s; Grey Pease 12s; Beans 10/6

The Whitehaven vessel Commerce (Capt. Allison) is arrived at Honduras from Dominica

Today, Richard Wordsworth Esq. was sworn in as Collector of H.M. Customs for the Port of Whitehaven.

Whitehaven: "We hear, that a younger son of Dr. Aery, of this Town, now at the College in Edinburgh, intends to practice as a Surgeon, Man-midwife, and Apothecary, at Ulverstone in Lancashire."

"The Militia for this County were embodied yesterday at Penrith, pursuant to an order under his Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, addressed to Sir James Lowther, Bart. and the Westmorland Militia are to be embodied at Kendal, on Tuesday next."
Total call-out: 320 for Cumberland; 240 for Westmorland.

A Letter of Marque has received for the Whitehaven vessel Earl of Sandwich (Capt. Hutchinson) "which vessel is properly armed and manned, and expected to sail tomorrow on a cruize".

Whitehaven: "The weather has been very fine and warm here for this week past" [quotes poem on spring, by Thomson]

"On Thursday morning, a bag fox was turned out before the hounds of Williams Hasell, Esq; of Penrith, upon Penrith race-ground. Fifty horsemen were assembled on the occasion, and a vast concourse of people on foot. The fox took over Penrith Fell, and went into the fields at Great Salkeld, when he run along the banks of Eden till he came nearly opposite the seat of Timothy Fetherstonehaugh, Esq; at Kirkoswald. Being closely pursued, he took the water, as his last shift, and, notwithstanding the depth of the river, several of the Gentlemen, losing sight of every danger, plunged in after him and safely conducted poor Reynard through. Every caution was used to preserve his life, and he was brought to Penrith, in order to afford diversion another day. Mr. Hasell and the rest of the Gentlemen were agreeably entertained at Mr. Fetherstone's, from whence they went in procession to Penrith, entered the Town two and two together, with the French horn playing before them, and proceeded to Mr. Wilkinson's, the Swan, where a sumptuous entertainment was provided. the French horn continued playing at intervals all the afternoon and evening, and the day was spent with a harjmony and mirth that did the Gentlemen great honour."

Last Sat: the body of Captain Ellison, of the Whitehaven vessel Westmorland, lost some time ao near Ravenglass, was cast ashore a few miles north of there. The corpse was brought to Whitehaven on Sunday afternoon and interred at Trinity Church "attended by a vast concourse of people".

Last Sun: Capt. Joseph Westray of Great Broughton, & Miss Jane Robinson of Workington.

Last Sat at Egremont, in her 70th year: Mrs Mary Dean
Last week in Gosforth parish, "in an advanced age": Mr Pow; "an excellent sermon was preached at his funeral, by the Rev. Mr. Church, from these words, The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1. Cor. xv. 26"
Last Tue, in George's Street, Whitehaven, in her 26th year: Miss Hannah Benn.
Last Mon, very suddenly: Mr Thomas Benn, of New Town near Ravenglass.

"APRIL DAY" [anonymous- concerning the coming of spring, not the playing of jokes]

Lines "written on His MAJESTY's appointing Governor JOHNSTONE a Commissioner for restoring Peace to America. [anonymous]

11 Apr 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
4 Apr- Dove, Dargue; Rupert, Braithwaite; Ann, Briggs; Valiant, Williamson, Dublin; Success, Bell, Wigton
5 Apr- Lively, Watts; Pleasant, Reed, Dublin; Saltom, Dawson, Waterford
6 Apr- Peace, Ritson, Dublin
8 Apr- Nicholas, Cousens, Newry; Open Boat, Saile, Isleman
9 Apr- Jenny & Betty, Bell, Carlisle; Kitty, Jones, Ulverstone; Elizabeth, Fletcher, Dublin; James & Thomas, Benn, Newry; Betty, Fearon, Carlisle; Open Boat, Coasting, Dumfries
10 Apr- Peggy, Martin, Rush

4 Apr- Nancy, Spedding, Workington
6 Apr- Pleasant, Reed, Parton; Peggy, Stuart; Lyon, Williams, Whithorn
7 Apr- Ann & Jenny, Bell, Liverpool; Delight, Matthews, Lancaster; Charming Jenny, Carson, Kirkcudbright; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Echo, Allison, Norway; Bolton, Watson, Barbadoes; Lowther & Senhouse, Hinde, Antigua; Catharine, Williams, Conway; Prosperous, Adair, Strangford
8 Apr- Peter, Cowart, Harrington; Providence, Roberts, Carnarvon; Mally, Caffrey; Bella, Steel; Blessing, Curwen; Dash, Corkhill; Thomas, Carrel, Dublin; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Caesar, Greennhow, Norway; Peggy, Lace, Isleman
9 Apr- Dido, Telford, London; Industry, Cragg; Ann, Fisher; Howgill, McDonald; Chriswell, Johnson; Betty, Wood, Dublin; Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast
10 Apr- Open Boat, Saile, Isleman; Lark, Anderson; Juno, Jackson; Mary, Reed; Ledger, Hodgson; Seaflower, Gibbins; Fox. Salkeld; Good Intent, Matthews; Grace, Brownrigg; Senhouse, Watson, Dublin


3 Apr- Diligence, Thompson, Dublin; Duchess, Gordon, Whitehaven
4 Apr- Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven; Favourite, Tiffin, Cork; Blessing, Course, Kirkcudbright; Nancy, Bell, Malahide; Mary & Ann, Sim; Active, Allison; Happy Return, Sparks; Ann & Mary, Scrugham, Dublin; Bella, Simon, Scotland
5 Apr- Mary, Fearon, Newry; Felicity, Atkinson, Drogheda; Warrington, Ashley, Dundalk
6 Apr- Farmer, Stockdale, Dublin
9 Apr- Ann & Francis, Crosthwaite, Chester; Hannah, Pritchard, Carlisle

6 Apr- Ann & Mary, Scrugham, Maryport; Seaton, Cragg, Memel; Lark, Kay, Harrington; Bella, Simon, Maryport
9 Apr- George, Clark; Diligence, Tickell; Etty, Thompson; Liberty, Huddart; Molly, Jackson; Endeavour, Carley; Resolution, Skelton, Dublin


5 Apr- Plaindealer, Thompson, Drogheda; Friends Goodwill, Wilson, Dublin
8 Apr- Ranger, Graham, Dumfries; Ann & Mary, Scrugham, Workington

7 Apr- Thomas, Banton, Chester
8 Apr- Mary & Betty, Thornburn; Nelson, Baylis; Friends Goodwill, Fawcet, Dublin

Sun, 11.12am, 11.33pm
Mon, 11.55am, 12.07pm [sic]
Tue, 12.17am, 12.39pm
Wed, 01.02am, 01.25pm
Thu, 01.47am, 02.12pm
Fri, 02.36am, 03.01pm
Sat, 03.26am, 03.51pm

18 Apr 1778:

As in previous issues:
Carlisle & London Flying Diligence
Dr. Boerhaave's Leyden Pills sold by A. Coutts
Turlington's Original Balsam of Life sold by A. Coutts
[The Complete Fisherman book]
[History of England partwork]
Cumberland Register Office [as 2 weeks ago, but no money to loan]

"Wanted immediately, By a single Gentleman, a young Man who has been accustomed to wait at Table, and can take care of a Horse, if desired." Enquire at the Chronicle office.

Now at Cotton's Wharf, Southwark, London, taking in goods for Whitehaven & area with the intention of sailing on 1 May: "The GOOD BRIGANTINE, OLIVE BRANCH (Capt. JOHN POWE)". Enquiries to the Captain, on board or on the Irish Walk n the Royal Exchange, "where he attends during 'Change Hours", or to Mr John Piper, grocer in Whitehaven.

18 Apr 1778- NEWS:
"Last Sunday afternoon, just as the Rev. Mr. Cowper had entered the pulpit in Penrith Church, the whole congregation was surprized by a hasty message from the guard-house to the Officers of the Militia. They immediately went out of the Church, and were followed by many Gentlemen of the Town.- A smell of soot had been found in the neighbourhood of the guard-house all the night before, and a fire had now broke out there, but the guard being at hand soon got it under, and very little damage was done. Various were the conjectures of the congregation in the church, upon the occasion, and it was with great difficulty many of the Ladies could be kept from fainting, 'till the Officers returned."

"Two squadrons of the King's dragoon guards have passed through Penrith this week, and another squadron is expected to pass through that place on Monday or Tuesday next, on their route from Scotland to Manchester."

Last Sun at Shap in Westmorland: Mr Anthony Thompson of the Greyhound Inn there.
Last week at Egremont, aged 84: Mrs Margaret Scott

18 Apr 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
11 Apr- Mary & Betty, Jackson, Isleman
12 Apr- Boscowen, Smith, Liverpool; Jackson, Sharp, Limerick; Hawke, Hannah, Wigton; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman; Allison, Adamson, Dublin
13 Apr- Open Boat, Howling, Harrington
14 Apr- Betsy, Yowart; Wilson, Benson; John & Mary, Welsh; Minerva, Jackson; Diamond, Steel, Dublin; Powell, Huddleston, Drogheda; Seahorse, Kirkpatrick, Dumfries
15 Apr- Diligence, Henry; Open Boat, Lowes, Dumfries; Open Boat, Folder, Carlisle
16 Apr- Prince of Wales, Briggs, Dublin; Jenny, McGowen, Wigton; Industry, Broadfoot, Whithorn; Defiance, Griffin, Fitzgaid; Wells, Collins, Cork

10 Apr- Isabella, Blackburn, Liverpool; John, Cyas, Isleman
11 Apr- Hector, Pearson; Loyalty, Thompson; Betty, Palmer; Catharine, Williams; Dallomtower, Fell, Dublin; Ann, Watson, Newry
12 Apr- Betty, Fearon, Harrington; Dove, Dargue, Dublin; Lord Sandwich, Hutchinson, Seas


9 Apr- Barley Corn, Casteen, Whitehaven
10 Apr- Griffin, Potts, Maryport; Union, Lonsdale, Harrington
11 Apr- Peggy & Mally, Cumming, Dumfries; Jane, Pearsey, Harrington
13 Apr- Nelly, Tear, Kirkcudbright; Love, Lawrence; Jane, Peil; Dorset, Allison, Fort William; Heart of Oak, Curwen; Speedwell, Lawrence; Nancy, Davis, Dublin
14 Apr- Bolton, Scott, Fort William

9 Apr- Industry, Hayston; Mary, Bailey; Vigilant, Wilson; Blyth Ann, Atkinson; Three Brothers, Asbridge, Dublin; Hope, Peters, Aberduffy
10 Apr- Venus, Grayson; Dove, Hargrove; Clifton, Priestman; Love, Barnes; William, Hudson; Mermaid, Ruth; Liffey, Grayson; Musgrave, Sibson; Warrington, Ashley, Dublin
11 Apr- Happy, Jackson; Duchess, Gordon, Dublin

Sun, 04.16am, 04.41pm
Mon, 05.07am, 05.32pm
Tue, 05.58am, 06.23pm
Wed, 06.48am, 07.13pm
Thu, 07.39am, 08.03pm
Fri, 08.28am, 08.53pm
Sat, 09.19am, 09.45pm

23 Apr 1778:

An Extraordinary edition of the Chronicle was published. Although no copy of this appears to survive, much of the text was reprinted in Lloyd's Evening Post, issue 3252, 27-29 Apr 1778 (with the related reports from the Cumberland Pacquet Extraordinary of 23 Apr)- note that link takes you to a separate website, with numerous transcripts of John Paul Jones material.

25 Apr 1778:

As in previous issues:
Brigantine Olive Branch
Genteel young man wanted
Carlisle & London Flying Diligence
Fothergel's Drops sold by A. Coutts
Sportsman's Dictionary sold by A. Coutts
[Voyages and Travels partwork]

The new brigantine Dido (Capt. Francis Telfer) now at Hay's Wharf, Southwark, London, is taking in goods for Whitehaven & district, and should sail on 20 May "as a great Part of her Cargo is already engaged." Enquiries to the Captain, on board or at the Irish Walk in the Royal Exchange during 'Change Hours; or to Christopher Robinson & Co. in Whitehaven.

To be sold by auction at Mrs Hayton's Assembly-Room in Howgill Street, Whitehaven, 1 May: "A large Assortment of elegant Furniture, from London; A neat Mahogany Glassed Library Book-case, and Ward Robe; an elegant musical Clock; fashionable mahogany Bed-Steads, with Marine Festoon Curtains, of different Colours; Beds, Mattrasses, Bolsters, Pillows, Counterpanes, Blankets, &c. Mahogany Chairs in Setts, covered with Sattin, Horse-Hair, blue Marine, &c. to match different Furniture; with a Variety of Elbow Chairs; Turkey and Wilton Carpets, Stair Carpeting, Bed side Pieces; Mahogany Tables, a neat Serpentine Side Board: Chests of Drawers, Dressing Tables, and Looking Glasses; Bath Stove Grates, Fine Irons, Fenders, and Kitchen Furniture of all Sorts; Oval Pewter Water Dishes and Plates; with almost every Article requisite to furnish a Gentleman's House, a Catalogue of which will be distributed on Monday next, When the Goods may be viewed, till sold, by applying to     SKYRIN, COUPLAND & BAILIFF JOHN WILSON, BROKER.
N.B. Just arrived, belonging to the same Proprietor, a large, Assortment of Glass, and China."

[Part 1 of "The Malefactor's Register, or, the Newgate and Tyburn Calendar" (in 50 parts, illustrated) will be published on 2 May, price 6d]

25 Apr 1778- NEWS:
Whitehaven: "On Saturday last the Hussar, armed wherry, Capt. Gurley, belonging to this Custom-House, being on a cruize, the Point of Air, bearing E.S.E. distance about two leagues, at 10 A.M. saw two sail to the northward, one a large ship and the other a cutter. Captain Gurley, supposing the cutter to be a smuggler, made sail after her, on which she bore away for the Scotch shore. The large ship perceiving the Hussar in chace of the cutter, bore down upon her, about one o'clock, and keeping to the windward of Mr. Gurley, came within hail, and asked from whence he came, and if he could let him have a pilot; Mr. Gurley answered, "that, being on a cruize, he could not spare one," and asked from whence they came, and where bound,- no answer was made to the first question, but said the vessel was called the Molly of Glasgow, that they wer strangers on the coast, and again asked for a pilot, Mr. Gurley answered as before, and was, in a threatening manner ordered to bring to, or they would sink him- in an instant the ports were knocked open, the decks filled with men, and a tier of guns run out, several vollies of small arms were then fired into the Hussar, and such of the great guns as could be brought to bear upon her. The Hussar tacked several times, keeping as much as possible on the ship's quarter, until they got out of the reach of her guns; they suffered much in their sails and rigging, having many shots through them, and one shot in her hull- happily none of the people received the least hurt. The Hussar, after attempting, without success, to get to Belfast Lough, in hopes of meeting with some of his Majesty's ships, bore away for this Port, where she arrived on Sunday morning.
As the smuggling business, for some time past, has been known to be carried on by large vessels, with tenders to land their goods, and Capt. Gurley's report, generally, carrying that idea along with it, threw the inhabitants, in some degree, off their guard-----"

"and last Thursday morning, about two o'clock, 20 men, together with the Captain, landed on the battlement near the head of the Old Quay, from a boat belonging to the said vessel (which proves to be the Ranger American privateer, from Nantz, then standing off and on about two miles from this harbour) whilst another boat came into the harbour and landed 10 men at the old quay slip, when they proceeded to Nich. Allison's, a public house, on the Old Quay, they made very free with the liquors, &c. and would not permit any of the family to stir out; after which a party went on board the Thompson, Capt. Johnston, a coal laden vessel, lying opposite to Allison's, took the boys out of bed, and set her on fire: They offered money to the boys to induce them to go with them, but on their refusing, they put them under guard on the quay, without any covering other than their shirts; having handkerchiefs tied over their mouths to prevent their crying out, at the same time the privateer's people threatening to shoot them if they made any noise or resistance.- immediately after the alarm was effectually given, the fire engines were brought to the quay, and, by the vigorous exertions of people of all ranks, the fire on board the Thompson was speedily extinguished, without damaging any other vessel; thus were the mailcious attempts of those daring incendiaries frustrated.- Lighted matches, made of canvas dipped in brimstone, had been thrown on board several other vessels, but had gone out without having the intended effect.
The Thompson has received very considerable damage, her cables, and almost every thing in the cabin and steerage were burnt, and the decks have suffered much, she is a new vessel and esteemed worth 2500£.
The privateer's people were all armed with pistols and cutlasses, and retired to their boats about four o'clock (taking with them one boy, belonging to the Thompson; and Mr. George Jefferson, formerly master of the Isaac and Barbary, going down to the Quay, about three o'clock on Thursday morning, intending to go a fishing, was also secured and carried off; a boy taken from the Saltham, made his escape.) They had on their first landing, spiked up several of the cannon, in order to secure their retreat. A number of people flocking to the forts, some shot were fired at the boats, but without doing any execution. After the boats reached the privateer, she stood over to the Scotch side."

"David Freeman a seaman belonging to the above party, who, it seems, intentionally made his escape, was the first person who gave the alarm of fire. He was secured, early in the morning, and about eight o'clock was brought before several of the Magistrates and principal Gentlemen, then assembled at Hailes's Coffee-Room.
What follows is the principal part of the information communicated by Freeman.
The Ranger mounts eighteen 6 pounders, and 6 swivels, and has upwards of one hundred and forty men- sailed from Piscataqua, in New England, for Brest on the first of November, last, and arrived at Nantz for Quiberon Bay, where she laid about three weeks, and then went for Brest- left Brest about three weeks ago, under convoy of the Bretagne a French frigate of 38 guns and 400 men, which frigate accompanied them through the Bay to the chops of the channel. The orders they received from the frigate were, not to speak or give chace to any vessel 'till the frigate left them; since which time, they have taken or destroyed the following vessels, viz.
  A Ship from London for Dublin, with rum, sugar, a variety of other goods, and Gen. Irwin's baggage, sent to Brest.
  A Brig loaden with Flax-seed, sunk.
  A Schooner loaden with Barley and Oats, sunk.
  A Sloop from Dublin for London, in Ballast, sunk.
David Freeman says, that he is a native of Ireland, about 21 years of age, that when about five years of age (never having known his parents) he was carried to America by Thomas McMillan, a blacksmith, who settled in the Town of Worcester, after that in Leinster, in Massachusett's Bay, where he continued 'till New York was taken by the King's forces; when travelling with his Master towards New York, to join the King's troops, they were taken by the rebels, and put in prison; that his Master soon made his escape, but he did not escape 'till 12 months after, when he went to Piscataqua and entered on board the Ranger in hopes of getting to his native country.
Freeman also says, that their intention of coming into this chaannel was to set fire to, and plunder, the Town and Harbour of Whitehaven, and believes the Captain had a fee from the Agent at Nantz for doing so, but does not know the Agent's name.- That the crew consisted of people of different nations, but mostly Americans, the Pilot and Barber French; and that they took their matches, ammunition, &c. on board in France.
When they came into Solway Firth the Captain made known his intention of landing somewhere, he acted as pilot, and mentioned his being well acquainted with the Town of Whitehaven and all the places in its neighbourhood. He made preparations for landing on Good Friday night, and Freeman believes they weree then very near Whitehaven, but the weather coming on very stormy they desisted from the attempt, and stood off towards the Scotch shore. On Wednesday night, again made preparations for landing, the wetaher being very fine, and the wind favourable, the Capt. explained his design fully to his men, and exorted them to stand by him; said, he would be the first who landed and the last who left the shore, that he hoped to destroy all the shipping in the harbour and to set fire to the Town, and that if success attended the undertaking, as he fully expected, the honour would be great to himself, which was all he desired, as to money he resigned all pretensions to his men, who, he assured, would receive the same reward for burning and destroying the ships as if they had taken them.
The boats attempted to land near Saltham, with intent to come round by the half moon battery, but were prevented by the rocks, which occasioned a delay of near half an hour.
-The crew of the Captain's boat spiked up the guns."

"Last Sunday or Monday night, the Ranger went into Belfast Lough, with an intent to attack an armed vessel lying there, but after going within musquet shot, and hailing her, stood out again.
The following are the names of the Officers of the Ranger: John Paul Jones, Captain; Thomas Simpson, first Lieutenant; Elijah Hall, second ditto; David Cullen, Sailing-master; Samuel Wallensford, Lieutenant of Marines.
The Ranger is not a fast sailor, but sails best when going large.
The crew of the above privateer have forty shillings per month, and to be allowed share of all prizes- such armed vessels as may be taken to be sold, and the full value to be divided amongst the crew." "The Captain of the Ranger is said to be a very passionate man, and the crew much dissatisfied with his conduct- he is a native of Scotland and served his apprenticeship to the Friendship, formerly belonging to this port, is known to several people here, and went by the name of Jack Paul; was sometime ago Master of a vessel, called the John, belonging to Kirkcudbright; stood a trial in London for the murder of his carpenter, and was found guilty, but made his escape." [That last bit isn't quite true...]

"The Magistrates and many of the principal Gentlemen met on Thursday in order to give directions about having a proper watch kept, and every necessary preparation has been made to secure this town and harbour from the future attempts of our enemies.
Expresses were forwarded to the Lords of the Admiralty, to the Militia at Penrith, the Mayors, Magistrates, and commanding Officers at Glasgow and Liverpool; several smacks also sailed express to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Magistrates of Belfast, and the Commanders of any of his Majesty's ships, to give the earliest intelligence of the above privateer, in order that every possible means may be used to take her.
The cannon on the different forts were all cleared, and mounted- a subscription was opened by the Gentlemen, and, so great was the ardour of the people, that a company of two hundred seamen and mechanics were embodied in less than an hour, on purpose to man the batteries, &c."
"As soon as the express arrived at Penrith, on Thursday, three companies of militia were ordered by the commanding officer to proceed for this place, with all expedition. They left Penrith at four o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived here about noon yesterday. Great praise is due to the officers and men, on this occasion, who travelled chearfully all night in order to assist the inhabitants of this place. The following officers are now here, Capts. Cooper, Barnes, Reed. Capt. Lieut. Kendall. Lieutenants Archer, Denton, Foster. Ensign Senhouse."

"Advice was yesterday received from Kirkcudbright, that a boat from the Ranger privateer, full of men, landed on the Isle near that place about eleven o'clock on Thursday, and, proceeding to the Earl of Selkirk's, demanded the plate belonging to his Lordship, which they took and carried off, said to be worth upwards of 600£. Capt. Paul, who made one of the party, having also demanded the schedule of the plate, observed a tea-pot wanting, which was likewise given him. Lord Selkirk being at Edinburgh, and only her Ladyship and a few of the servants at home, made it an easy matter for these villains to effect their purpose, without molestation. After telling them that they had set fire to the shipping at Whitehaven, they put off for the privateer, then in Wigton Bay." [Note that several parts of the above are inaccurate]

"On Thursday forenoon the Hussar wherry, with an additional number of men, went out in order to watch the motions of the above vessel, and to inform any of the King's ships they should meet with what she was; but the Hussar, having lost sight of her about nine o'clock on Thursday night, arrived here yesterday evening."

[Follow this link to Captain Jones's own report]

25 Apr 1778- SHIPPING:

[Name, Captain, From/to]
17 Apr- Orange, Losh; Industry, Cragg, Dublin
18 Apr- Richard, Wraith, Wexford; Curwen, Younghusband, Dublin
19 Apr- Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Content, Woodale; Assistance, Farish; Swan, Bacon; Golden Rule, Thompson, Dublin
20 Apr- Jane, Donaldson, Water Orr; Bella, Steel, Dublin
22 Apr- Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Tryal, Briggs; Open Boat, McGarr, Water Orr
23 Apr- Carlisle, Carlisle, Carlisle [sic]
24 Apr- Open Boat, McGarr, Kirkcudbright

17 Apr- Open Boat, Folder, Maryport
18 Apr- Open Boat, Howling, Isleman; Diamond, Steel, Workington; Open Boat, Lowes, Harrington
21 Apr- Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isleman
22 Apr- Kitty Jones, Ravenglass; Defiance, Griffin, Liverpool; Hazard, Pearson, Dublin; Nicholas, Cousens, Wexford
23 Apr- Chatham, Pearson; Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Open Boat, McGarr, Water Orr


17 Apr- Hawk, Smith, Dublin; Pitt, Harrison, Dundalk
18 Apr- Diamond, Steel, Whitehaven
19 Apr- George, Clark; Truelove, Curwen; Glory's Increase, Marshall, Dublin; Resolution, Skelton, Drogheda; Dennis, English, Belfast
20 Apr- Concord, Wilson, Dublin
22 Apr- Bella, Crosthwaite, Londonderry

21 Apr- Peggy & Molly, Cumming, Harrington
22 Apr- Hannah, Pritchard, Chester
23 Apr- Lark, Armstrong; Griffin, Potts, Dublin


8 Apr- Rogers, Benson; Mermaid, Briscoe, Skinburness
9 Apr- Jenny, Irving, Annon
11 Apr- Bella, Thursby, Ulverstone
12 Apr- Duke, Fletcher, Dublin
13 Apr- Fortune, Pagan, Dublin
14 Apr- Friendship, Lister; Patience, Martindale, Dublin
19 Apr- Morning Star, Messenger, Drogheda; Ranger, Graham, Kirkcudbright; Ann, Borriskell, Dublin
20 Apr- Friends Adventure, Barnes, Dublin; Friends, Harris, Newry

8 Apr- Mary, Waite; Hope, Inman; Betty, Hodgson, Dublin
9 Apr- Ann & Francis, Borriskell; Cookson, Robinson; Royal Bounty, Thompson; Phoenix, Metcalf, Dublin; Ranger, Graham, Kirkcudbright
10 Apr- Griffin, Potts, Workington; Matilda, Bell; Sally, Casson; Lion, Harrison; Marigold, Steel; Draper, Carter, Dublin; Jenny, Irving, Annan
11 Apr- Pomonay, Key, Dublin

Sun, 10.12am, 10.39pm
Mon, 11.07am, 11.35pm
Tue, 12.04am, 12.07pm [sic]
Wed, 12.34am, 01.05pm
Thu, 01.35am, 02.06pm
Fri, 02.29am, 03.06pm
Sat, 03.36am, 04.06pm

The Vinland Map- the Viking Deception