Vol 1 No 1, Tuesday 5 Nov 1776 [free]
Subscriptions and advertisements for the Chronicle are taken by various booksellers (in places including London, Dublin & Edinburgh); within Cumbria by Mr Fenton- Kendal; Mr Furness- Appleby; Mr Dalston, barber- Carlisle (and at Mrs Norman's); Mr Blennerhasset- Wigton; Mr J. Stephenson- Penrith; Mr Scot, postmaster- Keswick; Mr J. Meals- Cockermouth; Mr Sibson at the brewery- Maryport; Mr A. Atkinson- Workington; Mr Cloud, shopkeeper- Abby Holm; Mr Blair- Hesket New Market; Mr Parke- Ulverstone; and by J.Dunn, printer and bookseller- Whitehaven.
"To the PUBLIC.
In soliciting Subscriptions for the present Undertaking, we have received such countenance and assurances of Protection as have exceeded our most sanguine expectations. ....
It is suggested that our 'Publication is set on foot to serve the purposes of a Party'- and also 'that it owes its rise to a selfish and invidious Spirit of Competition'.
If by Party is meant a number of Persons united for some political purpose, and acting upon the Great Stage in the Capital of these Kingdoms, we deny the charge ...
But our opponents do not, perhaps, mean to charge us with any such great Connections: but rather pretend to suspect our meddling in more domestic Politics. had we offered our Publication at a time of less Political Tranquility in these Counties- had we opened our little Battery at the Eve of a General Election, when Warriors many and mighty were preparing for the Field, there might be some colour of suspicion that we had chosen our Part- but, even in those Circumstances and with many Party-Connections beside, we know that it is possible to maintain an unbiassed Course: and if this the Cumberland Pacquet has been seen to perform, why may not some favourable Expectations be had of the Cumberland Chronicle? ...
Whilst we shut our Paper against the personal invectives of any, we shall lay it open to the fair Addresses of all Parties- but we abjure every attachment but that to Truth and the Public.
To the other accusation, had the Epithet invidious been omitted, we should scarcely have been able to plead 'Not guilty.' If it be selfish to endeavour for the Public Favour to ourselves- to strive for a little Reputation, and an honest Livelihood by amusing, informing, and serving our readers- if to aim at grafting our own advantage on the stock of general good that both might flourish together- if this be selfishness, we honestly allow the Charge ...
By a similar Argument we believe we might free ourselves from any Crime in the Competition itself:- for it is well known that (generally speaking) the Public is worst served under a monopoly ... we will be bold to say that the narrow instigations of Personal Envy had no place among our Motives, on the contrary the Publisher of the Cumberland Pacquet has always had our praise for his Industry, his Impartiality, and his Compositions: and if, in this Walk, we strive to tread in his footsteps, it is not from an Eagerness of Contest, but from an honest desire of imitating a good Example.
With this opinion of our Competitor we have from Time to Time deferred the Execution of a long projected scheme. And, perhaps, even yet, the Printer of this Paper had declined appearing before the Public, had he not found that many of his Customers, as a Bookseller and Stationer, and all, as a printer of hand-bills, were taken away from his Shop, by their necessary intercourse with the News-Paper...
if there be any one who will have his Doubts, let him learn, that many Vouchers, respectable for their Age, their Station, and Character, can be produced; who know that the Plan of printing a News-Paper was proposed, and Matters in some Measure arranged, long before the Publisher of the Cumberland Pacquet was known in this Country- from that time we have uniformly tho' perhaps too slowly kept up to our Intentions...
if there appear to any a method of rendeing our Work of more general Utility, upon the first hint we shall with thanks adopt the Proposal; regardless of any additional Labour or Expence- In a particular manner we request the Assistance of those who are qualified to make a figure in the Literary Department, and with a peculiar pleasure, and every mark of Distinction, we shall put forward any Essays with which we may be favoured on the delightful and important Science of Agriculture. ..."
"JOHN BENSON, CLOCK-MAKER on the West Side of the Fish-market in Whitehaven, who makes all sorts of Plain, Repeating, Musical, and Astronomical Clocks; as also Scales of different Kinds, for weighing Gold, in the exactest Manner, at reasonable Prices. Begs Leave to return his most sincere Thanks to his Friends, for the many Favours they have conferred on him, humbly hoping for their further Patronage and Custom; and takes this Opportunity to inform the Public in general, that he will go into the Country, in the environs of Whitehaven, to clean and repair Clocks, upon a short Notice.
Those who please to favour him with their Commands, may be assured of his utmost Care, to do Justice to the Work, as his Abilities are unquestionable; having carried on the Clock-making Business, in all its different Branches, with Credit, during a continuance of thirty Years in Whitehaven.
Hadley's Quadrants repaired and Cleaned."
"(Never perform'd Here, by this Company)
On Wednesday the 6th of November, will be performed a Concert of Music. Boxes, 2s 6d. Pit, 2s. Gallery, 1s. Tickets to be had of Mr Heatton at Mr Hadwen's in Roper-Street; and at J. Dunn's, Printer, where Places for the Boxes are only to be taken.
Between the Parts of the Concert will be presented (Gratis) A COMEDY called, The
(Written by Colly Cibber, Esqr.)
[Cast list included]
End of the Play, Singing by Mrs Bogle.
To which will be added (for the only Time this Season) a Musical Farce, called The
[cast list included]
Messrs. HEATTON and AUSTIN present their Duty to the Ladies Gentlemen and Public in General of Whitehaven and its Environs, and humbly beg to inform them that they have collected a Company of Performers from the Theatres Royal of London, Dublin, Edinburgh, York and Bath; have furnished the Theatre with an entire new and elegant set of Scenes painted by a capital Master, and have provided all the admired new Pieces which have received the Approbation of a London Audience, with the necessary Decorations to each Performance, procured at a considerable Expence; and are determined to use their utmost Attention to merit their Approbation, and humbly hope the generous Public will chearfully acquiesce in raising the Prices of the Boxes to 2s 6d, and the Pit to 2s which are the lowest that are taken at any Theatre in the three Kingdoms. And the Managers flatter themselves when 'tis considered that even the meanest attempts to Theatrical Performances receive the above common stipulated Prices, the Ladies and Gentlemen will not even wish to withdraw the only means of supporting the Theatre in Whitehaven in its present situation."
WANTED as an Articl'd Clerk to an Attorney in the County of Cumberland, a Youth about seventeen or eighteen years of Age, of a reputable Family, genteel Address, and lively, active Disposition, he must be a good Classic Scholar, write a good hand and make no objection to a very close Confinement to Business.
Letters (Post paid) Directed to the Printer of this Paper will be answered."
Messrs. SKELTON, & Co.
Kept at J. DUNN'S, PRINTER, in Whitehaven,
BEING appointed Agents to Messrs. DAINTY, & Co. at their STATE-LOTTERY OFFICES [in London] ... for the sale of Lottery Tickets and Shares, in the present State Lottery ... give this Notice to their Friends, and the Public in general, that they are now selling the same at the LONDON Prices [full details given of prices for shares in a ticket, down to 1/64 share for 4s 6d, potential winnings £312/10/-]
"Cumberland Register Office
Kept at the dwelling-house of J. DUNN,
Printer and Bookseller, in Whitehaven,
The Utility and Advantage of a Register Office, properly established and conducted, in a large and populous County abounding with Sea-Ports and inland manufacturing Towns, must, at once, be obvious to the Gentleman and Trader; especially when they consider the interesting and necessary Connections the Inhabitants of the Sea ports of Whitehaven, Workington, Mary-Port, &c. have with each other, and with those of the inland manufacturing Towns of Carlisle, Cockermouth, Wigton, Penrith, &c. as well as the adjoining Counties.
Many are the inconveniences which may be removed by having a public Register kept in the most populous and commercial Part of this County. ...
The Man who wants to borrow often finds it a Matter of great Difficulty to meet with those who are willing to lend...
Persons intending to let Farms, Houses, Lodgings, &c. &c. often find it difficult to meet with those who chuse to become Occupiers...
Many honest and industrious Servants are daily out of Employment, chiefly arising, from the Want of a public Register Office, where they might be sure to hear of those who want their Services. Masters are under Difficulties equally disagreeable...
At this OFFICE
All Persons who may have Occasion to borrow or lend Money, on real or personal Security, may be accommodated- And all Persons wanting Farms, Shops, Schools, Houses and Lodgings furnished or unfurnished, may be supplied, Persons having any such to let or dispose of may hear of Tenants or Purchasers.
Annuities in general bought and sold. Insurances on Lives, Ships, Freight, Goods, &c. Advowsons and Chaplainships bought and sold, Livings exchanged and Curates provided. Persons in Business wanting Purchases may be accommodated. Masters, Workmen, and Manufacturers, in all branches of Trade, may be supplied with Journeymen and Apprentices- Parents, Guardians, &c. having Sons and Daughters, or Wards, to put out as Apprentices, may hear of Masters or Mistresses, of Credit, in all Trades and Professions- private Families may be provided with Tutors and Governesses; and Academies or Boarding-schools with Ushers and proper Assistants- Ladies and Gentlemen may be supplied with Housekeepers, Men Servants or Boys, Women Servants or Girls, or good Characters in all Stations; and Country Gentlemen, or Farmers, with experienced Overseers, Husbandmen or Hinds. ...
Wanted at the said Office,
Several Sums of Money. viz 320l for which a proportional Interest, or Annuity will be given during the life of the Lender, as may be agreed upon; and an unquestionable Security upon Houses, properly secured from Fire, &c. 300l against Martinmas next, upon unquestionable Freehold Security; Interest 4 and a half per Cent which will be paid half yearly. 250l against Martinmas next, upon Land Security; Interest 4 and a half per Cent. 60l wanted immedately, upon Land Security. 50l wanted immediately, upon the Security of two Houses. 40l wanted immediately upon a good Freehold Security. 50 and 30l wanted upon good Personal Security.
To be lent the Sum of 100l against the 1st of December next, on real Security. And the Sum of 80l immediately, upon suficient Bond, or real Security. To be Lent the following Sums of Money viz. 190l immediately upon real Security. 100l against the 1st of December next, and 80l immediately upon sufficient Bond.
To be had Lodgings and Diet, for single Gentlemen, in a good reputable Family.
To be Let, immediately a convenient House and Garden, situate in Howgill-street, for any Term of Years.
To be Let, a very genteel House, with out Offices, &c., suitable for a Gentleman's Family pleasantly situate in a sporting Country in the south Part of the County of Cumberland.
To be Sold two Freehold Dwelling Houses adjoining, situate in Tangier-street, containing ten Yards and a half in Front, with a Garden, the whole extending 37 Yards Backwards to Kelsick-lane.
Wanted Places for Maid Servants, well recommended.
Wanted a Clerk's Place for a young Man, who writes well, and understands Accompts. Can be well recommended. Terms easy, provided the Place be agreeable.
Wanting Employment, either as an Engrossing Clerk, or a School-Master to a Parish, a middle aged Man, properly qualified, whose Character is unexceptionable.
Letters (Post paid) directed for the Company, at Whitehaven, will be duly answered."
5 Nov 1776- NEWS:
Extract of a letter from Penrith, Oct 28:
"Last week one John Bouland, otherwise Boulan, who hath for some years lived about Distington, and last at Frizington near Whitehaven, was committed to Carlisle goal for felony, by John Richardson Esq; and we hear that on Saturday last another detainer was sent against him for breaking a shoemaker's shop at Gillgarran in Distington parish, several of the goods which he had stolen thereout, and disposed of about Penrith, were found, and parties bound over to prosecute and give evidence.
The above Bouland is supposed to be a very notorious offender, having had in his possession, of late, a variety of goods particularly linnen yarn, saddles, check, cloth, and numberless other articles, which he, from time to time, exposed to sale by the bell-man from a window of a public house in Penrith, being himself in the inside receiving money; it is supposed the Goods have been stolen betwixt Whitehaven and Penrith, and that he hath some accomplices who deal in the same way."
"Last night our Theatre was opened, by Messrs. HEATTON and AUSTIN'S Company of Comedians, with a Comedy called The School for Wives, and the Farce of The Virgin Unmask'd, which were performed to the entire satisfaction of a very polite audience- The new scenery was greatly admired, as was likewise the elegance and propriety of the dresses and general conduct of the whole night's performance. From the reception the company met with 'tis supposed the theatre will be much crowded during their short stay in town."
"The Rev Mr Cowper, son of the Rev Mr Cowper, rector of Penrith, is appointed master of Houghton school, in the room of the late Mr Griffith."
"Last night arrived the Beaver- Capt. Dickinson, in 24 days from Hallifax, she brought 196 letters for Government and different persons, and the agreeable account of the safe arrival of the Hero- Capt. Smith, and the Ocean- Capt. Dixon, at Hallifax, both of this Port."
5 Nov 1776- MARRIED:
"Last Thursday, at Holme church, Mr Thomas Glaister to Miss Ann Mann, both of the Abbey.
Last Friday, Mr Henry Fisher, of the Golden-Lion Inn, in this town, to Miss Marshal of Calderbridge."
5 Nov 1776- DIED:
"On Saturday morning last, the Rev Mr Jameson, rector of Egremont and of Beckermonth."
12 Nov 1776 (price 3d):
"To be SOLD, in PUBILC [sic] SALE,
At Mr HAILE's COFFEE-ROOM in Whitehaven, on Monday Evening the 25th Instant.
The Sale to continue each succeeding EVENING till the Whole be SOLD off.
The several DWELLING-HOUSES, Shops, Warehouses, Stables and back Ground, situate in and near the Market-Place, in Whitehaven, in nine separate Lots, agreeable to the Plan lodged in Mr HAILE's Coffee-Room, the Property of the late Mr THOMAS GALE, deceased."
[Gives details of conditions of sale and notes that the ground measures some 2,900 square yards in total "through which a Street might be conveniently carried. There is a Freestone Quarry in the Premises sufficient to supply Stone to build the said Street"]
Theatre, 6 Nov [recte 13 Nov] (never performed here by this company; ticket prices and agents as Nov 5): a concert of music, between the parts of which "will be presented (Gratis) An Historical PLAY, called LADY JANE GRAY" [details of cast etc.] "To which will be added a new FARCE (by Desire) called BON TON: OR, HIGH LIFE ABOVE STAIRS" [by David Garrick, cast listed] "A new Comedy (written by a Lady and perform'd in LONDON with great Applause) called the Runaway is in Rehearsal."
"To the Public" editorial statement repeated from last issue.
12 Nov 1776- NEWS:
From Appleby: November 5 (anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot and of the landing of King William III at Torbay) "was observed there with the usual demonstrations of joy. The morning was ushered in with ringing of bells, and the evening concluded with bone-fires and sky-rockets"
Whitehaven: "Yesterday morning a fine new Vessel, called the BELLONA, built by Mr D. Bowes, for Captain Barwise of this Town, was launched from behind the North Wall."
Includes long extract of a letter from Capt. William Stuart, at New York in the Transport Service, to his wife in Whitehaven, dated 25 Sep., concerning the rebellion.
Whitehaven: "We are informed that the Gentlemen of the musical Society in this Town, finding their Room in Roper-Street too small for their Purpose, have agreed to hold their Meeting, once a Fortnight, at the new Assembly-Room in Albion-Street."
"There is now growing in a garden, the property of Messrs. Davis and Pearson, in the parish of Harrington, a second crop of beans which are in full perfection; and what makes this circumstance the more remarkable, the new stalks, which bear the beans, have grown from the old roots, each root has produced about five stalks bearing beans as good as the former crop."
Whitehaven: "On Friday night last some persons in this town, under an idea perhaps that the Gazette Extraordinary, which arrived here the same day, contained an account of some very notable victory gained by his Majesty's forces in America, illuminated their Windows. This inconvenient, as well as dangerous, manifestation of loyalty did not become general. It gave, however, an opportunity (as usual upon such occasions) to several disorderly persons to shew their courage by valiantly breaking a few of the windows. We hear some of the inhabitants intend to keep themselves prepared to give these disturbers a proper reception, in case such practices should be again attempted."
12 Nov 1776- SHIPPING:
SAILED: [Name, Captain, From/to]
Nov 5: Eagle Paket, Maxwell, Isle Man
Nov 6: Ann, Little, Harrington; Boyne, Coulthard, Parton; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries; Grizie, Kimmins, Dumfries; Charming Jane, Casson, Kirkcudbright; Providence, Brown, Liverpool
Nov 7: Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Salmon, Bragg, Skinburness
Nov 8: Prosperity, Monkhouse, Portsmouth; Brothers, Martindale, Dublin; Open Boat, Cain, Isle Man
Nov 9: Molly, Sloan, Workington; Lowther, Fisher, Dublin; Beaver, Dicninson, Allonby
Nov 10: Carlisle, Messenger, Maryport
Nov 6: Lonsdale, Grayson, Cork; Benn, McLellan, Dublin
Nov 7: Resolution, Banks, Dublin; Lord Lewisham, Hudson, Cork; Loyalty, Thompson, Dublin; Industry, Broadfoot, Whithorn; Bella, Steel, Dublin; Fox; Salkeld, Dublin
Nov 8: William, Woodburn, Bray
Nov 9: Jenny, Irvin, Carlisle; William, Thompson, Dublin
Nov 10: Eagle Paket, Maxwell, Isle Man; Joanna, Fisher, Dublin; Elizabeth, Fletcher, x; Catharine, Williams, x; Howgill, McDonnal, x; Echo, Allison, x; William and Nancy, Cannon, x; Ann and Frances, Booth, x; Wilson, Benson, x; Friends Adventure, Fleming, x; Brothers, Falkin, x; John and Thomas, Yeoward, Dublin
Nov 11: Dallentower, Fell, x; Allason, Bowman, x; Betty, Allison, x; Love, Marshall, x; Chiswell, Johnstone, x; Seaflower, Slater, Dublin; Friends, Lawson, Skinburness
19 Nov 1776
Advert for John Benson, clock-maker, as Nov 5.
Advert for Thomas Gale property, as Nov 12
For sale, on the premises, 27 Dec (together or in parcels): Customary messuage or tenement at Moorside, Drigg, commonly called Steny, belonging to John Cleator (under Sir Joseph Pennington, Bart., by annual customary finable rent of 9s).
Also the two customary tenements adjoining, known as Skelderhills (held under Charles Lutwidge Esq., yearly rent 1/2 each). "The Premises pay a fine Certain upon the Death of the Lord or Tenant, are very well built, and have a very good Common Right, in a very large Common for Turff as well as Pasturage, about a Quarter of a Mile from the Sea-shore, from which considerable Advantages will arise to the Purchaser of the said Premises, as Fishing and gathering Sea Wreck for the Improvement of the Estates, which are thirty three Acres in the whole or thereabouts." Contact the owner, on the premises, or Mr Heywood, attorney in Whitehaven.
Register Office:
Loans wanted: £320 on security of houses; £200 on real security, "several smaller Sums upon real and Personal Security".
To be lent: £400 and £300 on real security at 4.5% interest.
Staff wanted: 2 strong boys, age c15, as apprentices to a joiner and cabinet maker and currier's business.
Servant woman ("if middle Age, the better") as house-keeper, cook & chamber-maid "to a Gentleman in the Country". Proof of experience required "joined with that of good Temper."
Property (roughly as Nov 5): Lodgings & food for single gentlemen; house to let in Howgill Street; house to let in sporting country; 2 houses for sale in Tangier-street.
Employment wanted (roughly as Nov 5): places for several Maid Servants; clerk's place for young man; clerk or school-master.
WANTED as an Articl'd Clerk to an Attorney in Whitehaven, a Youth about seventeen or eighteen years of Age, of a reputable Family, genteel Address, and lively, active Disposition, he must be a good Classic Scholar, write a good hand and make no objection to a very close Confinement to Business.
Letters (Post paid) Directed to the Printer of of [sic] this Paper will be Answered."
Theatre, Nov 19: Concert of music (details as usual, but notes that Dunn's printers is "where Places for the Boxes are only to be taken". Between the parts "will be presented (Gratis) the comedy the 'WEST INDIAN' ... To which will be added A new Musical Entertainment never Performed Here called the 'WATER-MAN' or the 'FIRST OF AUGUST' in which will be introduced a Grand Representation of The REGATTA As given on the River Thames last Summer, with the Rowing of the Boats for the Coat and Badge, exactly as it was introduced last Winter at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane..."
19 Nov 1776- NEWS:
"Last Wednesday a fire broke out in a tallow chandler's shop, in Hesket New Market, occasioned by some rats making a hole through the chimney, by which the fire was communicated to a parcel of peats in the adjoining room; it was, however, happily discovered by a few children, at play, who alarmed the town, and water being at hand it was presently extinguished..."
Nominations for Sheriff of Cumberland: Robert Watters of Whitehaven; Humphry Senhouse of Nether Hall; & John Briscoe of Crofton, Esqs.
"We hear that on Tuesday last, one Elizabeth Brown, a soldier's wife, and a native of Scotland, was committed to Carlisle Goal for picking pockets at Penrith Fair. It is supposed she has an accomplice who appears sometimes in the character of a ballad-singer. The same day a young man was detected in stealng a horseman's coat, but being a stout fellow he was suffered to put himself under the tuition of a recruiting sergeant."
"The Lowther, late Cowman, belonging to this port, from Jamaica to London, is taken by an American privateer."
"Ulverstone, Nov 10. Last night two young men were unfortunately killed by the bursting of a gun, and several other people thereby dangerously wounded. This accident proceeded from the rejoicings on news being received of the King's troops having taken Possession of New York."
[Also reports near-riot at Lancaster resulting from the same proclamation]
"In consequence of a request made by the Magistrates, in this town, there was on Saturday last a meeting held at Mr Haile's Coffee-Room, when the Merchants and many of the principal inhabitants appeared, and voluntarily entered into a subscription, towards increasing the bounty for raising seamen for his Majesty's service. Several Gentlemen subscribed five shillings, some two shillings and sixpence, and other one shilling, for each seaman. It is supposed this subscription, when compleated, will exceed two guineas per man, which will be given over and above the 5l. allowed by Government; and it's hoped that the above scheme will prevent the disagreeable consequences which frequently attend impressing seamen- In this town the attempt has been always attended with danger, never with success."
"On Wednesday last the body of a man was found, cast on shore, nigh St. Bees, his face being much disfigured it is thought he had been several days in the water, he had on a blue frock, a white waistcoat above a blue one, and a pair of plated buckles in his shoes; he had a box in his pocket with the name ---- Graves on it. He was interred, at St. Bees, with all the solemnity the melancholy circumstance required. It is very probable this unfortunate person had been a passenger on board some vessel in this channel."
"Thomas Young, the famous tinker, was hunting at Kirkbride last Wednesday, he died suddenly about two hours after he reached his lodgings, and was buried, at Kirkbride, on the 14th instant."
19 Nov 1776- MARRIED:
10 Nov: at the Abbey Church, Holm Coultram, Mr Isaac Henderson to Miss Dorothy Greave of Allonby.
12 Nov: at Walton near Brompton [?Brampton], Mr Edward Calvart of Walton Rig to Miss Sally Kerr, second daughter of James Kerr Esq., of Castlesteads.
12 Nov: at Bromfield church, Mr George Sharp, of Allonby, to Miss Millington, of Brayton Hall.
13 Nov: Mr John Dand, of Mains near Wigton, to Miss Barwise of Longrigg.
19 Nov 1776- SHIPPING
ARRIVED: [Name, Captain, From/to]
Nov 12: Molly, Walker, Dublin; Granvill, Williamson, Belfast; Seaflower, Gibbons, Rush
Nov 13: Industry, Atkinson, Dublin
Nov 14: Bolton, Bacon, x; Rachel, Dixon, x; Britannia, Bowman, x; Ratcliffe, Hodgson, x; Industry, Cragg, x; Rupert, Braithwaite, x; Felicity, Monkhouse, Dublin
Nov 15: Molly, Messenger, Dublin
Nov 16: Robinson, Todhunter, Dublin
Nov 17: Minerva, Rookin, x
Nov 15: Jenny, Irvin, Dumfries
List of distributors: Mr Cloud of Abby Holm removed; Mr Pearson of Harrington added
26 Nov 1776:
About a Fortnight ago, from the Bush at Carlisle, a dark brown Pointer Bitch, the English breed, not above eight or nine Months old, she has mottled Legs and answers to the name of Flora. Whoever will bring the above Bitch to the Bush in Carlisle shall receive half a Guinea Reward."
Official notice of the Government embargo on ships carrying provisions, from James Spedding, deputy vice-admiral, at Whitehaven, Nov 25.
Official notice of the order from the Admiralty to Sir James Lowther, Bart., vice-admiral of the County of Cumberland, requesting the pressing of "lurking" seamen into Navy service. Law officers may claim 20s for each man they deliver to the Sea Officers, on production of receipts to the Collector of Customs for the ports of Carlisle and Whitehaven (plus 6d per mile travel expenses, up to a maximum of 20 miles). From James Spedding, deputy vice-admiral, Whitehaven, Nov 25.
Theatre, Wed 27 Nov, Concert of Music (tickets as previously.)
"Between the Parts of the Concert will be presented (Gratis) A Comedy called A WORD to the WISE or ALL FOR THE BEST Written by Hugh Kelly Esq; Author of the School for Wives... To which will be added a Farce, written by David Garrick, Esq; called LETHE; or AESOP in the SHADES"...
26 Nov 1776- NEWS:
"We had a violent gale of wind here, last Tuesday night, at W. and W.N.W. during which several vessels broke loose in the harbour, occasioned by one of the deadmen giving way (the deadmen are logs so called, from their being buried in the harbour, having a chain and ring fixed to them, to which the vessels are moored) but happily, without receiving any great damage. Early on Wednesday morning, the gale not abating, and sea running excessive high, the Globe Steele, belonging to this port, from Dublin, was put ashore between Redness point and Parton, one man was lost, and the rest of the crew saved themselves with great difficulty: the vessel has received so much damage that she cannot be got off. On Wednesday night, the Duke of Leinster, Pearson, was put in here in the same Gale of wind, having several recruiting parties on board, from Liverpool for Dublin. The same night a sloop was put ashore nigh St. Bees, and several of the crew perished."
"A Dispensation has passed the Great Seal, to enable the Rev. William Paley, M.A. of Christ College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, to hold the rectory of Musgrave, in the County of Westmoreland, and diocese of Carlisle; together with the Vicarage of Dalston, in the county of Cumberland, and diocese aforesaid."
"Last Wednesday night, some villains broke into the dwelling house of Mr John Grayson, in Appleby; by the help of a ladder they got in at an upper window,- broke open a bureau and took out 3l. 10s. but missed a larger purse of gold which was in an adjoining drawer."
"A gentleman coursing on his own manor, in Millham, lately, killed a hare which weighed before drawn 9lb. 11oz. we hold this worthy of remark, as the hares in this county are generally from 7 to 8lb."
"On Tuesday morning last a fox was unkennelled, at Blindcrake, near Cockermouth, and was chaced to Threlkeld, and back to Blindcrake where he earthed; and what is very remarkable, on Friday, he was again unkennelled and ran to Threlkeld where he was killed by the same dogs after having pursued him nine hours."
"On Sunday last, the Rev Mr Bell, vicar of Bridekirk, preached a most excellent farewell sermon, at Cockermouth, to a crowded audience, from these words 'I beseech you brethren suffer the word of exhortation.'" Heb. xiii. 22.
26 Nov 1776- MARRIED:
Friday last, Mr Joseph Mayson, grocer of King-street, to Miss M. Casson.
At Arlecdon, John Moore of Ponsonby, aged 80, to Ann Simson, aged 72.
A few days ago, at Wigton, Mr William Forscyth, to Miss Roper, late of Parkgate.
Lately, at Rowcliffe, Mr Steel, of Behemont, to Miss Robinson of Rowcliffe.
26 Nov 1776- DIED:
15 Nov, at her house in Pilgrim-street, Newcastle, Mrs Wilkinson, aged 72, widow of the late Mr James Wilkinson, merchant, and 2nd daughter of Henry Blencowe Esq., of Blencowe in this county, who died collector of the Port of Whitehaven.
26 Nov 1776- SHIPPING:
ARRIVED: [Name, Captain, From/to]
Nov 18: Jane and Mary, Ward, Dundrum
Nov 19: Lovely Nelly, Postlethwaite, x; Tryal, Plasket, x; Orange, Losh, Cork; Charlotte, Stewart, x; True Love, Littledale, Dublin; Lynx, Fearon, Seas
Nov 20: Duke of Leinster, Pearson, Liverpool
Nov 22: Peggy and Molly, McWhir, x; Providence, Brown, Dumfries; Penelope, Sanderson, x; Mally, Sloan, x; Nancy, Spedding, Workington
Nov 23: Peter, Whaley, Ulverstone; Vulcan, Harrison, Workington; Mayflower, Barns, Harrington
Nov 24: Jenny, Bell, Carlisle; Diligence, McDowell, Ferrytown; Venus, Kirk, x; John and Mally, Adair, Kirkcudbright
Nov 22: Friends, Lawson, Liverpool; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man; Industry, Broadfoot, Whithorn
Nov 23: Duke of Leinster, Pearson, x; Cumberland, Losh, x; Thomas, carrol, Dublin
Nov 24: Mary and Betty, Jackson, x; Molly, Caffrey, x; Betty and Nancy, Hudson, x; Shannon, Harris, x; Betsey, Yeowart, x; Content, Woodle, x; Lively, Watt, x; Prosperous, Thompson, Dublin; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Fly, Lewis, Dudden; Eubonice, Peat, Isle Man; Ann, Davis, Newry; William and Betty, Jones, Dudden
Nov 25: Equity, Watson, x; Friendship, Armstrong, Dublin
Nov 19: Brothers, Kay, x; Active, Allison, Cork
Nov 22: Barns, Speedwell [?ship/capt reversed?], Mary Port; Seaflower, Wilson, Workington
Nov 23: Happy Return, Maxwell, Water Orr
Nov 24: Prince George, Dodd, Workington; Sea Horse, -, Dumfries
23 Barns, Speedwell [?ship/capt reversed?], Workington
Nov 19: Speedwell, Lawrence, Dublin
Nov 22: Thomas, Heslop, Dumfries
Nov 22: Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven; Penelope, Sanderson, x; Seaflower, Wilson, Harrington
Nov 23: Vulcan, Harrison, Sansfield; Industry, Hayton, x; Graystock, Clark, Dublin; Nelly, Burnett, Cork
3 Dec 1776:
Embargo and Navy pressing as previously.
Sale of Steny and Skelderhills, as previously.
For sale, to the highest bidder, at the King's Arms (Mr Buck's) in Lowther-street, Whitehaven, on 19 Dec:
Freehold houses, with garden etc., formerly belonging to John Rogers of Crofts, now let for £20 yearly or more; frontage 21.5 yds to Scotch-street, 23 yds to Peter-street; paying £1/1/6 annual free rent to Sir James Lowther, Bart. Possession available from Whitsuntide next. To view, apply to John Collins (a tenant); further details from Mr Thomas Baxter of Crofts, Mr Steel of Acrewalls or Mr John Thompson of Cleamire.
"County Bridges"
To let at the George in Penrith (William How's), Dec 17 "two Bridges, to be built, over two Rivulets or Brooks, near to Hutton-Hall, near Penrith... And also a Part of Langwathby Bridge End to be repaired".
For further details of the Hutton bridges plus plans and site visit, contact Mr Benham of Hutton Hall. For further details of the Langwathby bridge, enquire at the Clerk of the Peace's office in Penrith. Dated 29 Nov 1776.
To let: Messuages and tenements, with 65 acres of arable, meadow or pasture land, at Wood-End in the parishes of Egremont and Cleator; plus two water corn mills, with houses, at Wood-End; plus lime-kiln and limestone quarries adjoining; now occupied by William Stainton as tenant, for £101 yearly rent. "The new Tenant to make Husbandry at Candlemas next, and to enter into Possession of the Rest of the Premises at Lady-Day following. The Tenant to pay all Taxes." For further details, contact Mrs Catherine Todd in Whitehaven; to view, contact William Stainton. Dated Nov 27.
John Sander, nursery-man at Keswick, has ready for sale a large quantity of Scotch Firs, from 1-4 years old; "a great number of Oaks, Ashes, Elms & Beech; Crab & Thorn Quicks; with a Variety of Fruit Trees of the best Kind; and a great many Sorts of Forest Trees. Turnip Seeds and all kinds of Grass and Garden Seeds. Likewise a large quantity of seedling Oaks, Ashes and Scotch Firs, fit for transplanting; and Cabbage Plants of all kinds."
THEATRE Dec 4: concert of music with performances of the new farce "A Trip to Portsmouth" by George Alexander Stevens ("performed with great Applause in LONDON") "With a new Transparent Scene representing The Fleet at Spithead, As reviewed by His MAJESTY".
Also in this issue is an essay on Greek & Roman drama, entitled "Theatrical Essay", by C.C. of Whitehaven (dated Nov 20).
3 Dec 1776- NEWS:
"Forty shillings a piece was bid lately, by several butchers, in the neighbourhood of Keswick, for fat wether sheep, against Christmas, but the farmer would not take less than two guineas."
On Nov 20 "a fine new vessel called the Kirkham, built by Mr William Wood, for Captain John Bone, was launched at Mary-Port: The launch was performed with the greatest nicety; and, as the length the vessel had to run was pretty considerable, it afforded an agreeable prospect to great number of spectators."
"We hear from Carlisle that the Cumberland Militia, after performing their annual exercise of 28 days, were disembodied there on the 16th of last month. Several Gentlemen, judges of military performances, speak much in favour of t5e martial appearance of both officers and men, and say that great praise is due to the latter for their alacrity, and the good order they observed, in peforming their exercise, while the general good conduct of the whole reflects great honour on the former."
Report from London, Nov 27: "Yesterday a motion was made in the court of Exchequer, before the Barons thereof, on behalf of Sir James Lowther, in order to obtain a new trial, in the great cause which was depending between him and the Duke of Portland, and which was formerly tried before Mr Justice Ashurst, and a verdict obtained in favour of the latter,- the ground upon which Mr Serjeant Glynn supported his motion, was a misconception of the learned judge, in delivering his charge to the jury. he was answered by Mr Wallace..." Further news as it becomes available.
3 Dec 1776- MARRIED:
Sunday last, Mr Joseph Barns, master shoe-maker, to Miss Booth, both of Whitehaven.
Saturday last, at Arlecdon church (by the Rev Mr Baxter), Mr William Wood of Asby, to Miss Westray of Eskheld.
Lately, Mr William Coulthard, of Distington, to Miss Abby Ponsonby.
3 Dec 1776- DIED:
Lately, near Carlisle, Mr Joseph Mayson of Foulbriggs in Wreay chapelry, aged 86.
Mrs Parker, wife of the Rev Mr Parker, of Wreay chapel.
3 Dec 1776- SHIPPING:
ARRIVED: (Name, Master, From/to)
Nov 25: Industry, Dawson, Isle Man; Mary and Betty, Boadle, Cork
Nov 26: Open Boat, Faulder, x; Brayton, Faulder, Allonby; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man; Favourite, Barton, Petersburgh; Dove, Dargue, Dublin
Nov 27: Mary, Grindall, Cork
Nov 28: George, Jefferson, Allonby
Dec 1: Ellin, Parker, Peelafudder [=Piel of Foudrey]; Expedition, Braithwaite, Dublin
Nov 25: Vulcan, Harrison, Carlisle; Seahorse, Key, Harrington; Jane, Telfert, Glasgow; Jenny, Creedey, Dublin
Nov 28: Open Boat, Faulder, x; Brayton, Faulder, Allonby; Equity, Watson, Dublin
Nov 29: Eagle Packet, Morland, Isle Man; Jenny, Bell, Carlisle; Peggy and Molly, McWhir, Dumfries; George, Jefferson, Allonby; Mally, Sloan, Newry; Assistance, Farish, x; Betsey, Younghusband, Dublin
Nov 30: Venus, Kirk, x; Diligence, McDowell, x; John and Betty, Adair, Kirkcudbright; Nancy, Spedding, Workington; Mary Ann, Robinson, Belfast
Nov 25: Sea Horse, Key, Whitehaven; Blessing, Course, Newry
Nov 26: George, Jefferson, Allonby; Nancy, Parker, Peele
Nov 28: Prince George, Dodd, x; John and Betty, Ditchburner, Workington; Peter, Wiley, Whitehaven
Nov 27: George, Jefferson, Whitehaven; Active, Allison, x; Prince George, Dodd, x; John and Betty, Ditchburner, Workington
Nov 28: Mally, Jackson, Drogheda; Seaflower, Wilson, x; Kose, Fearon, Dublin
Nov 28 [or 29?]: Sea Horse, Kirkpatrick, Workington; Happy Return, Spark, x; James, Key, x; Peggy, Blake, Dundalk
Nov 26: Vine, Martindale, Cork; Jane, Peel, Dublin
Nov 27: Triton, Marshall, Cork; Active, Allison, Harrington
Nov 29: Nancy, Spedding, Whitehaven
Nov 24: Blessing, Curwen, x; Commerce, Burrell, x; Happy, Jackson, x; Unity, Westray, x; Betty, Stamper, Dublin
Nov 25: Brittannia, Harrison, Dublin
Nov 30: Lark, Tully, Dublin; Thomas, Hselop, Dumfries; Charming Jenny, McNish, Kirkcudbright
Nov 25: Favourite, Grave, Highlands
Nov 27: Jane, Harris, x; Friendsgoodwill, Fawcitt, Cork
Nov 24: Etty, Tolson, Dublin; Peggy, Simond, x; Ranger, Graham, Wigtown
Nov 25: Betty, Hodgson, x; Experiment, Collin, x; Duke, Fletcher, Dublin
Nov 29: Nancy, Collin, Dublin
10 Dec 1776:
"This Paper is regularly filed at the London Coffee-House, Ludgate Hill, and at the Chapter Coffee-House Pater-Noster-RowFox Court, Gray's Inn Lane, Holborn in London."
John Rogers houses as previously.
John Sander nursery as previously.
Wood End to let as previously.
County Bridges as previously.
"Turlington's original Balsam of Life" (now made by Martha Wray of London) is sold in Whitehaven by J. Dunn.
To let by auction, at the house of Joseph Wilkinson in Unthank, Jan 8 (10am - 3pm): tolls at the Catterlen and Sibraham Brow Top gates on the Penrith- Chalkbeck turnpike road; plus tolls at the Hesket New Market gate on the branch road from Castle Sowerby pasture to Caldbeck; for a term of 1 or 3 years. Last year, Catterlen produced £62 above expenses; Sibraham £80; Hesket £25/5/-.
"Twenty Pounds Reward"
On the night of Dec 5, a bay saddle mare (with star on her forehead, two white specks on her fore-feet, about 14 hands, "in very high Condition") was taken from the field in Moresby "and most violently heated, either by carrying ot riding, or possibly both, and afterwards turned loose and found dead near Mr GALE's estate of the High" the next morning. The reward is payable to anybody who give evidence leading to prosecution within the next year, by Samuel Martin, Whitehaven, dated 9 Dec 1776.
For sale at the White Swan, Penrith (William Nelson's), Dec 31: over 400 Oak trees, all numbered and crossed, plus a large quantity of Birch wood, numbered and set out, "all now growing in Middleskeugh Wood, in the Parish of Saint Mary, without the City of Carlisle, in a place called Silly Wreay, near Sewell Gate, in the Parish of Skelton... the Property of LYONEL WRIGHT FLETCHER, Esquire". Further details from Mr Benham at Hutton Hall, or Mr Whelpdale, attorney in Penrith. To view, contact John Walker, the Hind, at Middleskeugh Hall.
For sale at the Globe, Cockermouth (Richard Docker's), Dec 27: "A Quantity of OAK, ASH, and UNDERWOOD, now standing and growing in the Low Spring" at Wythop, Lorton, all numbered and crossed. Plus "all the WOOD (except the Oak, Willows, and Hassel") growing at the south or side of Silver How, in Wythop "great Part of which is fit to make Charcoal of". Plus "a Quantity of Wood, growing in Hogg Park, Cringling, and Bleashows in Wythop"; property of Lyonel Wright Fletcher, Esq.
Further details from Mr Whelpdale, attorney in Penrith, or John Wilson, of Lowthwaite in Wythop (contact JW for viewing).
THEATRE, 11 Dec, concert of music plus performances of "Cymbeline, King of Britain" (adapted from Shakespeare by David Garrick) and "a Burlesque-Tragi-Comic-Operatical-Farcical-Roratorio called the Dragon of Wantley" (with all the original songs etc. composed by J. Frederick Lampe).
10 Dec 1776- NEWS
"a Weekly Paper of the 5th instant" claimed that there was no news from the Lowther/Portland case. The Chronicle assures its readers that its report on 3 Dec "was faithfully copied from the London prints of the 27th and 28th past".
"On Friday last the Tragedy called Matilda, and the Farce of Bon Ton, or High Life above Stairs, was performed at the Theatre here, to a crowded and brilliant Audience. The boxes were filled with some of the first Families in the County, who all expressed the greatest Approbation of the Performance: and it is expected there will be a very genteel Appearance, Tomorrow Night, to Shakespeare's Tragedy of Cymbeline the Great, and the musical Farce of the Dragon of Wantley, as the Company will not perform again till Monday next, as the General Fast is to be held on Friday.
"Last week a Salmon was found dead, in Jones River, near Keswick, that weighed sixty-three Pounds and three quarters."
"On Sunday about noon a melancholy accident happened at the Smock Mill near Knavesmire; Robert Dent and Thomas Wood, partners in the adjoining mill, called at the first-mentioned one, where they had not been more than five minutes, before one of the stones broke (owing, it is supposed, to the velocity of its motion) which struck them with such violence, that Dent had one of his feet torn off, and his leg fractured in a terrible manner, four inches below the knee, and Wood had his leg broken nearly in the same place. They were conveyed to the Hospital, and each had his leg amputated immediately. Dent died in great agonies on Tuesday morning, and has left a wife and five small children; Wood (who has been married only about a month) is languishing without hopes of recovery.- It certainly behoves millers, by some means or other, to guard against accidents so truly calamitous as the above related; the binding their mill stones with strong hoops of iron, has been recommended..."
"The following persons are elected to the benefit of Mr Hetherington's excellent charity to blind persons, viz. Jonathan Brown, of Burton in Kendal, Westmorland; John Walker of Birstall, Yorkshire; and three others, each of whom will receive 10l. on the 10th of December inst. and the like sum annually during life."
10 Dec 1776- DIED:
Last Tue: Mr Matthew Williamson "many years Piermaster of this Port."
10 Dec 1776- SHIPPING:
ARRIVED: (Name, Master, From/to)
Dec 2: Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man; Blessing, Curwen, Drougheda; Garland, Piper, x; Venus, Sharp, x; Vigilant, Williamson, Dublin; Betty, Smith, Isle Man; Providence, Donnathen, Liverpool
Dec 5: Minerva, Whalley, Hallifax; Beaver, Dickinson, Skinburness
Dec 6: Open Boat, Ceshburn, Allonby; Hussar, Gurley, Seas
Dec 7: Nelly, Tear, isle Man; Good Intent, Taylor, Ulverstone; Leven, Satterthwaite, Peelafouther; Tryal, Briggs, Dumfries
Dec 3: Mayflower, Barns, Lancaster; Industry, Dawson, Isle Man
Dec 5: Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man
Dec 6: Penelope, Sanderton, Ulverstone; Friendship, Pearson, x; Isabella, Richardson, Dublin
Dec 7: Betty, Smith, Mary Port; Juno, Jackson, x; Katy, Fisher, x; Content, Woodle, x; Betty, Armstrong, x; Lark, Corkhill, x; Saltham, Dawson, x; Prince of Wales, Briggs, x; Johanna, Fisher, x; Betty and Nancy, Hudson, x; Patience, Moore, x; Ann, Briggs, x; Resolution, Banks, x; Seaflower, Gibbins, x; Three Brothers, Tindal, x; Ledger, Hodgson, x; Rose, Harrison, x; Olive Branch, Angus, Dublin; Tanner, Hamilton, Isle Man
Dec 1: Hazard, McGaa, Dublin
Dec 8: John and Betty, Ditchburner, x; Prince George, Dodd, Workington; Brothers, Skelton, Belfast; Nancy, Parker, Sainsfield
Dec 1: Industry, Hayston, Skerries; Peace, Hayston, Drougheda
Dec 27 [sic]: Lark, Armstrong, x; Venus, Messenger, x; Lowther, Lawrence, Dublin
Dec 2: Matilda, Dickinson, Dublin
Dec 3: Tryal, Holiday, Kirkcudbright
Nov 30: Carlisle, Messenger, Carlisle
Dec 6: Lion, Harrison, x; Fly, McKenzie, Dublin
17 Dec 1776:
Penrith-Chalkbeck tolls to let as previously.
John Sander nursery as previously.
John Rogers property as previously.
Wood End property as previously.
Wythop timber as previously.
St. Mary / Skelton timber as previously.
Dead mare reward as previously.
For Engraving, and Publishing by Subscription, a new Map of the County of Cumberland, on a Scale of half an Inch to a Mile; reduced from the large Survey taken in 1770 and 1771,
To be "printed on one Sheet of large Imperial Paper" [details given] "and may be fitted up in a portable Manner for the Pocket."
"The Drawing is now finished, and as soon as two Hundred Copies are subscribed for, the Engraving will be immediately begun, and compleated with all possible Expedition."
Prices: Subscribers 7/6 (2/6 payable on subscribing, rest on delivery); non Subscribers 10/6. To subscribe, contact J. Dunn in Whitehaven, Mrs Cowley in Cockermouth, Miss Furnass in Wigton, Mrs Hodgson in Carlisle, Mr Soulby in Penrith, or Mr Hodskinson at 29 Arundel Street, Strand, [London] or Mr Donald at 129 St John's Street, London. If 200 copies are not subscribed for within 2 years, all money paid will be returned.
THEATRE, Music concert with the comedy "The Clandestine Marriage" and "a New PANTOMIME ENTERTAINMENT", "The Sister Witches, or the Stockwell Wonder" "With new Music, Tricks, Machinery & Scenery". "To conclude with a new and elegant
17 Dec 1776- NEWS:
"Friday last being the day appointed for the general Fast, the same was observed here with the utmost attention and solemnity, the disposition of the Inhabitants of this populous Town to hear divine service became almost general, and the several Churches and other places of public worship were greatly crowded, where the decent composure, and attention, of the congregations were only equalled by the devout fervency of the several Preachers, which, at once, evinced the necessity as well as the importance of the occasion."
"On Saturday last the Hope, Capt. Perry, arrived here from New York in 32 days" [bringing American news as well as cargo]. The Wells, Capt. Rothery, arrived from New York on Sunday, having sailed with the Hope, and brought similar news. No other shipping list or local news, due to the large amount of American news.
17 Dec 1776- LETTER, from "Queritus":
"I am a tradesman, and have a large family, whose principal support depends upon my daily industry, and the domestic economy of a careful wife... I read the proclamation, for the General Fast that was kept last Friday; and with the utmost deference to the very high Authority from whence it proceeded; I should be glad to be informed, by some of your learned readers, Whether a proclamation, for this purpose, is to be considered as a positive law?" [makes reference to Christian duties etc.]
17 Dec 1776- DIED:
Last Tue: Mr William Batty "many years an eminent cheesemonger and grocer in this town"
Last Wed, at Workington Hall: Mrs Curwen, wife of Henry Curwen Esq.
Last Wed, at Carlisle: Mrs Coulthard, "wife of Mr Jacob Coulthard, late of Wigton".
Last Thu, at Cockermouth: Elizabeth Fletcher of that place, age 100.
24 Dec 1776:
Donald map as previously.
Penrith-Chalkbeck tolls as previously.
Wythop timber as previously.
St Mary/ Skelton timber as previously.
Wood End property as previously.
"Escaped out of CARLISLE Goal" [SIC]
On Wed Dec 11, about 10am, James Bailey (convicted at Edinburgh on 16 dec 1771 of murdering his wife Margery Wilkinson, but reprieved on condition of never again returning to Great Britain or Ireland) struck the turnkey and took his key, letting himself out of the cell and locking it behind him. Description of Bailey given. Reward of 5 guineas on his capture- contact Brathwaite Atkinson, the Keeper of HM Goal, Carlisle. Also escaped on the same day, John Bowland (or Bowlan); description given, reward 3 guineas.
To be sold (as one lot or several) on 16 Jan 1777 at the Buck in Workington (John Lowry's): freehold house and part garden behind, near the Market Place in Workington, known as the Sailor's Return; frontage 20 feet 3 inches, property of John Lowry. Also, freehold shop adjoining, with land behind, frontage 16 feet 5 inches (also property of J.L.). Also house in which Ann Carson now lives, with land behind; frontage 13 feet 2 inches. To view, contact J.L.
THEATRE, Dec 26: Concert, plus the tragedy "The Earl of Essex, or the Unhappy Favourite" and again, "The Sister Witches" with transparent scene finale.
24 Dec 1776- NEWS:
"The Hopewell, Ayles, of this port, a missing ship, from Honduras, is arrived at Lisbon after a passage of 114 days; some of the London prints mention that thew crew were in great distress from their want of provisions."
"From Harwich we are informed that John Gibson, who was convicted, the last assizes held at Carlisle, for returning from transportation, and sentenced to hard labour on the River Thames, has lately escaped from on board a ship lying in the harbour at Harwich."
A sow belonging to Mr William Casson, maltster of Broughton, Lancs., had a litter of 20 piglets on 8 Dec, all healthy and strong; "the owner is determined to use every endeavour to raise her numerous offspring:- The sow is of the large breed, is uncommonly fat, and has had six litters before, in none of which she ever exceeded eleven."
Mr Tipping, attorney of Broughton, and his brother Henry (a woollen draper of 32 Cheapside, London) have won £1,000 in the lottery. "Mr Tipping intends giving a genteel supper, and a ball, to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Broughton." Mr J. Gale (currently in Russia), son of the late Mr John Gale of Whitehaven, has also won £1,000 on the lottery.
Following a day of apparent illness, a parrot which has belonged for 14 years to Mr Peele, tobacconist of Whitehaven, laid an egg on Saturday afternoon.
"A correspondent, at Carlisle, observes, that a proper watch in the night would be very necessary in that city; several attempts have been made this winter to break into different houses, but without success, though the public and private gardens suffered greatly during the autumn: And late on Sunday, the 15th instant, or early on Monday morning, three lamps were broken in and about the market place, by some wicked person or persons". Flogging is recommended as a punishment.
Among the ships taken by the Provincial (i.e. American) privateers of Providence between May and September was the Snow Eagle (of Whitehaven, Henry Barns) bound from Barbadoes to London. The captain and passengers of all ships were, as of 19 Oct, being held at Providence.
More on the Carlisle goal escapes: the two escaped together; officers sent by the sheriff of Edinburgh to take Bailey back there arrived after his escape (his fourth or fifth).
24 Dec 1776- MARRIED:
Lately at St. Mary's, Carlisle: Mr Philip Dobinson, tanner of Scotby near Carlisle, and Miss Deborah Holmes.
At Wetheral near Carlisle: John Garstide Esq. of Crumpsall near Manchester, and Miss Howard, daughter of Philip Howard Esq. of Corby Castle.
Thu of previous week, at Sebergham: Mr John Hodgson, surgeon of Carlisle, and Miss Esther Simpson, second daughter of John Simpson Esq. of Sebergham Hall.
24 Dec 1776- DIED:
Sun of previous week, at Forester-Fold near Wigton: Mr John Robinson.
Last week, suddenly: Mr William Bank "an eminent Architect in this Town"
At Carlisle: Mrs Eliz. Wilson "aged 78, who kept a distillery of simple herbs upwards of fifty years".
24 Dec 1776- SHIPPING:
ARRIVED: (Name, Master, From/to)
Dec 16: Hannah and Sally, Parker, Dumfries; Jane, McGowan, Wigton; James and Thomas, Benn, Londonderry
Dec 17: Mary and Betty, Eglon, Wigton; Nelly, Briggs, Water of Orr
Dec 18: Swallow, Irven, Workington; Jenny, Irven, Carlisle; Equity, Watson, x; Caesar, Grayson, Dublin; London, Shotten, Newcastle
Dec 19: Thomas, Heslop, Dumfries; Ann and Mary, Scrugham, Mary Port; James, Stephens, Duddon; Nelson, Bailey, Mary Port; Jenny, Linsey, Wigton; Friends, Fearon, Harrington; Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man; Friendsgoodwill, Fawcet, Mary Port; Betsy, Younghusband, Dublin; Matilda, Dickinson, Mary Port; Endeavour, Atkinson, Harrington; Speedwell, Jackson, Workington; Dash, Miller, Newry; Draper, Nelson, x; Mary, Waite, Mary Port; Gale, Temple, Harrington; Hope, Peters, Drougheda
Dec 20: Eubonia, Peet, Isle Man
Dec 22: Johanna, Fisher, Drougheda
Dec 16: Eagle Packet, Maxwell, Isle Man
Dec 17: George, Askew, x; Alfred, Penrice, Halifax; Boyne, Coulthard, Parton; James, Brownrigg, Liverpool; Nelly, Tear, Isle Man; Favourite, Barton, Wierwater; Hussar, Gurley, Seas; Jane and Mary, White, x; Allison, Bowman, x; William, Pennyman, x; Friends Adventure, Fleming, x; King George, Stockbridge, x; Prosperity, Piper, x; Curwen, Younghusband, x; William & Nancy, Cannon, x; William & Thomas, Piper, x; Seahorse, Watson, x; Wilson, Benson, x; Sedgwick, Welsh, x; Molly, Caffrey, x; Mary and Betty, Boadle, Dublin
Dec 18: Betty, Smith, Mary Port
Dec 21: Birmingham, Dockray, Carlisle
Dec 17: Boyne, Coulthard, Whitehaven
Dec 16: Success, Harris, Dublin
Dec 17: Pleasant, Dickinson, Dublin; Garlis, McGowan, Wigton
Dec 17: Diligence, McDowall, Wigton
Dec 18: Charming Jenny, McNish, Kirkcudbright; Jenny and Betty, Bell, Carlisle
Dec 19: Delight, Bulteel, x; Concord, Wilson, Cork; Britain, Harrison, Bangor
Dec 21: Unity, Westray, Dublin
Dec 16: Mermaid, Ruth, Lancaster; Providence, Brockbank, x; Industry, Hayston, Dublin
Dec 17: Swallow, Irving, Whitehaven; Diligence, Thompson, x; Matty, Halcrow, x; Clifton, Priestman, x; Endeavour, Pilkington, x; Providence, Tiffin, x; Three Brothers, Lawrence, x; Endeavour, Atkinson, Dublin; Deborah, Brockbank, x; James, Selby, Strangford
Dec 14: Sally, Bell, Dublin
Dec 15: Glorious Increase, Milliken, Cork
Dec 16: Etty, Tolson, Belfast
Dec 17: Peggy, Simond, Wigton
Dec 18: Betty, Smith, Whitehaven
Dec 19: Agnes & Betty, Bell, Belfast; Content, Bouch, Wigton
Dec 20: Nancy & Betty, Harrison, Castle Town
Dec 14: Welcome, Osborn, x; Cookson, Robinson, x; Favourite, Grave, x; Bella, Thursby, x; Providence, Wilson, x; Draper, Carter, Dublin
Dec 16: Hope, Inman, x; Phoenix, Metcalf, x; Forrester, Turner, Dublin
Dec 17: Thomas & Hannah, Wilson, x; Mary, Waite, x; Plain-dealer, Thompson, x; Morning Star, Messenger, x; Friends Goodwill, Fawcett, Dublin; Ranger, Graham, x; Tryal, Holiday, Kirkcudbright
Dec 18: Ruby, Scurr, x; Nelson, Baylies, x; Ann & Mary, Scrugham, x; Matilda, Dickinson, Dublin
Tue 10.03 morn; 10.31 eve
Wed 10.59 am; 12.27 pm [?mistake for 11.27]
Thu 11.53 am; 00.06 pm
Fri 00.28 am; 00.52 pm
Sat 01.18 am; 01.42 pm
Sun 02.00 am; 02.26 pm
Mon 02.47 am; 03.06 pm
31 Dec 1776:
Donald map as previously.
Workington properties as previously.
Wood-End properties as previously.
Bailey & Bowland escapes as previously.
"A PANACEA" for curing itches and skin rashes is "Prepared from the original receipt of a late eminent Physician, and sold by J. DUNN, Printer in WHITEHAVEN, with whom the Proprietor left full Power to promote the Distribution of this efficatious medicine, and make proper Allowance to those who choose to take a Quantity for Sale or Exportation.... For the Convenience of the PUBLIC this PANACEA (by Appointment of J. DUNN) is sold at one shilling the Box, with full and ample Directions, by Mrs HODGSON, Carlisle; Miss FURNASS, Wigton; Mr SOULBY, Penrith; Mr WALKER, Keswick; Mrs COWLEY, Cockermouth; Mr HOLYDAY, Mary-Port; Mr FISHER, Harrington; Mr DICKENSON, Egremont; Mr PARKE, Carrier, Ulverstone; and by the Distributors of this Paper."
A Commission of Bankrupt has been issued against John Robson, jeweller, dealer & chapman of Carlisle. He is to surrender himself to the Commissioners on Jan 13 and 14, and Feb 7, at 10 am, at the Blue Bell in Carlisle (Ann Norman's) to make a full disclosure of his estate and effects; at which times creditors should also attend to prove their debts. Assignees will be chosen at the second sitting. Those inebted to Robson, or in possession of any of his effects, should give notice to Mr Richard Lowthain, attorney of Carlisle.
A few HOGSHEADS of very choice JAMES RIVER LEAF, for SALE.
Are wanted to go a single Voyage, in different Ships, apply to SAMUEL MARTIN Esq., in LOWTHER STREET."
Dated Whitehaven, Dec 28
Any Person wanting to borrow FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, upon a good Mortgage, may be supplied therewith by applying to Mr THOMAS WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, in Cockermouth.
N.B. The Money above-mentioned will be divided if required."
The Snow CERES,
WILL sail FOR Whitehaven, about the 15th of January next, any Persons having Goods to ship, are desired to apply to Captain MARSHALL, at Bristol.
For further Information inquire of
FLETCHERS, & Co. Whitehaven."
[ILLUSTRATED with picture of ship]
"Wanted immediately,
A Servant Woman, if middle Aged, the better, to act in the joint Capacity of House-keeper, Cook, and Chamber-maid to a Gentleman in the Country: She must produce undeniable Proof of the Abilities above, joined with that of Good-Temper.
Wanted immediately, a Servant Man, or Boy, to wait upon a single Gentleman, he must have been used to wait at Table and take due Care of a Horse. He must bring an undoubted Character of his Fidelity, Sobriety, and Good-Temper, any such will meet with proper Encouragement. Inquire of the Printer of this Paper."
THEATRE, Concert of music, with "A TRAGEDY, called, DOUGLAS.... With SCOTCH MUSIC between the ACTS composed by DAVID RIZZO." plus, again, "The Sister Witches..."
31 Dec 1776- NEWS:
"The market, on Monday the 23d instant, at Broughton, in Lancashire, was the greatest ever remembered by the oldest person in that neighburhood, for the sale of woollen yarn; upwards of thirty packs, each pack containing fifteen stone, at fourteen pounds to the stone, were sold for ready money, the principal part of which was purchased by Mr Wakefield, of Kendal. Hard yarn sold from 11s to 12s 6d. Soft yarn from 13s to 13s 6d."
"Last Thursday the Monarch, a fine new vessel of 82 foot keel and pierced for 20 guns, the property of Mr James Spedding, was launched from the rising ground near the North-Wall; the cradle being a considerable length, the launch afforded an agreeable prospect, to a great number of spectators."
31 Dec 1776- MARRIED:
Lately: Charles Kinsey esq., of Lower Charlotte-Street, Soho, London, to Miss Rudd, of Kirkby-Stephen, Westmorland.
Thursday last, by the Rev Mr Spedding: Mr John Perrie to Mrs Ann Chambers.
31 Dec 1776- DIED:
Last week, at St. Bees: Mr John Hudson, "many Years an eminent Grocer, in this Town."
No room for shipping lists this week
31 Dec 1776- HIGH WATER AT WHITEHAVEN, Dec 31 - Jan 6:
Tue 03.38 morn, 04.00 eve
Wed 04.19 am, 04.41 pm
Thu 05.00 am, 05.22 pm
Fri 05.41 am, 06.05 pm
Sat 06.24 am, 06.46 pm
Sun 07.08 am, 07.32 pm
Mon 07.56 am, 08.20 pm